cm osi
DLC can't come soon enough.
What do you guys hope for DLC?
where's my boy Caim outfit
DLC can't come soon enough.
What do you guys hope for DLC?
i got [e]. can i mostly safely decamp to the spoiler thread now?
Is there a preferred order toat the start of Route C?choose between A2 and 9S
How long is a single playthrough? And do all routes take the same?
This game is totally the other side of the coin of FFXV.
Nier:A is probably what I was expecting FF to go, in terms of themes, wrting quality and good plot.
And when I finished XV the more I thought about the game the more dissapointed I was, with Nier:A the more I thought about it the more I like it and the more I think is definetly GOTY and possibly GOTG for me. Yes, I liked it more than Zelda.
This game is totally the other side of the coin of FFXV.
Nier:A is probably what I was expecting FF to go, in terms of themes, wrting quality and good plot.
And when I finished XV the more I thought about the game the more dissapointed I was, with Nier:A the more I thought about it the more I like it and the more I think is definetly GOTY and possibly GOTG for me. Yes, I liked it more than Zelda.
I think you're giving Square-Enix way too much credit if you expected that from FFXV.
Be it Tabata + Itamuro or Nomura + Nojima, even though I think both teams can make great games, I would never expect a story/writing on the level of a Nier game from either of them, to be honest.
And I say this as someone who thinks KH II is one of the best games ever made, and I'm incredibly excited for KH III and FFVII Remake (GOTY 2038 and 2090).
I dunno. I don't see Nier as a good replacement FF.
I do think FF should approach Nier style of writing in it's story (although talking solely about characters I'm not ashamed to think I enjoyed Noctis and the gang more than 2B and 9S so far, story is way better on Nier though that's for sure), while maybe approaching FF12 in terms of gameplay (both Nier:A and FF15 failed at open world design IMO, and Nier is full on action and you can see how people dislike that on FFs).
Were are you? Because the dynamics between 2B and 9S ends way more powerful and meaningful than anything in the XV gang.
IS not that expected XV to be like Nier, more like I wanted FF, the series, to explore some of the themes Nier:A does.
Midway through Route B. My problem is that the cast isn't very likeable, especially 2B that is just plain boring. 9S is better though, and he makes 2B a lil more tolerable lol
FFXV story was absolutely shit and the secondary characters (Luna, etc) were bad beyond repair but I found the bros very likeable, even if their interactions between them weren't fleshed enough (probably less than Nier:A).
Yeah this is what I meant and what I really agree. Some nice themes in both Niers that should be explored more in RPGs (especially japanese ones). Even something minor like the (route B spoilers)is really good stuff.Simone backstory about how she tried to be pretty because that what she learned from humans and how useless it ended up being
you'd miss the thematic point of the game.yea, i had the same issue. it's definitely the lowest point of the game.
Pretty much in the same boatThis game is totally the other side of the coin of FFXV.
Nier:A is probably what I was expecting FF to go, in terms of themes, wrting quality and good plot.
And when I finished XV the more I thought about the game the more dissapointed I was, with Nier:A the more I thought about it the more I like it and the more I think is definetly GOTY and possibly GOTG for me. Yes, I liked it more than Zelda.
What? Horizon has way more boring fetch quests... I love HZD but it is full of shitty quests that add less to their respective worldI have to say the open world stuff is starting to burn me out already.
I'm only in Route A still and just saw A2 but the side mission stuff is just not that rewarding and just kills the pacing (as always in open worlds these days). Have seen people say it gets god tier later but that's the olde FFXIII argument and still not a good thing imo.
I loved the demo as well. One of the big reasons was it wasn't open world and had great, well paced, set pieces and moments.
Going to give it another go now and just skip the side content. Seen folk say B is much better more of the same so we'll see how it goes.
I just wished it wasn't open world tbh. Far too many games just fall into the classic pitfalls of that design and it's all getting a bit too much (especially after playing Horizon, which just nailed it).
How long is a single playthrough? And do all routes take the same?
You will be ashamed of your words and deeds... There is a reason for it all.Midway through Route B. My problem is that the cast isn't very likeable, especially 2B that is just plain boring. 9S is better though, and he makes 2B a lil more tolerable lol
FFXV story was absolutely shit and the secondary characters (Luna, etc) were bad beyond repair but I found the bros very likeable, even if their interactions between them weren't fleshed enough (probably less than Nier:A).
Yeah this is what I meant and what I really agree. Some nice themes in both Niers that should be explored more in RPGs (especially japanese ones). Even something minor like the (route B spoilers)is really good stuff. I do think Nier 1 is better story wise that almost all FF's if only because how powerfulSimone backstory about how she tried to be pretty because that what she learned from humans and how useless it ended up beingis.the story of both Niers and their fall in their shared objective
I will say there was a part where I discovered something as 9SIs there a preferred order toat the start of Route C?choose between A2 and 9S
I istintivelybut i hope i didn't screw up the logical thread of some cutscenes.went with Nines
What? Horizon has way more boring fetch quests... I love HZD but it is full of shitty quests that add less to their respective world
I just got to ending A and the game has been pretty disappointing coming from the first Nier. Dull characters, a dull setting, terrible antagonists (those twins..ugh, I don't even want to see them return for their inevitable backstories), and an open world that is largely meaningless. The side quests have been pretty bereft of much narrative either, but that's not much different from the first game. Hopefully that really was just the prologue because I keep waiting for Yoko Taro stuff to happen. Right now it feels like Nier with better combat, but a worse cast of characters and far less panache.
Yeah, i can agree that it was integrated pretty organically. Zelds's is done well too. I'm getting sick of open world games but somehow Automata felt more like a hub world. Like the first game or OoT. I got yakuza vibes too, since it was a smaller, more intimate area that I got attached to.For me Horizon was better paced in how it managed side quests and main stuff mingled together. I found it was breadcrumbed better. That being said there was some moments later in the game where it was a bit much yeah. Certainly the best recent example of how to manage this stuff though imo (not played Zelda yet).
Will the OST be on Spotify once it's out?
3) All but like 2 items show up at vendors by the end of the game. When maxing out all weapons, I had to do like 2 seconds of additional farming since Simple Gadgets dont show up at vendors, and I couldnt find somewhere to buy small gears. The game actually remained fun throughout the 100% run. (well near 100%, I didnt catch every fish, and im short 4 unit data.)
I will say there was a part where I discovered something as 9SSo there is an order, but I'll just say the effect was probably worse becausebecause I made a point to reactivate the downed terminals immediately, but that something didn't happen until I played as A2.I knew what had to happen when I got there as A2.
I went all the way thru the factory as soon as I started the first real mission, but the original body is not there.
I guess I need to wait till after I do something else for it to show up.
My game just crashed in the machine village.![]()
I'm outside at the place the 11B body shows up in this video, but it's not here.
Route C helpIs there any way to save before the bossfight in the second resource unit? Please don't tell me I have to do all those hacking minigames again just to be killed in two hits by the boss :/
Finally, I got the all achievements. And oh wow, that was a very beautiful game. I haven't had this much fun since Metal Gear Rising!
This game will be remembered as one of the best games this generation
Route C
How the heck do you get this chest? Am I supposed to jump on that ledge from the stairs?
Guys, what's your favorite song of this game? (Not including songs from the original NieR, like Song of the Ancients, Kaine or Emil's songs.)
Awesome, I'm on Route C, nipped to get a drink while I booted up the game from the Ps4 main menu and just realised. Small thing but very cool. I came back and was like wtfthey even updated the intro trailer thing that plays after idle at the title screen
(no explicit plot spoilers in the tags, just being mindful)
Guys, what's your favorite song of this game? (Not including songs from the original NieR, like Song of the Ancients, Kaine or Emil's songs.)
No, not really. But it sure took me a lot of time ;-;I take a wild guess and say you just bought them.![]()