It is so far in a sort of fuck everything, society is doomed, clown

world way...
But increasingly I keep seeing escalating dangerous rhetoric and worrying social trends and social contagion. Along with the further polarisation and splitting up of society because the radical left keep lowering the bar for what is socially acceptable.
Ten, twenty years ago no one would be stumped at the question what is a woman or do woman have penises? I doubt many would have predicted just how fractured the West is today. It's worrying but equally if we don't laugh we'd probably cry.
You need only look at how many school children in liberal democrat ran areas, identify as being someone within the LGBT community vs more conservative school districts. Anyone who says young children can give consent, we as a rational society should be very sceptical of their motives and agenda. If they can consent to life altering medical procedures often irreversible, with their young underdeveloped minds what else can they consent to? Larping as strippers at a drag events? Check. Kids are being groomed by the left... That's a fact and anyone who disagrees doesn't know what grooming is defined as, or they have no idea what's actually going on, or they think the ends justify the means which is a common belief amongst the left. In this case they have convinced themselves they are on the sides of these poor poor kids who can't be themselves because of how bigoted society is.
The radical left are a danger to children and it's socially acceptable even. It's becoming less so but that's only because a bright light has been shun on a festering wound, a lot recently... and I'm not talking about a botched child sex change operation! I'm making an analogy, duh!
Children are being groomed to be loyal foot soldiers of the new regime. This is happening today in the USA and other so called 'developed' countries. If they are able to be plonked into the LGBT community that's great in these degenerate adults minds. The kids were always this way and it's only thanks to the lefts openness and inclusiveness that these kids can be free to express themselves. They fail to see how impressionable children are. Or conveniently choose not to see it. People are capable of justifying a lot of bad shit.
There's push back thankfully, but anyone center left, center, center right and right wing are being demonised and painted to be the enemy. Blamed for endangering vulnerable kids by refusing to affirm their identities. Projection much? The real danger is often in the classroom out of the sights and minds of the parents.
The left don't care about your kids wellbeing, they care about weaponising them against their political adversaries. They have to go after other people's kids too since the left is increasingly sterilising themselves.
If they cared about children they would leave them be; include their parents in school discussion if there's any issue and they certainly wouldn't entertain the notion of giving young kids the autonomy to make life altering decisions when chances are they will grow out of feeling the way they claim to feel now, as they grow older and their brain develops more.
How much of this is kids wanting to fit in and please their teachers and or their peers and or their liberal parents who so desperately want to be accepting and accepted by their liberal friends, but in reality they are often so open minded with how they raise their kids, they have figuratively let their brains fall's that open!
It's a destructive ideology. It destroys family and togetherness, specifically heterosexual relationships are looked down upon, along with the traditional nuclear family. It destroys community, it destroys children mentally and physically with non essential surgery, dangerous rhetoric and drug prescriptions. It destroys trust in each other and ultimately it will destroy the west. That last point is a prediction based on all the cracks already appearing.
We know people will sit back and not take action out of fear of retaliation, or their address being published online, their employers being harassed, losing their jobs, activists turning up to protest on their doorsteps etc. etc. What's worse is this is usually allowed to occur too, and if it turns into a riot they will be let off the hook if caught by police. This breeds further anamocity as people outside of the lefts bubble feel unfairly treated... Because it's not a level playing ground.
We are having all this pushed upon us in my opinion, to weaken the west and to keep us distracted from other things such as the fact our sitting president has Alzheimer's, or how bad the economy is, or foriegn wars or biden's corruption, or child sex trafficking among elites, or the border crisis. I could go on.
The non binary stuff is just part of a larger problem in society that includes grooming kids from a young age to change their gender, to view words as violence, people not entirely on their side as Nazis etc.
So I appreciate Nintendo, so far at least, not folding to these garbage people...but theres still time I guess
So this is why I personally don't want to give that crowd an inch. Non binary is just a symptom of a larger societal illness and that illness does often progress further.
Malignant. Militant. Equivalent, ambivalent. Shine a light on it, illuminate that shit. Don't give an inch, they'll take a mile. Also they are probs a pedophile. Word