I went from really liking it in Route A and B to hating it once I finished all A to E endings.
Just wondering, why? Normally it's the opposite.
I went from really liking it in Route A and B to hating it once I finished all A to E endings.
Just wondering, why? Normally it's the opposite.
You know, ("joke" ending spoiler)I never played Undertale, but I always thought that people saying they didn't want to do the Genocide run because of how much they liked the characters sounded ridiculous. So I've been informed that you get an ending by killing everyone in Pascal's village, and decided to do it. I saved right before that, and loaded the save instantly after, but it still felt wrong. I honestly felt terrible doing it, and continued to feel terrible after that, for quite a while.
Thankfully, there were a couple of hilarious sidequests there on route B and it got me laughing again.
I never thought I would ever feel that way for killing NPCs. I need to play Undertale.
You know, ("joke" ending spoiler)I never played Undertale, but I always thought that people saying they didn't want to do the Genocide run because of how much they liked the characters sounded ridiculous. So I've been informed that you get an ending by killing everyone in Pascal's village, and decided to do it. I saved right before that, and loaded the save instantly after, but it still felt wrong. I honestly felt terrible doing it, and continued to feel terrible after that, for quite a while.
Thankfully, there were a couple of hilarious sidequests there on route B and it got me laughing again.
I never thought I would ever feel that way for killing NPCs. I need to play Undertale.
just play the gameee mannnn hahaha.
Hehe yeah, I'm only a few hours into the start of RouteC but I'm really intrigued/have some ideas. That didn't happen in Route A, no.
I had the same reaction before 9S jumped into the flight unit! "Did I just see..?"...I panicked because I thought it may have been an NPC to speak to but I'd ran to the flight unit too quickly and triggered a cut scene. I googled it to make sure I wasn't imagining things and yeah, there was definitely a hologram of sorts there. No idea why, but I'm excited to find out.
After finding some parts of Route B a little bit of a grind, I can honestly say that the intro to Route C fucking floored me.
It's a unique structure, but what you consider to be the main story right now is actually incomplete.
Like really incomplete.
Route B sadly shares a lot of content with A early on so it's kind of a hard sell, but if you feel like you liked this game it's really worth it.
The chapters of the story (because that's really what they are) - go up to E.
You're no where near the end of the game. Calling it a masterpiece after only doing the very first bit of it is premature.
Hahaha, you haven't even started the game yet. If the game actually ended at Route A I would've been very disappointed. All these So, I finished Ending A and it's cool and all, but I don't see what's so amazing about this game posts are hilarious because I felt exactly the same at that point, not expecting the other endings too be much more than just a few additional scenes. Only thing I'll say is this: boy, was I wrong![]()
I honestly think it shouldn't have been marketed as having several "endings". Should've called it chapters/acts or whatever. Because it can be pretty misleading for people like me who don't like NG+ or replaying right after finishing a game. At least they had that info message after the first time. Though, maybe thinking the game "ended" is also kinda part of the surprise effect?After sleeping on it, and reading your replies, I decided to see where Route B takes me. My copy of Persona 5 can wait for now. I honestly had no idea the other endings added that much. Thanks for the insight!![]()
Do it. It's the most yoko taro-esque game not made by Taro I can think of.
Nah, it's not just you.Are the difficulty settings in this game pretty out of whack or "is it just me (TM)"?
Normal is too easy to be particularly engaging and Hard is slightly obnoxious...I'm torn...
Are the difficulty settings in this game pretty out of whack or "is it just me (TM)"?
Normal is too easy to be particularly engaging and Hard is slightly obnoxious...I'm torn...
Nah, it's not just you.
There is no real sweetspot, but you could try playing on Normal and switching to Hard for bosses.
You can change it mid fight, so what I'm doing is changing it to Hard on every boss fight, and then back to normal.
You know, ("joke" ending spoiler)I never played Undertale, but I always thought that people saying they didn't want to do the Genocide run because of how much they liked the characters sounded ridiculous. So I've been informed that you get an ending by killing everyone in Pascal's village, and decided to do it. I saved right before that, and loaded the save instantly after, but it still felt wrong. I honestly felt terrible doing it, and continued to feel terrible after that, for quite a while.
Thankfully, there were a couple of hilarious sidequests there on route B and it got me laughing again.
I never thought I would ever feel that way for killing NPCs. I need to play Undertale.
Route B's sidequests are so good. I was expecting my experience with B to be a lot more focused on the main story, but here I am doing all kinds of stuff again.
And I really appreciate the chip that shows chests on your map on route B. Not only because it's convenient since I wouldn't remember every single locked chest location, but also simply because it's not available on A. It really reinforces how much the player naturally focuses on the minimap to the detriment of taking in the environments and level design when you get access to it after spending many hours in the same world without that. It's easy to get lost in the Yoko Taroness of it all and some times just not give enough credit to bits of great conventional game design.
I'm a little ways into route B. Where can I get this chip?
I agree 100%; i saw 20 of those chests in route A and no way I'm going to remember them all.
My copy arrives tomorrow! What should I expect!?
My copy arrives tomorrow! What should I expect!?
And I really appreciate the chip that shows chests on your map on route B. Not only because it's convenient since I wouldn't remember every single locked chest location, but also simply because it's not available on A. It really reinforces how much the player naturally focuses on the minimap to the detriment of taking in the environments and level design when you get access to it after spending many hours in the same world without that. It's easy to get lost in the Yoko Taroness of it all and some times just not give enough credit to bits of great conventional game design.
Any tips to farm Gold ? i want to finish the side quest before the non return moment don't want to spoil here. Need money for inventor and buy missing upgrade, i farm in forest for Deadly Heal, but does it exist any other faster way ? Thank
Any tips to farm Gold ? i want to finish the side quest before the non return moment don't want to spoil here. Need money for inventor and buy missing upgrade, i farm in forest for Deadly Heal, but does it exist any other faster way ? Thank
The beginning section to aggravate you unless you get through it quickly on Normal/Easy.
What the fudge? I'm not a big fan of things getting too mashy during regular encounters and I'm feeling that a bit too much on Normal. I think I might go Hard and git the fuck good I guess. Constantly switching seems cumbersome.
Any tips to farm Gold ? i want to finish the side quest before the non return moment don't want to spoil here. Need money for inventor and buy missing upgrade, i farm in forest for Deadly Heal, but does it exist any other faster way ? Thank
Do not stop after the first "ending"My copy arrives tomorrow! What should I expect!?
My copy arrives tomorrow! What should I expect!?
Is that what that chip does? I bought it and never equipped it. >_> ;_;
I honestly think it shouldn't have been marketed as having several "endings". Should've called it chapters/acts or whatever. Because it can be pretty misleading for people like me who don't like NG+ or replaying right after finishing a game. At least they had that info message after the first time. Though, maybe thinking the game "ended" is also kinda part of the surprise effect?
Why in the ever loving fuck isa side quest.Gathering Keepsakes
Just wondering, why? Normally it's the opposite.
But it's another problem, it's too complicated to understand also. I didn't enjoy its form of storytelling.
I don't think that it's too complicated to understand, but I do agree that the game just wallows in tragedy too much. Once you notice the fact that most side quests will end on some supposedly tragic twist, it just becomes too predictable and disconnecting. You just end up expecting bad things to happen, at which point the twists lose most of their impact.
That's what happened to me at least. There are plenty of games that have had an emotional impact on me, but Nier: Automata wasn't one of them.
I honestly think it shouldn't have been marketed as having several "endings". Should've called it chapters/acts or whatever. Because it can be pretty misleading for people like me who don't like NG+ or replaying right after finishing a game. At least they had that info message after the first time. Though, maybe thinking the game "ended" is also kinda part of the surprise effect?
I was actually surprised by how many sidequests have funny or happy endings.
How do you make babies?
Gonna make a cross post in both OTs - I'm having a difficult time choosing between this or Persona 5.
I get that they are completely different games, but I still need to choose between them. I only have time for one. Which one do I get? Help me GAF. Heading to the store in five minutes, need to have made a decision by then!
Gonna make a cross post in both OTs - I'm having a difficult time choosing between this or Persona 5.
I get that they are completely different games, but I still need to choose between them. I only have time for one. Which one do I get? Help me GAF. Heading to the store in five minutes, need to have made a decision by then!
Thanks man. I might just pick up this now, then make Persona a summer game. I loved Bayonetta and Wonderful 101 so I know Platinum makes good stuff.I'm personally having a hard time enjoying Persona 5 because I played NieR first. NieR just personally affected me in such a strong way that it's been hard to enjoy other games since.
But Persona 5 is amazing as well. Lengthwise, N:A is probably a third to half the length P5 is. So if length is an issue, that might factor in.
Gonna make a cross post in both OTs - I'm having a difficult time choosing between this or Persona 5.
I get that they are completely different games, but I still need to choose between them. I only have time for one. Which one do I get? Help me GAF. Heading to the store in five minutes, need to have made a decision by then!
Action RPG
You want to be depressed
Amazing OST
World Building
Buy Nier
Turn Based RPG
You want to be happy
Amazing OST
More personal relationships
Buy Persona
But please buy both.
It's a fair, I guess not complaint, but preference. A lot of people don't like how Dark Souls' plot is delivered as well.
I feel Nier:A is towards the Dark Souls side of the spectrum in games storytelling. I love this shit but I know it's an acquired taste.
Thanks for the post dude. Nier seems more like my type of game then. I'm seeing this word everywhere, what the fuck does it mean though?!T H I C C
I felt the same way, which is why I dropped it about an hour or so into Route B and picked up Horizon. Glad I made that choice, because the game has felt very "samey." I plan to come back, but the game really, really drops the ball there and makes it difficult to find the motivation to continue playing, IMO.I do really wish there was a "fast forward" feature in Route B.
I mean, the main quest is great ride, but having to play through it again right after is a bit tiring, especially when, so far, it's been exactly the same, minus a few small cut-scenes.
Maybe the second half will differentiate more from Route A.
Of course, the main issue here is the combat. Ten hours into route A, I've pretty much seen all the combat has to offer. It hasn't changed at all. I hope there are some gameplay differences in Route C.