I've been playing it on Steam (a review copy) and it's pretty awesome. I might buy it on the eShop if it has off-TV play.
It does.
I've been playing it on Steam (a review copy) and it's pretty awesome. I might buy it on the eShop if it has off-TV play.
Great, I'll buy it then.It does.
Since Shin'en announced Nano Assault was coming to the Japanese Wii U shop on the 28th, has anything been confirmed? Really looking forward to it...
Latest bit of info I was able to gather on this is that the EU version that was supposed to come out in 2012 was "waiting for approval".
We had the same info pop up about the US version recently, so one would guess that they intend to release it simultaneously in both regions.
In theory should not be long..... I hope xD
Different games. He's talking about Nano Assault Neo, the Wii U eShop game; you're thinking of Nano Assault EX, the enhanced 3DS eShop version of the retail game.
Pretty much. Even on the 3DS, it's still weird. I mean, I am grateful for some of the stuff we are finally getting, like the Mega Man games, but as far as Nintendo's own stuff is concerned, well...
Why, NOA? Why?Over a year since it came out on the Japanese VC, and it's still not on the North American VC yet? What's the holdup?
Speaking of EX, hasn't it already been submitted to Nintendo? So it should be reaching us in two or three weeks, right?
The (second best version of the) best Kirby game is already on every eShop, it's just not a Virtual Console release. Nintendo of America have simply realised that putting anything less than Nightmare in Dreamland on there would be a waste of time.
Shouldn't that be thursday ?Wii U eShop says 2/26 so I hope so...
Don't get my hype up for Runner 2 tomorrow. As huge an improvement as the eShop is I still have nightmares about waiting for WiiWare release dates
From Monday, February 25, 2013 11:00 PM
- Tuesday, February 26, 2013 5:00 PM Pacific Time
Shouldn't that be thursday ?
(Haven't read the thread, sorry if it has already been answered)
Affected services don't include wiiU though ?Which makes this all the worse because according to this eShop will be down for quite a bit tomorrow:
I believe Nintendo has been letting folks add stuff during times that aren't Thursday.
Pretty much. Even on the 3DS, it's still weird. I mean, I am grateful for some of the stuff we are finally getting, like the Mega Man games, but as far as Nintendo's own stuff is concerned, well...
Why, NOA? Why?Over a year since it came out on the Japanese VC, and it's still not on the North American VC yet? What's the holdup?
Affected services don't include wiiU though ?
Which makes this all the worse because according to this eShop will be down for quite a bit tomorrow:
I am playing through MSF HD edition right now and got PAR in the first five incidents. Man, the music is awesome. So I wondered who did the music and it turned out to be Virt... all I know from him is that he did awesome OCReMix stuff a long time ago and then he had his own remix site for a while. No wonder the music is so great for MSF.
This (the Kirby Collection) isn't even available in the UK yet
This (the Kirby Collection) isn't even available in the UK yet![]()
You can buy all of the games in it separately, if you want, though.
Unless you want to play the new challenge stages as well, or Dream Land 1 and 2 on the TV, or the CD.
That reminds me, haven't listened to that CD in a while. *listens*
Will Bit Trip Runner 2 offer Off-TV Play?
So this thing hit it's stretch goal and is coming to the WiiU eShop. (And PSN/XBLA)
Because they put out the Kirby Dream Collection and forgot maybe people would want to play the portable game on a portable.Pretty much. Even on the 3DS, it's still weird. I mean, I am grateful for some of the stuff we are finally getting, like the Mega Man games, but as far as Nintendo's own stuff is concerned, well...
Why, NOA? Why?Over a year since it came out on the Japanese VC, and it's still not on the North American VC yet? What's the holdup?
Is Runner 2 up on Wii U eShop? I'm thinking about buying it on there.
Oh yeah. Checking~
hmm not yet.
The 2/26 release date was kinda shaky to begin with (except on Steam). It might not even come out today.
The 2/26 release date was kinda shaky to begin with (except on Steam). It might not even come out today.
Awesome, I'm going to check for it when I wake up. It's $15 correct? I have $10 in eshop credit for the DDP to put to use, so might as well go towards this.They tweeted just today about it coming To Wii U on the 26th. I'd expect to see it in the 10am EST time range. 12 or so hours from now.
Awesome, I'm going to check for it when I wake up. It's $15 correct? I have $10 in eshop credit for the DDP to put to use, so might as well go towards this.
Yeah, $15. I'll probably just buy it on Wii U since it seems to be the best of the console versions, and then just buy it again when it comes to Vita lol.
So, does anyone know what's going to be on the GamePad? Is it just going to be a mirror of the TV screen?
"The clear difference with the Wii U version is that you can play the entire game on either your gamepad or your TV. Also, because it is the newest platform with the most memory, it has the best overall load times of any of the consoles. Initial loading may be a bit slower, but it speeds up as you play since we can keep more content in memory, which means fewer loads overall."