Could always skip it, it's not that important other than the song that plays at the end.
But then I'll be stuck at 59/60 quests complete...
Could always skip it, it's not that important other than the song that plays at the end.
The OST is $28USD off CD Japan with the hacking disc as well. Seems like the cheapest option.
Just finish story A. Very good though the bosses weren't as good as I was expecting. Let's see what the rest of the game has to offer
I can't believe something like Reconnaissance Squad is a quest. I'm stuck on 89% unit data and can't get some of the more rare ones to spawn. This isn't fun.
Apologies for a question that's probably been asked a bunch...
Regarding an ending.
Is there a wayto get ending E to show up on my save file or do I have to do that last?
I have tried completing the credits section, but if I refuse to delete my save it just boots me out with nothing to show for it.
This sound very good, I hope it'll get us a Nier Remaster. Could also use a PC port too.Steam is near 200k
Japan is around 270k
No idea on US, EU, OTHER sales.
I don't think so.
Also,deleting your save file isn't for you, it's for other players and you can get 100% without deleting. You don't get the prompt until after the credits part is done.
Wait, what?I don't think so.
Also,deleting your save file isn't for you, it's for other players and you can get 100% without deleting. You don't get the prompt until after the credits part is done.
Just finished Route A and watching the credits roll.
Holy shit. That's all I can say.
And that notification from Square Enix? LOL I love it.
Let start again, shall we?
EDIT: Took me 25 hours to finish Route A, however I did the majority of the side quests, leaving only Red and White Belt Dojo Master and Speed Star.
Lucky I was on 92 percent when I got the quest so not much grinding on my part.But then I'll be stuck at 59/60 quests complete...
It only gets better from there. So much better.
I'd like to add to the question and ask if the same changes happened in the songQuestion.Early-ish game spoilers.So like in the Japanese version, what do they say instead of "THIS CANNOT CONTINUE" in the song? Is it in English or Japanese?
The gold bots are stupidly tough and are basically designed for 9S. There's kind of an unmarked quest regarding them. The ravine boss is level 50 and on a Route A encounter is going to take forever. I came back on route B and he was easy when I was around his level.So what is up with this game and its random tendency to spawn in dudes that just have fucking stupidly long health bars for no other reason than to burn time?
The rando big bot in the ravine I swear to god I waylayed him for what seemed like an hour. If it was doing more damage I just would have bailed and came back later, but he barely scratched me and once I started in on him I was like "fuck it, gonna have to do this shit anyways might as well end it now".
Then on the first official trip to the flooded city that dumb ass little bot that's the generic cannon fodder dude for the entire game that took I swear like 20 mins of waylaying to kill. why. No other enemies in the area were like that...he was spitting fire at me, but good god I wanted to slap the hell out of someone for designing that fight like that. It wasn't fun at all, just tedious button mashing while I tried not to fall asleep countering him.
I'm not really upset at the game or anything, but good fucking lord who thought this was a good idea? Your gameplay is great PG don't get me wrong, but that doesn't mean I want to fight the same enemy that has a groundbreaking 2 attacks that I've been fighting carbon copies of for the last 12 hours for 20 fucking mins for no other reason than someone decided it was a good idea to multiply his health bar by 1000.
Question.Early-ish game spoilers.So like in the Japanese version, what do they say instead of "THIS CANNOT CONTINUE" in the song? Is it in English or Japanese?
Could be for show or people getting 1 hit ko.I wonder why there was so many dead bodies of players in theboss fight. He was relatively easy compared to the others. His attacks are so telegraphed that I can beat him with just one hand.adam
Then it ends up being an April fools prank.![]()
Does this include the 8 bit tracks because that's A lot of songs. I also want them as my ring tone.
Hahah. I assume they mean the same thing?
Think it damages them if you go through them. This is judging by the boss fight.Route C question
What's the point of A2's red dash?
The gold bots are stupidly tough and are basically designed for 9S. There's kind of an unmarked quest regarding them. The ravine boss is level 50 and on a Route A encounter is going to take forever. I came back on route B and he was easy when I was around his level.
And that notification from Square Enix? LOL I love it.
Mind is being prepared for shipment too. I seriously cannot wait to get this thing in my hands.![]()
The Hacking Tracks is a first-press bonus CD that comes with pre-orders as well as all early copies. It's one disc for a total of 16 tracks, so with the OST itself (when pre-ordered through the applicable stores), you get four discs full of Nier Automata greatness.Does this include the 8 bit tracks because that's A lot of songs. I also want them as my ring tone.
Their loss really.Reading some steam reviews here and there some people didn't heed that warning.![]()
Final boss of the first path? Eve. The last part where you're basically stumbling around. I'm on move, firing away yet can't seem to survive to do enough damage to finish the fight. I'm level 22. Am I just under leveled for the fight? Cause I'm pretty close to throwing in the towel with the game. Boss fights are so up and down. Some are stupid easy. Others just kill ya over. And seriously. This save system is punishing as hell.
What difficulty are you on? Hard can be a pain I found out, and has a lot of weird difficulty spikes with one hit kills. I switched to normal a couple times when it got to the point of "Ya I'm not repeating all that again"
I think I'm on normal? It just feels like I haven't done enough leveling or something to that extent. God forbid I just switch it to easy.
I can't remember what level I was. You might wanna take a look at redoing your chips.
Final boss of the first path? Eve. The last part where you're basically stumbling around. I'm on move, firing away yet can't seem to survive to do enough damage to finish the fight. I'm level 22. Am I just under leveled for the fight? Cause I'm pretty close to throwing in the towel with the game. Boss fights are so up and down. Some are stupid easy. Others just kill ya over. And seriously. This save system is punishing as hell.
It saw Shin Godzilla, lol.![]()
Is there a non spoiler guide for the location of pods and weapons?
Is there a non spoiler guide for the location of pods and weapons?
Is there a non spoiler guide for the location of pods and weapons?