Hmm. You know I still don't understand why these eShop press releases aren't blasted out via SpotPass to Wii U's and 3DS systems. Nintendo is fully capable of doing so. It was actually something they were capable of doing on the Wii with the Wii Connect 24 for the Wii Shop channel but they never did it. A completely wasted opportunity. That type of direct information certainly could have help sales I would think. It could help even now. It wouldn't even cost them anything save a few minutes for a person to prepare the message each week. I wonder who a request for this could be directed at?
This. So much this. They have this wonderful SpotPass service and they don't even use it to its full potential. The weekly release listing in eShop news should also automatically be sent to every online 3DS every week (with an option to opt out).
I have friends with a 3DS who never, ever go into the eShop. I literally had to plead with my best friend to download Pullblox because she just had no intention of bothering with the eShop. She loves the game, but why I'm promoting Nintendo downloads more than Nintendo is beyond me.
The eShop is a huge leap from post Nintendo digital offerings, there is a lot of fantastic content on there and the services are attracting mute and more developers. They seem to be getting it, at last, and making a push this gen by embracing F2P, sales, patches, demoes, etc. But the thought that a fantastic little game like Gunman Clive or Mutant Mudds is missing out on a few more sales is depressing.