30 fpsHow is the vita version of Sigma ?
30 fpsHow is the vita version of Sigma ?
uhm dunno,i always run [ ] [ ] him to death without him hitting me ^^
I like this thread so much already.
NG BLACK is still the measuring stick for combat games. Come at me, DMC and Bayonetta fans.
uhm dunno,i always run [ ] [ ] him to death without him hitting me ^^
Yep, that works great on normal when you don't have his buddies shooting handguns at who, which stop your run dead right in time for him to grab you and shoot you for 3/4 or your health.
kill the buddies? i don't remember doing much different on hard. bait the grab or the vertical slassh, punish
So now I just hit start select as soon as the health goes down.
I'm convinced XBLA all-girl fighting game stole that background
that's also annoying in the vita version,you can't soft reset (or i'm unable to do find it),you always have to quit the whole game via homebutton
also i have done the run [ ] [ ] on very hard just a few days agodo you have the sun armlet and lvl2 sword ?
I'm pretty sure Ninja Gaiden Black is responsible for killing several of my 360's. The machine just sounds strained when playing that game in particular for some reason. I'm tempted to buy the GoD version just to be able to replay it without killing my machine.
I wouldn't have minded too much, but I had to restart on Normal (maybe Hard) every time a 360 broke because the save file was tied to the console serial number. Is that still the case with the DD version or can you move the save file to another console now?
I noticed that the drive is always really noisy while playing, lots of constant activity. Probably something to do with the way the game is swapping cache data due to the difference in how the HDD was used in the original system. It's really dumb that you can't install OG xbox games.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand done with this.
For a long time.
I don't have the time of the patience for this. I know what I have to do, I'm doing it to the LETTER, and I'm being punished for it repeatedly.
Not fun.
Yep, mine behaves the same. I don't think the sewer enemies are a loading block though. It's probably just on a timer or something stupid and unnecessary like you guys get the super long load time at the beginning (like i described in the OP)? Maybe the GoD version caches it differently? The only other load time in the game is occasionally for a second going into the chapel and before entering the sewer, after ghost riding the train (enemies take forever to' assuming it's loading)
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand done with this.
For a long time.
I don't have the time of the patience for this. I know what I have to do, I'm doing it to the LETTER, and I'm being punished for it repeatedly.
Not fun.
Our first casualty?Take a break, go back to it tomorrow...there's always some blind spot when you get enraged at this game.
You'll be back. They always come back.Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand done with this.
For a long time.
I don't have the time of the patience for this. I know what I have to do, I'm doing it to the LETTER, and I'm being punished for it repeatedly.
Not fun.
do you guys get the super long load time at the beginning (like i described in the OP)? Maybe the GoD version caches it differently? The only other load time in the game is occasionally for a second going into the chapel and before entering the sewer, after ghost riding the train (enemies take forever to' assuming it's loading)
do you guys get the super long load time at the beginning (like i described in the OP)? Maybe the GoD version caches it differently? The only other load time in the game is occasionally for a second going into the chapel and before entering the sewer, after ghost riding the train (enemies take forever to' assuming it's loading)
Sigh. Dynamo just 'blocks' my ultimate attacks. And by that, I mean it just bounce off him, after putting myself at risk by getting close to him and absorbing the essence.
Terrible. Just downright, self-indulgent bullshit for fake 'challenge'. Beneath a Ninja Gaiden game.
The way this game breaks its own rules whenever it suits it is fucking annoying on Hard, where getting hit actually has decent consequence.
This is so stupid. Can somebody explain to me why this boss has magically acquired the ability to shoot me out of the air when I'm comboing guard-rolls and jumps to evade, GUARANTEED?
I don't remember this being an issue when I played this game on the Xbox, and considering I have to also avoid being shot by hand-guns from his buddies, the fact that I am GUARANTEED to lose health getting around him is pretty fucking annoying.
Yep, that works great on normal when you don't have his buddies shooting handguns at who, which stop your run dead right in time for him to grab you and shoot you for 3/4 or your health.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand done with this.
For a long time.
I don't have the time of the patience for this. I know what I have to do, I'm doing it to the LETTER, and I'm being punished for it repeatedly.
Not fun.
I'm really confused with your posts because...
Something doesn't quite add up. You've beaten both NGB and NG2 on Master Ninja and here you are having a hard time beating Dynamo on Hard mode. If you've beaten Master Ninja then you should have known that he has always been able to shoot you while you're in the air along with blocking ultimate techniques.
The 360 sets aside around 2GB of data the same way an Xbox 1 had for games to use for a streaming cache and other purposes. There were a few games that used it later in the OG Xbox' life like Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Doom 3, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Far Cry... probably others too. These games all had lengthy install periods before starting gameplay (some disguised by an unskippable video) and so did Ninja Gaiden/Black.
For some reason, the 360 takes longer to read the installs than the OG Xbox which means you have to watch that text loop for a lot longer than you did in its original form. But once you've sat through it, and don't play any other games which utilise the cache, you shouldn't have to sit through it again.
I believe some 360 games utilise the cache so they may wipe over the Ninja Gaiden data, meaning you will have to wait if you play something else first.
Edit: I'm tired and may have replied to a question that nobody asked, time for bed.
I beat Ninja Gaiden Black on Master Ninja in 2005. It's been 7 years.
As I said, the reason I'm angry is because I know I've beaten him, and every other boss on tougher difficulties, and I shouldn't be having the difficulty I am with him.
I know what to do, and I feel I'm doing it to the letter, but I'm getting punished. So clearly what I THINK I'm doing, and what I'm actually doing aren't lining up. And I have to figure out where the disconnect is.
I'm taking a break to cool off. I'll get back to it eventually.
you were complaining emphatically in the other thread about IS spam from black spiders and how they don't let you style on them with unbroken combo strings, and then in the same post turn around and say how much you love NG2.
it's not that people can't have things that rub them the wrong way about games like these, but that kind of thing is really, really confusing.![]()
Speaking of potions, it feels like they're all over the place in Sigma, along with save points. I don't remember there being this many save points in Black.
Dynamo on hard:
Run x,x. He'll follow with the gun swipe > grab attempt. Dodge both attacks then repeat. If there's issues with the goons, just xyy>y them on the ground. He only uses that gun shot when your out of melee range. Watch out for the shield dome he puts up after half health.
Everyone has those problems, I guess a lot of people posting about ng1 these days have gotten over or learned how to deal with them. Even now with my recent playthrough there were several times that i'd bitch up a storm, like repeatedly getting knocked down the winding path platforms in the mausoleum by the archers, or figuring out how to deal with doku's shit on normal again 6 years later. Just stupid things that you hate in the spur of the moment (like getting caught by a conga line of ghost fish that you can't shake off and instantly bring you to the verge of death), but none of them ever roadblock me very long and often I'll forget I was ever annoyed by them after the fact. It's just.... videogames, man. Videogames.
yay, done with normal. just over 10,000,000 karma...a bit less than average, rushed through most of it. and now i remember the "chompy head guy"-- activated ninpo to avoid it.
Now onto Hard mode! can't wait to get to very hard! all this is practice!
Nice. I got just under 10,000,000. Like 9,700,000. Stupid rust.
BTW, what are the order of the mission rankings? I always figured it was the following, but never bothered to confirm it:
Ninja Dog
Lesser Ninja
Greater Ninja
Head Ninja
Master Ninja
EDIT: Oh, and smoke bombs. WTF are the good for? I have yet to find an enemy that behaves differently before and after having one detonated under them.
This was the first game since the NES days that I broke a controller over.
It's the one game I want to be good at, but can barely, and by barely I mean not really, beat on Ninja Dog.![]()
Beat Ninja Dog and then jump right back in to Normal. You'll be amazed how the fights you found intimidating at the beginning of your first play-through are simple on your second play-through.
This does not apply to bosses, who are cheap, dirty bastards no matter what anybody tells you (except for Alma and Doku, who are wusses both times out).![]()
I have no more consoles.![]()
One of the few console exclusives that elude in my quest for one gaming platform.
It's 30fps on Vita right? 60fps NGB would make me go to Wal Mart and buy a Vita right this very second.
30fps Ninja Gaiden Black is still the best action game on the platform.![]()
So hands down the best weapon in NG/B? I think it's the Dabliahro. TDS for faster enemies or Vigoorian Flail until TDS. Unlabored Flawlessness is great too, but I think Dabliahro is much better.
I've always been fond of the Lunar in NGB.
In NG2, unquestionably the Tonfas. Those are probably my favorite weapons in any 3D action game ever.
Did you find the Tonfas were actually more effective than other short-range weapons (claws, flails, etc), or did you just enjoy the crunchy sound-effects of them hitting bone?![]()
Dragon sword is my favorite but I use Dabliahro for those mini dragons and laser fiends, nun chuck for those ghost fish assholesSo hands down the best weapon in NG/B? I think it's the Dabliahro. TDS for faster enemies or Vigoorian Flail until TDS. Unlabored Flawlessness is great too, but I think Dabliahro is much better.