Incidentally, I'm on route B at the moment. There's no obscure requirements for any of the main routes (C, D or E) is there? (Spoiler free please for obvious reasons)
Nope. It's obvious when you get to them.
The only significant ending that has some sort of requirement is Ending Y.
No, it leads to the same outcomeSo I'm at the beginning of the game in the desert area.just before fighting the naked guy. Before that there were tons of spots in the desert where you can fight machines and it on designated areas. I didn't get to complete them because the game locked me on the running machine. Did I miss anything?
I've loving route A so far! It's more just being in this wonderfully crafted world and enjoying the simple pleasures.
You get new content for the segments where 9S is missing during Route A.
What's the deal with the (route A)It's got an enemy marker on it, but I can't do anything to it. I'm on route B.statue in the amusement park?
The game is anything but a waste of time. In fact, it's made me feel like the games i put on hold (Zelda and HZD) were the waste of time. You owe it to yourself to finish it. Whether you end up liking it or not, it is an important game and worth discussion .
The intro to C is short, anyway. If you can't persevere, I don't know what to say. You're not going to get any sympathy from anyone who used to play NES games and die at the final boss.
I mean...your opinion won't change. You don't like it now and are waiting for a moment for it to have all these things you'll like but if you haven't found those things yet you won't find them now or later. The twists and crazy shit only work if you care or are invested in the people/things they're happening to. Otherwise it's just big action with no weight.
And that's cool, the game didn't work for you or click with you. Happens to me a lot actually. But I don't feel like trying to push through is the best answer. I've also done that and I don't feel like it was worth the time spent when I could've just played something else. Normally just leaves me bored or irritated. I'm not sure I gained anything from it.
Obviously that's just me and advice tho. If you wanna soldier through and keep playing do it! Whatever floats your enormous mechanical body.
Cool, hopefully you can see it through to ending E. It all makes up an interesting experience. Overall, it may not end up being your "Cup of Tea" but you are almost done. It's worth discussing and thinking about even if you didn't love the game. The characters never quite reached the height of those in the first game but the bigger picture is more interesting. Hopefully there will be some good analysis vids on youtube to compile a lot of the stuff many have missed. It's kind of like watching ghost in the shell for the first time. It's borderline art house and there is so much crammed into its 82 min runtime that multiple viewings and analysis is almost compulsory to get the most out of itI've been persevering since the start of the game since I wasn't 100% sold on it. Something just feels boring about it and I feel so disconnected from the story and characters.
Anyway I tried to soldier on, swallow my frustration and repeated the intro with auto-chips. Worked pretty well. Last chance for this game to win me over.
I didn'tkill Pascal or delete his memories and just got out of the door.
Was what I did wrong?
I didn'tkill Pascal or delete his memories and just got out of the door.
Was what I did wrong?
I did this the first time.
You monster.
I agree. In Nier (Especially since he just started C) it's like turning back when you've already swam across 2/3rds of the lake. He is so close and the final endings will recontextualize the entire journey. Just as some films are "mandatory" viewing if you're into movies, I feel both nier games are mandatory experiences for those into games. Even if you don't love Nier in the end, you will take something positive away from it and it will most likely affect how you think about the medium going forward.Nier's one of those few games where I truly feel like one wouldn't be in the "wrong" to press someone (up to a certain point) to finish it all. As opposed to a lot of other games where yea, you don't have to push it so hard just because you like it. Unless they just loathe the gameplay itself; if that's the case, then yea, I can't do anything about that.
Uhhhhhhhhh what the hell, I was exploring a bit to complete some stuff and I found a secret area that is fucking enormous what the hellllllllll
which area u mean exactly?
What's the best chapter to try to getto spawn in certain locations?Emil
So, I just carried on and finished route A. It seemed a bit rushed/odd? Still, it was nice... nothing earth shattering. There are still so many questions left unanswered, but of course, that's probably what the other routes are for. Will start on B tomorrow.
A few hours into route B and I have a questionAre the sidequests given by operator 60 to 2B that I skipped lost forever? I was hoping to do most of the sidequests in the final route :/
Does thechanges for everyone at the start of Route C or only for the ones that completedmain menu background?Emil's quest
Oh my god this back and forth boss fight is so fucking hype