Is it worth it though... The tits... I mean dungeons are rendered nicely
I'm enjoying my time with it so far.
Currently on floor 8.
The first few floors have been basic but when you reach certain floors, they'll put different mechanics.
You have warp points that warp you to a different place on the map.
Tiles that force you to go in one direction.
Slippery tiles that will carry you until you land on a normal tile.
I'm sure they'll throw more things at me as I get deeper into the game.
The RPG aspect is really basic in terms of leveling up/stats. When you level up, you won't see any of your stats except for your HP. Your attack/defending power will increase, you just won't see any numbers.
When in battle, there's 2 attacks. You can press either B or Y to "chop down" which hits 1 enemy with heavy damage or you can press A or X to do a "side slash" that attacks all enemies.
There's a "POW" meter during battle. When it's fully charged, your attacks will be strong but every time you attack, the meter goes down. It recharges pretty quick though. If you attack before the meter is fully charged, your attack won't be as strong.
You use a shield to defend. You press L or the D-Pad to do so. You'll take no damage. There's a stamina bar shown around your HP and each time you defend, it'll drain but when your shield is lowered, you'll recover. If you use your shield at the same time the enemy attacks, you'll counter and do a power move where you have to press a series of buttons to launch it.
You can also run from battle but so far, I haven't really seen a need for it.
When going through a dungeon, you'll find a pedometer. It'll show you how many tiles you're missing. When you complete a dungeon/everything mapped out, it'll form a picture. Think of it as a picross picture. You can find the exit and go to the next floor, even if you're missing tiles. You just won't see the picture. There are elevators every 5 floors that let you go back to an earlier floor. I haven't used this yet so I can't say exactly how it works but if you're missing a picture, that's how you can go back to them.
There are orbs that help with doors and devices in the dungeon.
There are hints/notes on some of the walls. They may teach you things about the different mechanics or help you solve a puzzle.
3 characters to choose from. Each of them is strong in their own ways. You can only use 1 at a time though. You can switch when you find a pink note on the wall.
You can find stronger equipment for each character as well as stronger shields. You can also use potions.
The game looks great, btw.
If you're looking for a deep, etrian odyssey-like game, this isn't it but from what I've played so far, it's worth the $5. Dungeon crawler + puzzle game really had me interested. So far, everything has been simple but I expect harder puzzles later on.
If they decide to make a PicDun 3 in the future, I would pick it up.
One thing that suckssss is that if you use an elevator to go to a previous floor, you'll have to redo the map/find the exit again. If, for example, you use the elevator at floor 5 and take it back to floor 1, the only way to make it back to floor 5 is to go through floors 1-4 again.