I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but since this seems to be the most active NG thread, I might as well put it here.
What is everyone's favorite default costume in the series?
is that a ng3 costume o_o
I like the blue arcade ng outfit. his other stuff is very...bondage. and his ass is too damn shiny! The hotsuma costume is pretty bad ass too.
NG1 and 2 are so similar. They are basically the same. But I'm gonna go with 2.
Of all the costumes, Fiend Ryu #5 on NG2.
is that a ng3 costume o_o
the nunchaku are so much fun for styling on enemies...part of the fun is how they take to kill guys, so you're forced to keep up the skill (and the sound effects are fucking awesome.) I should do an "ignore battle timer" run and see what kind of shit I can come up with.
Actually, my experience was the opposite. I waltzed through the cyborgs and cat demons using nunchuks, without much effort (still hard more). That said, by the end, I was picking up the nuances of when to start combos, and when to end them to ensure I never got caught at the wrong moment. So very hard should be interesting.
As for the costume I posted, no, it's a fan's idea of what a cyborg outfit for Ryu would look like, as inspired by Grey Fox from MGS. I posted it because it's directly influenced by NG, and I like it looks cool as hell.
And yes, I love the costume you get from beating hard mode in NGB as well.
Still wish I could get that white costume from sigma 2 though. So sexy.
BTW, wasn't there a future-ninja costume that went along with the lightsaber sword? Or am I nuts?
huh, maybe I should try them out on harder enemies! I just took it for granted that they were low dmg.
They are low damage, but where Y attacks with TDS often just get blocked by cyborgs (black and... gold? Whichever ones hold the grenade launchers) and avoided by the cats, the nunchuka knocks the cyborgs off balance, and then you can just wade through them. The nunchuka swing so fast, that they interrupt the cat attacks that otherwise get through TDS combos.
So yeah, I will admit, I was mashing xxxxy through most of chapter 4 and 5. But like I said, by the end, I was starting to get a handle of when to use the combos that start with y for the knock-back, and when to end that combo (xxy or xxxy) to ensure I never get caught post-combo.
huh, maybe I should try them out on harder enemies! I just took it for granted that they were low dmg.
i think there is a future ninja costume in vanilla. Sucks you can't get the MK2 until the 49th scarab or something...without NG+, the MK2 and DDS are kinda whatever at that point in the game.
As for the costume I posted, no, it's a fan's idea of what a cyborg outfit for Ryu would look like, as inspired by Grey Fox from MGS. I posted it because it's directly influenced by NG, and I like it looks cool as hell.
BTW, wasn't there a future-ninja costume that went along with the lightsaber sword? Or am I nuts?
Actually, my experience was the opposite. I waltzed through the cyborgs and cat demons using nunchuks, without much effort (still hard more). That said, by the end, I was picking up the nuances of when to start combos, and when to end them to ensure I never got caught at the wrong moment. So very hard should be interesting.
As for the costume I posted, no, it's a fan's idea of what a cyborg outfit for Ryu would look like, as inspired by Grey Fox from MGS. I posted it because it's directly influenced by NG, and I like it looks cool as hell.
And yes, I love the costume you get from beating hard mode in NGB as well.
Still wish I could get that white costume from sigma 2 though. So sexy.
BTW, wasn't there a future-ninja costume that went along with the lightsaber sword? Or am I nuts?
the added stuff in sigma really does break up the flow of the game. The rachel chapters, obviously, but there are added encounters and other things that just feel like padding.
Seraphinianus said:The motorcycle guys have to be my least favorite enemies in the series. There's probably a trick to them I didn't find, but whatever, they're annoying. how am i supposed to beat the timer if the fuckers keep running away!
They're susceptible to Flying Swallows.
apparently you get more yellow essence for huge combos? Never realized that. I always naturally get 99999 essence on each playthrough /smug.jpg![]()
I still learn new stuff on each playthrough! like I got full points for a chapter today in every category and still got Head Ninja...?! ¯\_(ツ_/¯ might've been item use? not sure.
I wanna play the demo for vanilla again and see if there are any weird things that didn't make into the full version. Game still got delayed a few more times after the demo came out..
I can't believe how good NGB looks still
The motorcycle guys have to be my least favorite enemies in the series. There's probably a trick to them I didn't find, but whatever, they're annoying. how am i supposed to beat the timer if the fuckers keep running away!.
evil ryu does kick ass.
I just learned in the 80 zombie challenge that there's a limit to the number of times you can get a UT bonus in a fight...interesting. and that you can go back out to Tairon through the boulder area-- always though you couldn't reach the ropes from there! This is awesome cause you can get a lv3 dragon sword for both of the 80 fiend challenges in ch.7, plus the windmill shuriken, if you're in hard mode.
Just Flying Swallow them off their bikes. If the angle isn't right you'll just bounce off harmlessly. Rinse and repeat.
Wind Run + Guillotine Throw also works but Flying Swallows are probably easier to time and nail.
you will never make the time limits if you try to flying swallow them,especially not on the higher modes
Where's the zombie challenge? Don't remember that one? That's not the elevator ride is it?
i once exited in the middle of it on hard mode and didn't play ng for a couple months after. true story!
I gotta make an Iberiansrealm account, apparently they are keeping the NGB leaderboard alive and honest. i think 15 or 16 mil was my top on normal...don't know how people are getting 8 million more karma >_< I guess they make enough to upgrade some weapons, don't get UF, and karma chain the whole game.
for fights, it's always 10,000. chapters are up to 100,000.
blech alma, i need a break...I'm always mindfucked at the end of chapter 7 and that awful alma checkpoint.