After the ending, there are?2 more characters
I see, hmm guess I'll do that probably after Horizon, hopefully they're shorter.
I see, hmm guess I'll do that probably after Horizon, hopefully they're shorter.
XDSecond campaign is just as long as the first, third one is the longest
It's my first Nier/DKG game, didn't really like this design, make it 2 characters max or even 1 character in like 25 hours campaign, it'll be way better, so many people will stop playing when they see the credits, I may do that too, but gonna try to continue after Horizon.
Have a couple questions about quests:
-The Wandering Couple, so they've been hiding near the resistance camp but there's no way to get to them. Do they just appear eventually or is there a way to get to them in order to finish the quest?
-The huge machine boss that is now wrecked in the City Ruins has a marker on its head, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing there?
-How do I get to the other side of the Forest Zone with the main objective? I can't figure it out
- You'll get to them eventually as you progress through the story. They're not actually in the resistance camp, but in an area you haven't visited yet.
- To be honest, I have no idea on this one either.
- There should be a bridge (or a crossable gap) towards the end of that first half of the region. Just keep looking.
To those who are playing and/or finished the game, is this goty material?
To those who are playing and/or finished the game, is this goty material?
Drakengard in general written by Taro goes off the rails at multiple points. Nier in itself is a different more subdued work...i feel like he refuses to take it there and wants to hit the reader with completely different types of shock points which i feel is for the best.
Drakengard 3 fell flat for me because certain aspects felt weird and wacky just to be so, like modern SUDA51 trying to recapture No More Heroes and Killer 7. I feel like Taro is at his best when he's trying to tell a message and just lets the off kilter write itself.
Nier Automata encapsulates this perfectly. Based on what i've seen, so far, although it may not be the cuhrayzee'est Yoko Taro story or attempt to recapture the exact same things as the first one, its without a doubt the most polished one he's made yet, and Platinum's involvement helps that in so many ways.
So on the one hand you will have some Platinum people disappointed that this combat is not comprehensive as many other platinum games, and you will have some Nier fans disappointed this is not a retread of the first Nier in many ways..
But if you can get past that, this is just as exceptional a Yoko Taro experience as anything he's made previously
Have a couple questions about quests:
-The Wandering Couple, so they've been hiding near the resistance camp but there's no way to get to them. Do they just appear eventually or is there a way to get to them in order to finish the quest?
-The huge machine boss that is now wrecked in the City Ruins has a marker on its head, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing there?
-How do I get to the other side of the Forest Zone with the main objective? I can't figure it out
Are the different paths obvious?
Can you get the same ending twice?
Without heavy spoilers(if possible), how do you get the true ending?
In addition to the answer you already got: The machine you can talk to if you stand right underneath it and look up
Yes / Not accidentally at least.
Just play it and it'll come to you, trust me
Do you need to play multiple times for the true ending?
This whole post is a bit spoilery considering the game isn't even out yet for US/EU people
In retrospect, if I had gotten the Wire skill on my first playthrough, the last couple of bosses would've been pretty easy.
I'd say if you're into quirky action RPG games then yeah.
It probably won't be my GOTY, but it's the perfect game for diehard Yoko fans. Everything he has ever wanted to do is in full force with this game.Platinum fans will probably be disappointed, but we need their money for a NieR remake so let's keep that fact quiet lol.
Where from c: I both love and how how missable major stuff is .![]()
In retrospect, if I had gotten the Wire skill on my first playthrough, the last couple of bosses would've been pretty easy.
Thequest in route B... now my thumb is killing me.idiot savant
It's not a spoiler. If seeing a GIF of the game is a spoiler, then you should not be in the thread at all.
I already beat the game, thx
Anyway look at the level and pod
To those who are playing and/or finished the game, is this goty material?
In retrospect, if I had gotten the Wire skill on my first playthrough, the last couple of bosses would've been pretty easy.
In retrospect, if I had gotten the Wire skill on my first playthrough, the last couple of bosses would've been pretty easy.
Wire comes from a pod program.
I will say that the stories in the sub missions is better than Witcher 3.
In retrospect, if I had gotten the Wire skill on my first playthrough, the last couple of bosses would've been pretty easy.
High praise!
Looks beautiful! Can you reduce the recharge time of these pod skills to nearly 0? Or does the wire skill doesn't have a recharge time?
where can i buy/find it though
The Wire skill has no recharge, though there are chips to reduce the Pod cooldowns.
Sweet! Mixing up more pod skills together should let us do some crazy combos! The depth in this is huge!
This confuses me, how do you mix up pod skills?
I know there arePods total and each can have one skill, is that what you mean?three
My favorite song from Nier is Blu-Bird. Is a variation of the song in Automata?
What's the feeling on the critical response to this game?
I don't know when reviewers will get their hands on it but i wonder how it will be received
You can switch mid-fight
This confuses me, how do you mix up pod skills?
I know there arePods total and each can have one skill, is that what you mean?three