Start using spears as 9S.
Thank me later
Ive been using a heavy sword, i dont think it even hits stuff half the time. Mostly spamming abilities with a levelled up fast cooldown and hacking.
Start using spears as 9S.
Thank me later
Start using spears as 9S.
Thank me later
oh shit this was one thing I really missed from the first gamecharge spear attack + 9S = same shit with Original Nier with Triangle + Spear.
Translation: Overpower.
Yeah. It's a distance attack and it does so, so much damage. Once I figured out how to use hacking as tactical explosions for crowd control, spear for attacking, and Pod B for surpressive fire, it clicked.charge spear attack + 9S = same shit with Original Nier with Triangle + Spear.
Translation: Overpower.
Asking a question is getting defensive now?
Anyways, the gist of it is... the game resonated with a lot of people, regardless of whether or not it actually did something new.
I feel like some people have this attitude of "Why do you like this thing that I don't like?" Everybody has got different tastes and certain things resonate more with them. Original Nier is a special game to me and so this game resonates way more with me that it will with others. Some could care less about these characters. I cared about pretty much every single one of them. You don't like it that's cool but don't act like were just blowing smoke up your ass. Also realize that every story has already been told. It's not the story it is how you tell it. In my opinion this story is well told.
What I liked about the game is that it expressed its themes and narrative in a way that could only be a video game. A lot of great game stories could function equally well as a film, because that's what the story is: a bunch of cutscenes.Sorry I unfairly lumped you together with other members of the defense force. My bad.
yet still I definitely remember a post stating that the game elevates the themes it discusses. This is what actually made me m continue to play the game.
Man can this 2nd playthrough go any slower?
Combat definitely isn't the game's strongest point.
I got that glitch in the fight too, right at the beginning. Fight was pretty easy by the time I got around to his final form though
And because you say they are there for you means they are issues for everyone? Some say Jaws has pacing issues, while most agree the pacing is great. Who's right? It's all opinion.It's not just 'opinion'. The game has issues with pacing and characterization. You being able to look past these issues does not suddenly make them less severe for others.
Pacing is hard to account for in a game anyway. I went and did almost all the sidequests as they were made available to me. So Route A, by itself, took 15+ hours for me. Someone else could ignore all that and beat part one in under 10 hours. You can also skip cutscenes and advance dialog faster than characters speak. You can muck around in the menus and read all the extra material or ignore it all.And because you say they are there for you means they are issues for everyone? Some say Jaws has pacing issues, while most agree the pacing is great. Who's right? It's all opinion.
I finished this game a few hours ago and it was goddamn amazing! I generally don't like open world games because their bloated size ultimately makes them tedious to play, but there more than enough good stuff to counterbalance the open world stuff. A lot of those sidequests should not be skipped.
Oh, and I think I ruined most of the game's challenge for myself. Power+Crit+Life Drain is an absurdly good combo, especially if you use a Critical+ weapon.
Dammit these guys trip more than a Brawl character.
If I knew the game had such amazing chips, maybe I would've tried it in Hard mode after all.
I could've sworn someone said there was a way to make them not trip though...
Oh, it gets worse. I had the chips that slow down time near enemy projectiles and the other that slows time for 2.5 seconds when you dodge with perfect timing. Even on Hard you just tap dance on skulls.
I know they'll trip over bushes and debris on the floor, so as long as you avoid those you can keep your speed up.
Route A took me 25ish hours because I did a good chunk of quests and explored every inch of the map for secrets. I loved reading all the intel, item descrptions and weapon stories. I loved the pacing as much as my friend who did it in 10hrs. I felt more connected to the world and characters because of route B and getting all the dialogue and story beats again allowed them to sink in and permeate. I liked the mystery being slowly revealed and appreciated my time spent in this game. I guess it's not a valid opinion, though, because someone said so on the internetPacing is hard to account for in a game anyway. I went and did almost all the sidequests as they were made available to me. So Route A, by itself, took 15+ hours for me. Someone else could ignore all that and beat part one in under 10 hours. You can also skip cutscenes and advance dialog faster than characters speak. You can muck around in the menus and read all the extra material or ignore it all.
Add to that pacing being subjective and I've always found "pacing" as a critique lacking unless it's explained further.
Yea Overclock. I had all of those great chips, but I was too used to Normal, so I never bothered to change it. I probably should've tried it out at least...
As for the tripping, I swear I recall saying there was a way to make sure you don't trip over stuff period, rather than you just avoiding debris and what not.
Wow, really? Maybe it's a chip because I don't see how else you'd avoid tripping entirely.
And because you say they are there for you means they are issues for everyone? Some say Jaws has pacing issues, while most agree the pacing is great. Who's right? It's all opinion.
Think we just got good at avoiding it because I noticed I never tripped late games.Well I've yet to see anyone ever bring it up since then, so I probably misread the post lol
I assumed it was some dumb status effect from one of his attacks because it was like he swung at me right as the fight started and my character froze for 5 secondsYou're the only other person I've heard has been having this glitch. I've tried googling for it, but haven't found anyone else. I thought for a while there was something wrong with my PS4. Specifically, what seems to be causing the glitch is long fights where I have to go into the menu frequently to apply buff items. Pretty consistently, after around 20-25 minutes I get the glitch. My tactic for this battle is to constantly have the attack and defense boosts active. The defense boost is the only thing that will keep me from not dying in one attack. So, if anyone from Square-Enix or Platinum is reading this thread (lol) please fix
As long as you can argue for both sides with a reasonable argument, it's not just opinion.
I can't see an argument that illustrates why the pacing for automata works in its favor other than 'I liked it' which, as said, is just opinion. Can't argue that.
Well I've yet to see anyone ever bring it up since then, so I probably misread the post lol
Lol, I think I might have posted that as a joke. Something about have you upgraded the locomotion chip, lol![]()
Game crash during Ending E. I want to die
No matter how well you argue something, it's still going to be an opinion. Unless you have some science or something to back it up. I'm not sure you're going to be able to scientifically prove to us that Nier has bad pacing or characterization.
Game crash during Ending E. I want to die
GTX 1060 6GB
Windows 10
It was going so well too
What was the deal with thatin the Forest, indinosaur type enemy?chapter 3
I wrapped up my first run, and eager to start the B route this evening. Definitely loving the game thus far. There's several things I'm already suspicious of, so I'm eager to if they go any where.
Some machines are starting to act like beasts.
As long as you can argue for both sides with a reasonable argument, it's not just opinion.
I can't see an argument that illustrates why the pacing for automata works in its favor other than 'I liked it' which, as said, is just opinion. Can't argue that.
It's not just 'opinion'. The game has issues with pacing and characterization. You being able to look past these issues does not suddenly make them less severe for others.
It's not just 'opinion'. The game has issues with pacing and characterization. You being able to look past these issues does not suddenly make them less severe for others.
Eve's voice actor is the one who voiced Noctis? Lol I didn't even notice.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything and it'll take a few days for it all to sink in.