So is it save to assume that nier atomatas battlesystem is close as good as kh2?
Oh my god, no. Not even close to being comparable.
So is it save to assume that nier atomatas battlesystem is close as good as kh2?
So is it save to assume that nier atomatas battlesystem is close as good as kh2?
The closer we get to this game's release the more I regret not playing the first Nier.
I know it's not a requirement but still.
The closer we get to this game's release the more I regret not playing the first Nier.
I know it's not a requirement but still.
The closer we get to this game's release the more I regret not playing the first Nier.
I know it's not a requirement but still.
KH2 wasn't really finished (hell the versions NA JP EU are different).
So I always consider KH2FM when I talk about it.
Nier Automata isn't anywhere near KH2FM's gameplay, no. But not many games are.
The variety of the enemies, all your abilities, combos, movement abilities, the dozens of boss battles that are all unique and have tons of ways to approach... KH2FM is really one of a kind.
Can't wait for 60 fps on ps4.
Nier is a pretty cool game, and I like it quite a bit actually, but I really can't bring myself to say this is one of the best Action RPG I played, if that makes sense. It's missing too much on that front.
Just gotis it part of a quest, or?Pod C, but never found Pod B -
Dont worry about it. You didn't have to play drakengard to understand Nier either. In the same way you dont have to know anything about Nier to understand the story of Automata
Only us obsessed Yoko taro nerds need applyThe game is perfectly accessible to those 'out of the loop' as it were.
well to be fair, there's way more thing linked to the first nier! Yeah it's not necessary but you will not understand the impact of some sidequest and characters
EDIT : whoops, sorry for the two post!
posted the same question earlier, someone say you got itbut he didn't remember whereby fishing
The closer we get to this game's release the more I regret not playing the first Nier.
I know it's not a requirement but still.
it seems like some people were expecting bayonetta or DMC level combat when we knew going in that they intentionally stripped it down to be a better platinum esque version of the original action RPG game as opposed to full on platinum action game experience
Well, people did predict this happening if I recall correctly.
Dont worry about it. You didn't have to play drakengard to understand Nier either. In the same way you dont have to know anything about Nier to understand the story of Automata
Only us obsessed Yoko taro nerds need applyThe game is perfectly accessible to those 'out of the loop' as it were.
I get that but the more I read the more I wish I'd played it forever ago. Too late now I guess though.
predict some being disappointed? I dont get it tho since we've known about it for a long while
predict some being disappointed?
I get that but the more I read the more I wish I'd played it forever ago. Too late now I guess though.
Basically, at least along the lines of Platinum fans probably being disappointed.
Now that I think about it, this is actually my first Platinum game D:
why is it your first platinum game? You should be ashamed :3
Basically, at least along the lines of Platinum fans probably being disappointed.
Now that I think about it, this is actually my first Platinum game D:
Well it should not be a problem for you since your not expecting anything. This game's combat surpasses most game combat even so
it seems like some people were expecting bayonetta or DMC level combat when we knew going in that they intentionally stripped it down to be a better platinum esque version of the original action RPG Nier game as opposed to a full on platinum action game experience
Just never happened I guess. I played Viewtiful Joe though!
Oh, I guess I played the Transformer one for free, but it didn't appeal to me at all. As for Bayonetta...I don't have an excuse, I'm sorry.
Best bet if you can't/don't have the time to play the games now is to watch the Clemps series linked in the OP. He's putting out the third part in the NieR analysis sometime before March 7th.
that's okay, you'll do it someday, i forgive you child! As for myself i never played Shenmue, so there's that too (i intend to, i'll do them both when 3 is released)
Yep and frankly that's the thing, that this is not the next DMC or Bayonetta, but the next Nier with elements of that courtesy of Platinum. Sure I still think the game has a technical blemish or two but many aspects of it are still robust, especially in the context of the first. At the end of the day the soul of the game lies elsewhere. Platinum is its surface but inside it's Taro, which is still a miraculous combo. I mean the game could've gone with much worse lol. The fact this exists is still impossible to not appreciate.
Just started it, quick question though, how long is the story?
I finally figured out the black dot on the minimap near the- it'swrecked goliath. I've tried shooting it, jumping on it, spamming O at it from every angle, but nothing happens.the goliath's head
Is this a later in the game or NG+ thing? Or am I missing something obvious?
PS sorry for spamming the thread with inane questions![]()
I see, thanks!its about10 hours for the first run, but you have to use different characters afterward and make different choices to actually complete the game, it should take you 20+ atleast to get to completion
A target shows up like I can interact with it, but I can't find a spot where it will let me ;_;you're supposed check his head with O, there should be a prompt! can do it really early! Maybe you missed this quest and are too far in the main story now, it's not available anymore?
A target shows up like I can interact with it, but I can't find a spot where it will let me ;_;
A target shows up like I can interact with it, but I can't find a spot where it will let me ;_;
Kinda wish you could see the recommended level of the quest before you accept it (can you?). Some of the quests seems way over level for me.
A lot of PG games have the curse of "empty / bland worlds" and I got the impression that Nier have this issue too ... how is it?
KH2 wasn't really finished (hell the versions NA JP EU are different).
So I always consider KH2FM when I talk about it.
Nier Automata isn't anywhere near KH2FM's gameplay, no. But not many games are.
The variety of the enemies, all your abilities, combos, movement abilities, the dozens of boss battles that are all unique and have tons of ways to approach... KH2FM is really one of a kind.
Can't wait for 60 fps on ps4.
Nier is a pretty cool game, and I like it quite a bit actually, but I really can't bring myself to say this is one of the best Action RPG I played, if that makes sense. It's missing too much on that front.
I see some people streaming english copies, did some people get early copies or are stores selling it early? My amazon says the game will be shipped to me in March, I was contemplating on canceling it for the pc version but it hasn't even shown up on steam yet for preorder.
They're not streaming english copies, they imported/ordered those copies since English is included with those releases (the release date in Asia already hit). Thus, people are playing them in English before the game releases in the West.
I see. Thanks.
Checking out a stream for a bit, it looks like it runs pretty smooth and looks clean, though the streamer has a ps4 pro. I'm looking forward to see some comparison shots between versions down the line.