I believe Wakeda is a clone of DSiWare game Art Style: NEMREM (aka Art Style: ZENGAGE (US) / Art Style: SOMNIUM (JPN) ). 2D Rubik's cube is the gameplay if that makes sense. Production qualities are a bit low (especially when compared to the Art Style game) but there are quite a lot of puzzles.
I believe there is a demo out (if you have an NNID linked) that contains about a third of the game.
It's not exactly a clone of Zengage... they're both involve rotating rows or columns of a 2D grid in order to resolve the grid in a specific way, and the first few levels of Zengage feel like the first few levels of Wakedas, but the way the complexity of their puzzles evolves is totally different.
In Wakedas, every puzzle takes place on a square grid, and every tile has a certain color (some even have multiple colors). You need to resolve the grid so that it forms a picture with every color grouped together. This mechanic has a ton of depth, and the difficulty evolves by introducing larger puzzles with more colors.
In Zengage on the other hand, you only need to move certain colored tiles into certain locations on the grid, designated by colored balls (which don't ordinarily move when you rotate the grid). The grid can take on any shape (rather than just a square), and as you go along the game introduces a plethora of new mechanics which increase the complexity of the puzzles exponentially. By the end of the game you'll be moving arrows around to slide bombs onto ice-covered tiles to blow up locks that were preventing you from rotating certain rows, while simultaneously managing the tiles so that the colored balls don't get blown up or knocked off the stage. It gets crazy complex with all of the mechanics the game throws at you.