Have you tried going to the guy near the desert to buy healing items?
I can't go out of the mission perimeter lol.
Did the devs not think of such a situation ? I was definitely not ready
for two bosses in a row.
Have you tried going to the guy near the desert to buy healing items?
Why did 9S lose interest in 2B ending?!
I think I'm screwed and can't finish the game ...
I'm fighting this short haired robot guy. Everyone in the resistance camp is dead and I don't have any healing items left. And I don't have a save file before the mission started so there is no one around to sell some items. I'm literally screwed.
At least you have all that money to make you feel better
In my first playthrough of route A I somehow just never thought about selling stuff till towards the end and I instantly made like $700k.
I had like 50+ machine cores at the end of my trophy hunting and sold them all for final shopping purposes
Had like $800,000+ lol
So I think I finished am I right that Path Eonly amounts to the cutscene shmup game, and the pod cutscene with 2B/9S/A2 being put back together?
I didn't even do the trophies 100% legit but I'm glad it was an optionI was doing the100% fishing data and by the end of it I got like 1.5mil, it was long and was mainly doing it via remote play on vita while reading other stuff.
I take it you weren't one of us tearing up during most of that sequence?
That's probably the most reductive I've seen anyone ever write it but I guess you are right.![]()
I mean I found the end of C fucking amazing, but for whatever reason expected Eto have gameplay other than a 20 minute halfbaked shmup section
I mean I found the end of C fucking amazing, but for whatever reason expected Eto have gameplay other than a 20 minute halfbaked shmup section
What was the point of Adam and Eve? Even after ending E they feel like awful undeveloped villans
Is it necessary to do all side quests to get all of the endings?
I understand all that, I'm not sure why you think otherwise?The route/ending terminology is confusing. There'sroutes and3endings, and we refer to them all as "routes" for some reason. But Route263 leads to endings C, D, and E
That's all fine and dandy butIts meant tobe a complete bookend to all the themes of the game and as a interesting take on 2B's starting speech. Its hardly "halfbaked". The whole point is that you are fighting against the "gods" (read: developers) in order to give the androids another chance in a new war cycle. That's why fighting Square Enix LLC and Business Division VI are the hardest parts.
The part about gaining help and letting other help you in your struggle is purely thematic,
as is the selfless sacrifice at the end.
But I guess that goes over some people's heads![]()
I mean I found the end of C fucking amazing, but for whatever reason expected Eto have gameplay other than a 20 minute halfbaked shmup section
I understand all that, I'm not sure why you think otherwise?
That's all fine and dandy buta 20 minute poorly designed shmup section is a terrible ending to an absolutely fantastic game.
Equip an Auto-heal chip? They should prevent you from dying pretty handily any time your health gets low, and you should have plenty of healing items on hand at that point. If not, just blow a few thousand at the next shop. Money should not be a concern at this point.
Yeah, I understand that /now/. I did not expect it afterBut you don't understand it.Ending E is an epilogue. It's not meant to be a route with gameplay, it's just a thematic bookend to the game. The ending of the game is the end of Route C.
One thing that i super set myself up for disappoint was seeing a glimpse of thethe first few times and all i could think waslittle girl hologramHERE WE GO. :/WAIT THAT'S MANAH THAT'S TOTALLY MANAH
How is the PC port? I feel like I remember reading it was buggy when it came out but I could be mistaken.
Yup they felt undercooked to me too. I wish we got more of them and A2.What was the point of Adam and Eve? Even after ending E they feel like awful undeveloped villans
If you have a powerful enough PC and download the F.A.R mod, then it's pretty good.
I would rather it was done in a way other than the worst single gameplay segment in the entire game followed by a short cutscene.
Yup they felt undercooked to me too. I wish we got more of them and A2.
Yeah, I understand that /now/. I did not expect it afterThe cutscene with 2B's sword at the end of C, the somewhat ambiguous end to D, and the praise people had given it. I know exactly what it's designed to be, I know exactly what the themes therein are and why they're relevant to the story. I would rather it was done in a way other than the worst single gameplay segment in the entire game followed by a short cutscene.
They aren't meant to be "normal" villains.
Basically if we talk about them as characters in a vacuum, you might be right.
But, they aren't. They exist as an extension of the themes presented throughout routes A and B. Much like the orgy, the carnival, the opera singer, the twisted religion, pascal's village, and even Yorha itself, Adam and Eve aren't "Villains" but rather theme devices.
They have more depth than people realize, since they basically exist as 2 halves of a whole representing the idea of "hate" as one of humanities "gifts". One represents hate in wrt the intellectual. Purely mechanical hatred; curiosity. The other represents the emotion aspect of hate. Purely emotional hatred; love lost.
The moment you stop thinking of them as "villain characters" and think of them as greater concepts behind the machine network is when you see their greater depth.
We can also see that fight in 9s' memories as an extension of them too. Since that fight is basically a mishmash of adam and eve, but its really 2B in 9S's memories. Its about 9S perverting his memories of his love for 2B into one of pure hatred; what adam and eve represent. 9S has basically become an embodiment of both emotional (love lost) hatred and intellectual ("the machines exist really don't have anything more to them") hatred
Lol I was close to adding in a disclaimer that I don't care for content outside of the game. As far as Nier: Automata goes, not the entire franchise, A2 is somewhat unsatisfactory.I believe A2 was mostly covered in the play that Yoko Taro did, previous to the release of NieR.
Haven't watched it though...At most we know if it as Pearl Harbor
the protagonist is named "2B" (to be), and "9S" (Nein ist, German for "is not"), and "A2" (et tu, as in Caesar's famous last words, "et tu, Brute?").
"9S" (Nein ist, German for "is not")
So now that I have finished and am about to start a brand new playthrough, I just want to say that this is my favorite game of all time. I am 31 years old and I just played what I believe gave me the best experience I have ever had with a game. I could point to the combat, movement, story, characters, "enemy", whatever. Everything in this game I love. Super Mario World, you had a good run. To #2 you go!
That's interesting. I'm about 8 hours into route A (I just finished the33 year old here. For the complete package I might agree with you. The gameplay is fun, the soundtrack and how it scores the game is phenomenal, the writing is tight and packed with meaning, it's definitely the most thought provoking game I can remember playing. In terms of games a story telling medium it's definitely #1, in front of Yoko Taro's other games and the Metal Gear series.
I think in terms of gameplay systems I have a handful that beat it but if we were to weigh all things equal Automata is quite the contender.
Not that it matters ultimately, but curious to see how it does in people's GoTYs. I almost wish it didn't come out the same year as Yakuza 0, Horizon, Zelda and Persona 5. I want it to have as much of the spotlight as possible and for the world to be exposed to it. But the reviews were solid and I'm hearing a lot of games media talk highly of it.
That's interesting. I'm about 8 hours into route A (I just finished theand I'm finding the combat far simpler than basically every platinum game, the stuttering distracting as hell, and the occasional frustrating areas (seriously I went around that above area like three or four times before I figured out where to go) annoying as hell. The plot seems interesting so far though, and the music is phenomenal.religious area where they all go nuts in the factory and you have to escape
Frankly, where I'm at I think it's kinda been overrated if anything. It's good, but not great and the jank is really distracting. How far in am I?
I definitely plan to keep playing. About how long does it take to get to Route C? And how far through Route A do you think I am? I definitely don't think that the game is BAD and I do like it, I'm just not feeling it as much as everyone else seems to be. I want it to be a little deeper, especially in combat.Come back after you get to Route C. If that doesn't get you hooked, burn the game box and wait for Persona 5, I guess.
You're very close to beating route A. Route B rehashes a lot of A, but was substantially quicker imoI definitely plan to keep playing. About how long does it take to get to Route C? And how far through Route A do you think I am? I definitely don't think that the game is BAD and I do like it, I'm just not feeling it as much as everyone else seems to be. I want it to be a little deeper, especially in combat.
The dev team sings a song and you call it half-baked? smh, lol.I mean I found the end of C fucking amazing, but for whatever reason expected Eto have gameplay other than a 20 minute halfbaked shmup section
I definitely plan to keep playing. About how long does it take to get to Route C? And how far through Route A do you think I am? I definitely don't think that the game is BAD and I do like it, I'm just not feeling it as much as everyone else seems to be. I want it to be a little deeper, especially in combat.
I definitely plan to keep playing. About how long does it take to get to Route C? And how far through Route A do you think I am? I definitely don't think that the game is BAD and I do like it, I'm just not feeling it as much as everyone else seems to be. I want it to be a little deeper, especially in combat.
Okay, Route B is fucking cool so far.
I remember wondering why 9S even bothered to mention the whole thing was being recorded. Guess I know now!
Speaking of which, I think I ran into a glitch regarding above. The cursor started bugging out during that portion and wouldn't let me proceed. I thought it was some international Taro craziness going onnat first, but nope. Now I have to start from the beginning again. Fuck.
Let me put it this way, Route A is the low point for most. Its pretext, don't think of it as a complete normal game route, its not designed like that.
Everyone started feeling the game when they clued into what route B was doing and when route C started.
Okay, cool. Thanks for the heads up! I'm glad to know I'm nearing the end so I can see what else this game is offering. About how many hours do you think if I'm just mainlining it?You're not feeling it because you're only in route A. The combat I can agree, particularly the encounters, but you don't have to worry about the story missing expectations, assuming you empathize with the themes the game is trying to present to you as a player (and as a human).
You're near the end of route A, though.