Do that in the spoiler thread.
The game has not officially released yet.
The game has officially released. There's nothing wrong with gifs as long as they don't show any spoiler related content.
Do that in the spoiler thread.
The game has not officially released yet.
Do that in the spoiler thread.
The game has not officially released yet.
So for the most part, do y'all feel compelled to do the sidequests?
The game has officially released. There's nothing wrong with gifs as long as they don't show any spoiler related content.
If it isn't out of the way I'll do it but they're all fetch quests that make you go to different ends of the map sometimes which make them a chore.
So for the most part, do y'all feel compelled to do the sidequests?
The game has officially released. There's nothing wrong with gifs as long as they don't show any spoiler related content.
Uhh gifs aren't spoilers.
Rob, will you review this game? And if so, any chance of english subtitles? It's pretty much the only review I'd like to watch/read (after I finish the game myself).
I understand it's a lot of work, though, so it's alright if it's not possible.
The spoiler thread isn't getting a lot of traffic, which means it's not getting bumped, which means it isn't getting a lot of traffic. It probably won't pick up until the Western release of the game.
A2 loses most of her clothes after you engage berserk mode by pressing L3+R3. 2B and 9S lose their clothes after self-destructing with L3+R3.
That said, those who have beaten the game should come on over to the NieR: Automata Spoiler Thread so we can attempt to make sense of what the FUCK just happened.
So for the most part, do y'all feel compelled to do the sidequests?
patch 1.04 is up
What that do
What that do
There are already two novellas released. Despite of that, automatas entire story is actually in the game, just like in the first nier.
apparently it fixes some bugs, and corpse of other players getting on your way during boss battle and on the field, sometime unable to get on the ladder, starting a new game after an ending having some of the chests already open, etc.
Adds 28 more endings. All containing the arabic alphabet.
So for the most part, do y'all feel compelled to do the sidequests?
What that do
I wouldn't say Nier's entire story is in the game at all. The absolute bare essentials are in there, but I feel like 90% of Nier lore is in the Grimoire and one-off comics and stage plays and radio shows and novels and limited edition whatevers and probably gachapons and Happy Meal toys, too. It sounds like Drakengard 3's story was pretty barebones until you bought all the DLC and read all the tie-in stuff, too. I strongly dislike that kind of cross-media stuff where you have to track down a dozen separate things to get the full picture, so I'd hate to see it happen again with Automata.
Wut it do
It honestly is only backstory stuff, that's why it is not neccesary to be included. Drakengard 3 was pretty bad about this, but i'd say Nier was pretty ok. They don't even take into considerationending E of Replicant just for consideration of Gestalt and western players
90% of the revelations of this game are explained in the game, and those that aren't are usually just shout outs to people who will understand them(aka hardcore yoko taro fanboys)
So for the most part, do y'all feel compelled to do the sidequests?
I have never, ever heard they didn't include ending E in the game as a consideration to western players and I've read the Grimoire.
Where you getting this? Conjure on your part again?
I have never, ever heard they didn't include ending E in the game as a consideration to western players and I've read the Grimoire.
Where you getting this? Conjure on your part again?
i hope this supposed good rating streak carries over to the bigger sites
One thing I noticed from the few reviews there are is that it seems like they have played and maybe even is a fan NieR themselves. Meaning at the very least, they know there are multiple endinga in a Yoko Taro game.
I fear mainstream review sites will gloss over this fact.
Honestly, I wish Automata would ignore Nier's ending C,D,E. They're the worst part of that story IMO.
Also I hope the different routes are more Nier and less Drakengardin the sense that it's the same story in every route with added things for the player, but without changing what is happening to the characters, instead of new shit.
I wouldn't say Nier's entire story is in the game at all. The absolute bare essentials are in there, but I feel like 90% of Nier lore is in the Grimoire and one-off comics and stage plays and radio shows and novels and limited edition whatevers and probably gachapons and Happy Meal toys, too. It sounds like Drakengard 3's story was pretty barebones until you bought all the DLC and read all the tie-in stuff, too. I strongly dislike that kind of cross-media stuff where you have to track down a dozen separate things to get the full picture, so I'd hate to see it happen again with Automata.
One thing I noticed from the few reviews there are is that it seems like they have played and maybe even is a fan NieR themselves. Meaning at the very least, they know there are multiple endinga in a Yoko Taro game.
I fear mainstream review sites will gloss over this fact.
Ending's A and B are not actual endings though, they are just the preceding events before C & D's conclusions.
I agree that E was unnecessary, but its not even included in the western game so it doesn't even matter.
I feel that without a mix of both of these things there would be no point to other runs. Yoko Taro doesn't usually like to do the same thing over.
Endings A and B felt like proper endings IMO. Ending C and D is just about that one character more than the conclusion about the world, I felt that you can just wrap the story with A and B.they wrap the story of Nier and what it means to the world
About C,D,E,what I dont' liked is thatits such a big Deus ex machina.
Don't get me wrong, the execution of Ending D was stellar, but giving your life to another one and just dissapearing from existence, without no one/nothing interfering and without any explanation on how does that even work (let alone that is never said such a thing is possible neither in the game and Grimoire Nier) was so offputting to me. I don't really like these kind of deus ex machina events, and this one felt like it was forced just to make the Grimoire deleting scene.
Then ending E doubled down with the Deus ex machina with the tree lol
There's a lot of shit i feel we don't know about the universe/s Yoko Taro has created, hell if even he knows a lot of it.lunar tears are pretty mysterious things
lol this is true. I mean, maybe the things in my spoiler and yours are explained in Automata? Dunno, would be cool.
Honestly, I feel like Taro added things in Nier storyline that he didn't plan when he was developing the game when he did the Grimoire and Drama CD likeso maybe he will link some of these things in Automata.Kaine being a bigger deal in the Drama CD
The whole lead up to the end of Route C is incredible. I'm glad because the beginning of that route was a real drag but those last encounters were S Tier platinum.
I've spoiled myself on a lot of Automata so i can't say i don't know tons of stuff storyline wise that i should not know until western release..but based on what i know, i'm very appreciative of how stand alone this experience can be. I'd actually recommend people starting from here if they want to get into Yoko Taro games infact. It does reference but not to the point where a newcomer is lost or confused, and i feel that's what is absolutely most important in a game like this where it has a chance of attracting a bigger and newer audience
Yes give me more motivation to get back to it, i really loved the game outside of gameplay, so i just havent forced myself to finish it yet. I'm on that third, am i close to it getting good again?tower
That's their windwaker review.
There's a severe lack of gifs in this thread.