What's worse is it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you make Cloudberry Kingdom more expensive on Wii U, how can you blame the consumer that it sells worse there than somewhere else? I can't blame someone for getting it on PS3 for less when it's the same game at a cheaper price. That's just savvy.
If they had the price they set for PS3 on the Wii U, I would've bought it. Instead, I didn't get either version because I don't really play my PS3 much, anymore. Treating different platforms differently causes lost sales, and that includes ports from iOS to game consoles. I understand a game being cheaper on iOS, but don't make it 4x the price on consoles, ported late, and not enough content added to excuse them from the price-hike and late porting.
Ubisoft Ubisofted describes that perfectly.
I realize one good explanation is because Ubisoft. But, that was just an example I remember clearly. Some indies complain that their game sells poorly on Nintendo consoles, when it has already been on PC for a long time, cheaper, in bundles, on PS+, ported last, etc.
One more thing that some indie developers do is regional pricing. If you set your price to 1 USD = 1 Euro, then it is your fault that you get bad sales/reception. Sure, the costs of developing may not be the same, but that doesn't mean you can rip-off a whole region. With Canada, ever since the dollar became weaker, indies have been raising the prices on their games, usually around 10%. Indies rely on word-of-mouth most of the time, for advertising, and if I see one title not raise their price for the Canadian eShop (ZaciSa's Last Stand

), it provides reason for me to buy that, over a title that did raise its price.
The internet exists, and anyone can see the practices a developer uses in certain countries. Don't piss of the people the people that pay your salary.