slasher_thrasher21 said:This I do not like!
FlashbladeGAF said:Im on rank 23 and so far I haven't needed to really use it. (except for one fight)
I've done all the training they would let me do (They stop selling lessons if you keep on leveling up) and I'm playing on Mild.
Threi said:ok the first part of theis the crappiest fight in the entire series.Ryuji fightmade it worth it thoughthe second part![]()
cosmicblizzard said:Well, I guess it's time to finish this. I'm hoping the final boss doesn't disappoint.
cosmicblizzard said:Just beat the rank 2. Now THAT is how a pre/post-battle cutscene is done. The character is developed just the right amount, there's some nice philosophical banter, a fantastic finish with a great cutscene afterwards. The game would've been so much better if all the boss scenes were like this.
I liked that fight as well. Funny Dialog, and interesting attacks.slasher_thrasher21 said:Yeah or the bossI thought was done pretty well also.Dr Letz Shake
robotzombie said:I apologize in advance
slasher_thrasher21 said:Yeah or the bossI thought was done pretty well also.Dr Letz Shake
yankeeforever2 said:Holy shit, the rank one boss is cheap as fucking hell........and where the fuck didHenry fucking go, he was with me in the cut scene then he is just gone WTF, and if I get knocked out of a window again something is getting destroyed
cosmicblizzard said:Just beat it. I actually liked the final boss, but it wasn't my favorite in the game; not by a long shot. First game's final boss blows it out of the water.; both of them
Overall, I can't decide which of the games I like better. There was a lot of improvements but also some things that were done better in the first game. As for a lot of the charm being lost, I only half agree. The way I see it, the game still has charm, but it was replaced with "Killer 7 charm" if that makes sense. Rather than the Suda insanity of the first game was replaced wtih the Suda subtlety of his previous console outing. The phone calls had a mysterious atmosphere and reminded me a lot of Killer 7.
I'm going to play the game again on Bitter. Even if I end up liking the first one better, I am very happy one of my favorite games of the generation got a sequel and hope the series continues with another stereotypical sadistic otaku. I'll definitely miss Travis, but I have faith Grasshopper already has someone lined up to take his place. Let's just hope Suda's role doesn't shrink any more.
robotzombie said:I really think they should continue it with Shinobu. Just replace her terrible jumping with wrestling attacks (instead of Travis's grappling/powermoves, go for a more Mexican Luchidor style), allow her to buy and upgrade multiple katanas or other japanese weapons, maybe give her something unique in terms of her mechanical arm, etc.
GaimeGuy said:Currently on the rank 23 mission. Question:
Do I get anything for staying stealthy, or can you just smash through the enemies without missing some kind of reward?
Seraphis Cain said:You know, I'm as much of a Suda fan as anyone (I have the man's autograph!), but seriously, how many free passes can he get? I understand he has his own unique style, but to believe that everything bad in every one of his games is intentional/meant to be a parody is pretty foolish. :lol
cosmicblizzard said:I'll definitely miss Travis, but I have faith Grasshopper already has someone lined up to take his place.
cosmicblizzard said:Yeah, I don't want the new guy to be exactly like Travis, but he should at least have the same interests and social skills.
EzLink said:If not then we'll be best friends foreverWhat the fuck is this shit? If Travis ends up dying at the end of the game or leaves the business of assassinating and you spoiled it for me with your lack of tags I'm going to be beyond pissed.
deadmuffin said:didnt he also say that he didnt mean for it to have a sequel...i think his line was "but sequels do happen"
Exactly how I gauged itBorkBork said:Done. So no different ending, no nothing on bitter? Wow, that's pretty disappointing
Gameplay: 2 >> 1
Bosses: 1 >>>> 2
Story: 1 > 2
Minigames: 2 >> 1
Music: 1 >>>>>>>> 2
Overall: 1 >> 2
dkeane said:How do I do the treadmill in the gym? Alternating B + Z isn't working
spoilercosmicblizzard said:Just beat it. I actually liked the final boss, but it wasn't my favorite in the game; not by a long shot. First game's final boss blows it out of the water.; both of them
Overall, I can't decide which of the games I like better. There was a lot of improvements but also some things that were done better in the first game. As for a lot of the charm being lost, I only half agree. The way I see it, the game still has charm, but it was replaced with "Killer 7 charm" if that makes sense. Rather than the Suda insanity of the first game was replaced wtih the Suda subtlety of his previous console outing. The phone calls had a mysterious atmosphere and reminded me a lot of Killer 7.
I'm going to play the game again on Bitter. Even if I end up liking the first one better, I am very happy one of my favorite games of the generation got a sequel and hope the series continues with another stereotypical sadistic otaku. I'll definitely miss Travis, but I have faith Grasshopper already has someone lined up to take his place. Let's just hope Suda's role doesn't shrink any more.
crazy monkey said:spoiler![]()
The large dumbbells piss me off. You physically hit them, and still get hit because they use the same hitbox as the small dumbells. Not to mention if you miss those you fail. Aside from that I like the game. The treadmill makes my fingers hurtpablitomm_uy said:i dont get what`s with everyone saying how hard the gym is, the muscle minigame was easily my favorite of the entire game, and not really that hard.
Threi said:The large dumbbells piss me off. You physically hit them, and still get hit because they use the same hitbox as the small dumbells. Not to mention if you miss those you fail. Aside from that I like the game. The treadmill makes my fingers hurt![]()
Jenga said:some discussion about the ending
So anyways, the way I see it, shortly after the #1 boss fight, Travis dismantles the UAA like he intended to forcing Sylvia to take up the life of a stripper because she now has no means of income. Before all she did was either con people until the UAA actually became legitimate after the first game.
Travis visits her out of sympathy, and finally decides to reveal himself when it turns out she really did care for Travis after basically recounting NMH2. I'm assuming shit is going down in Santa Destroy due to the UAA's absence and Travis is returning with Sylvia to kick ass for whatever reason. Following the whole theme of revenge and retribution, I can only assume whatever is happening in Santa Destroy is a direct result of the dismantling of the UAA and Travis now has to deal with the consequences.
The latter,cosmicblizzard said:This may be a dumb question, but do we ever find outwho Pizza Batt Jr was referring to when he said Travis killed his family? Either I'm forgetting something very important or they were generic thugs.
cosmicblizzard said:This may be a dumb question, but do we ever find outwho Pizza Batt Jr was referring to when he said Travis killed his family? Either I'm forgetting something very important or they were generic thugs.
viewtiful_dru said:what's up with Dr. Naomi? I thought she'd be more than a pair of swords and a pair of double E's. Where are my sword upgrades?
cosmicblizzard said:Just beat it. I actually liked the final boss, but it wasn't my favorite in the game; not by a long shot. First game's final boss blows it out of the water.; both of them
Overall, I can't decide which of the games I like better. There was a lot of improvements but also some things that were done better in the first game. As for a lot of the charm being lost, I only half agree. The way I see it, the game still has charm, but it was replaced with "Killer 7 charm" if that makes sense. Rather than the Suda insanity of the first game was replaced wtih the Suda subtlety of his previous console outing. The phone calls had a mysterious atmosphere and reminded me a lot of Killer 7.
I'm going to play the game again on Bitter. Even if I end up liking the first one better, I am very happy one of my favorite games of the generation got a sequel and hope the series continues with another stereotypical sadistic otaku. I'll definitely miss Travis, but I have faith Grasshopper already has someone lined up to take his place. Let's just hope Suda's role doesn't shrink any more.
cosmicblizzard said:Suda said this would be Travis' last game long before it came out.