They seem to have quite a list of puzzles to choose from. Since the framework is always the same, I imagine they're very easy and cheap to produce.
Being German only can't be the issue because English only games have been published in non English speaking territories; see Virtue's Last Reward and Phoenix Wright: DD.
I know I´m very late but I haven´t seen this posted anywhere:
A game has to have a french manual to be allowed in France, the game itself can be in any language imaginable.
Ace Attorney: DD´s manual is in english and french VLR too iirc.
Renegade Kid to develop Razor Global Domination Pro Tour for Wii U, also coming to xbox one and PS4
I never noticed this, but you are right; all the eShop games I bought have French manuals available. Thanks for the heads up.
Makes me wonder if the Canadian eShop has the same requirement,
Yuck. Renegade on VC and My Farm in the eShop. And apparently some CastleStorm paid DLC. Oh well, Donkey Kong TF is keeping me pretty busy.
I'm rocking this eShop cash from Best Buy.
$140 eShop doll-hairs thus far...DKC was purchased...but I want MOAR.
anyone tried Castlestorm on WiiU does it make any special use of the Gamepad?
It's the precursor to the Kunio/River City games. Not great really, you're better off buying RCR or Double Dragon.Is Renegade any good? From pics, it doesn't look too bad. Still, it probably won't sell for shit and you'd think they'd release another game of equal value along side it.
They seem to have quite a list of puzzles to choose from. Since the framework is always the same, I imagine they're very easy and cheap to produce.
Okay, this is getting silly.
On the 24th, a few new sales appeared on the 3DS eShop. One of those was Cocoto Alien Brick Breaker, "Now $7.99 - was $9.99 - sale through 03/24."
This is odd as the game was released in January of 2013 for $4.99.
That's right -- the price was raised for a sale, and will raise again AFTER the "sale."
Yeah, but where are they all coming from (ports? original games)? When will they finally be released? Why ratings every week? It's really intriguing.
10.05.12 Sudoku
31.05.12 Kakuro
21.06.12 Slitherlink
05.07.12 Akari
19.07.12 Masyu
06.09.12 Heyawake
27.09.12 Hitori
11.10.12 Nurikabe
General rule of thumb with Nintendo is whole numbers are big changes (e.g. Wii 3.0 bought the clock and 4.0 bought the SD card channel) anything after that is minor bugs or security (e.g. the initial 6.0 firmware occasionally did not power down properly as in the screen would go dark but the power light stayed on).Just had a tiny 3DS system update. I'm assuming it's just for minor maintenance?
This weeks Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:
Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy The Professor Layton series couples brilliant puzzle games with a fascinating story to create a riveting formula that has provided great entertainment for mystery fans and puzzle-solving gurus alike. In Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy, journey across the globe aboard the airship Bostonius while solving mind-bending brainteasers themed to their environments. Can you help Professor Layton and his assistants solve the greatest puzzle mankind has ever faced and uncover the mystery surrounding the ancient Azran civilization? Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy launches in stores and the Nintendo eShop on Feb. 28.
Virtual Console on Wii U
Renegade Battle your way through subways, parks, alleyways and parking lots in this NES brawler. Use your arsenal of kicks, punches (including the infamous sit-on punch) and jump kicks, as well as a variety of throws to knock your opponents into submission. Take the law into your own hands!
Nintendo eShop Sale
Knytt Underground Step into the extraordinary world of Knytt Underground, the latest iteration in the legendary Knytt series. Knytt Underground is a unique platform adventure experience, delivering zen-like game play, vibrant environments and dynamic characters. Now through March 3, get Knytt Underground for 50 percent off exclusively in the Nintendo eShop on Wii U.
Also new this week:
Renegade (Virtual Console on Nintendo 3DS)
Tappingo (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
My Farm (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
To view this weeks Nintendo Download in its full graphical version, please visit:
In addition to video games available at retail stores, Nintendo also offers a variety of content that people can download directly to their systems. Nintendo adds new titles weekly to the Nintendo eShop for the Wii U system as well as the Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 3DS XL systems, to the Nintendo DSi Shop for the Nintendo DSi system and to the Wii Shop Channel for the Wii console.
The Nintendo eShop is a cash-based service that features games, applications and videos. Users can add money to their account balances by using a credit card or by purchasing a Nintendo eShop Card at a retail store and entering the code from the card. All funds from one card must be loaded in the Nintendo eShop on either Wii U or Nintendo 3DS, but can be used in either Nintendo eShop if the systems are linked to a single Nintendo Network account.
The Wii Shop Channel offers games and applications and uses Wii Points, which can be purchased via the Wii Shop Channel. The Nintendo DSi Shop offers games and applications and uses Nintendo DSi Points, which can be purchased in the Nintendo DSi Shop. A Wii Points Card and Nintendo DSi Points Card can be purchased at retail locations. All points from one card must be redeemed in either the Wii Shop Channel or the Nintendo DSi Shop, respectively. They are not transferable and cannot be divided between the two systems.
Remember that Wii U, Wii, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL and Nintendo DSi feature parental controls that let adults manage some of the content their children can access. For more information about this and other features, visit,, or​
I used to love it as a kid, but I bet it hasn't aged well.Is Renegade any good? From pics, it doesn't look too bad. Still, it probably won't sell for shit and you'd think they'd release another game of equal value along side it.
Oh, and yup, Nintendo really did put it here :
I...feel as though I'm not surprised by this, considering I'm sure they knew what most of the pictures would be....Lots of new communities for 3DS games in Europe (yup, SKB got one, but you can't post pics in there) :
Dang, that's right. At the very least, Natsume posted screenshots of it last week on their facebook, not to mention yesterday the header image was changed to show the logo of the game.And Yumi's Odd Odyssey slips another month past its original release date. Next week then I guess...
I...feel as though I'm not surprised by this, considering I'm sure they knew what most of the pictures would be....
Lol at no Mario Bros. 3.
And Yumi's Odd Odyssey slips another month past its original release date. Next week then I guess...
Don't you mean Ubisoft?Silly me. I actually thought that there may be a sale on splinter cell since EU got one.
Fuck you Nintendo. You are bad at your jobs.
Oh, and yup, Nintendo really did put it here :
Seriously where the FUCK is SMB3? It's almost like NOA has forgotten they haven't released it yet. Or they're intentionally trolling their fans. It's bizarre.