this game dosnt need criticism (not saying anyone here s doin it), it needs critique ^_^
RelentlessRolento said:this game dosnt need criticism (not saying anyone here s doin it), it needs critique ^_^
I've heard this being thrown around, but what connection is there?imthemaid said:The first guy you fight in NMH2 and the guy Travis fights in NMH1 in the opening cut scene are his brothers.
No, the difference is that the former is the process of determining entertainment value and the latter is the process of determining academic value.EzLink said:The only difference between the two is tone
doomed1 said:No, the difference is that the former is the process of determining entertainment value and the latter is the process of determining academic value.
Wii said:The latter,you would've cut them down in the Pizza Butt Assassination Missions in NMH1, they're meant to be generic thugs which allows for some reflection on the player's part, I thought it was interesting to look at videogame deaths
yankeeforever2 said:and the credits, hope there is a cut scene after the credits.
The fuck, that's it
edit: Wow That is up there in games with bad endings, fuck the NMH joke ending was better then that.
Mo the Hawk said:I... finished it?
My copy must be messed up or something, because I never fought that Kimmy girl once. I jumped straight from Matt Helms to Cloe Walsh. Didn't even know about her until I saw her portrait at the Death Match select screen.
I also never encountered any "Revenge Missions" and still have no idea what those are.
I'm feeling very... unfulfilled at the moment.
EzLink said:It doesn't matter, even if something like that does happen at the end I'm over it anyway. Time to be best friends forever mkay?
I have the next three days off. I'm gonna beat this and probably play through it again. VERY glad I'm done with the gym and revenge missions
As a literature academic I HAVE to know the difference between the two words. What you're looking for is the difference between complaining criticism and constructive criticism.EzLink said:Semantics my dear friend!
I'm just going by my experience with how the two words are applied. I'm too lazy to go to a dictionary for technicalities!
Luigi87 said:Revenge Missions appear at the bottom of the map screen when you select where to go (below the side-jobs).
Kimmy is encountered when you leave the motel and then return to it, at some point after you've beaten Charlie.
Mo the Hawk said:I turned the game off right after beating Charlie and saving, so that may have something to do with it... but that's still totally lame. Why would I return to the motel for any reason before doing the next ranking battle?
And another thing! I didn't get jack shit for taking care of the cat! Got it down to 15 lbs. Nothing. Fuck you, Jeane.
cosmicblizzard said:I always returned to save. I'm surprised you didn't return once between missions the entire game. I always went back to see if there would beanother lower ranked fighter after me.
As for the cat, you need to get her down to around 10 lbs. Youlearn a cool nunchuk technique.
Mo the Hawk said:Eh, just created more needless loading times if you ask me.
Likea pair of beam-chucks? Or just a new move you can do with the katanas? I will play the whole damn game again if it means beam-chucks.
Mo the Hawk said:And another thing! I didn't get jack shit for taking care of the cat! Got it down to 15 lbs. Nothing. Fuck you, Jeane.
I don't think there is much logical sense here. Remember NMH1's ending ? We still don't know for sure what has been going on, and now we know we probably never will. It's probably more symbolic.Jenga said:some discussion about the ending
So anyways, the way I see it, shortly after the #1 boss fight, Travis dismantles the UAA like he intended to forcing Sylvia to take up the life of a stripper because she now has no means of income. Before all she did was either con people until the UAA actually became legitimate after the first game.
Travis visits her out of sympathy, and finally decides to reveal himself when it turns out she really did care for Travis after basically recounting NMH2. I'm assuming shit is going down in Santa Destroy due to the UAA's absence and Travis is returning with Sylvia to kick ass for whatever reason. Following the whole theme of revenge and retribution, I can only assume whatever is happening in Santa Destroy is a direct result of the dismantling of the UAA and Travis now has to deal with the consequences.
There are longer levels near the end. Pretty much NMH1's opposite here.Maybe it's due to the fact that I'm a bit early in the game but the levels seem shorter. I enjoyed killing fodder.
I'm going to warn you right here: that doesn't happen in any stagePounchEnvy said:
- The whole jump from
toRank 50. I understand thatRank 25there would be some battles where ranked assassins work together but I sort of felt ripped off.
G.O.O. said:I still have to figure out what's the deal with Henry. He still seems to be Suda's voice, at least for one thing, but I'm totally lost about his playable part.
G.O.O. said:Actually, the "one thing" I was referring to is.when he says "I have standards too" before the final battle, referring to how ridiculous it is
Sorry about my turn of phrase, I'm not very clear in my own native language either :lol
cosmicblizzard said:For me, the bosses with good scenes/development areI guess that is a nice amount, but there's still a lot that I can't even remember the names of because they weren't given enough air time for me to care.Nathan, Kimmy, Letz Shake, Destroymen, Captain Vladimir (could've been better though), and Alice.
Urban Scholar said:I'm participating in the rank 24 battle as of now.
.What seems to really make this difficult is the restricting area without much movement. I can't even deploy my darkstep tactics because this Jason rip off doesn't combo at all
I do like the theme music. Any advice?
robotzombie said:Use thelongsword. It wrecks him easily. A lot of people seem to have trouble with this guy but I didn't have an ounce, I'm pretty sure that sword was the reason why
Scythesurge said:Got to rank 24 last night and the game feels like it's going through the motions. Save for some cool cut scenes, I feel like the sequel has lost a lot of the personality that made the first one so enjoyable for me. Will hold off full judgement until I get further through the game though.
It sounds like you thought that I meant that the game hasn't changed much from the first, which is not what I meant. I was trying to say that the levels and bosses so far have seemed to be, for lack of a better word, filler. In the first game, each time you went into a level/boss fight you knew that it was going to be a big clash. Here, the impact is lessened: choose top option from menu, get dropped in random location, fight some thugs until the path opens up, cut scene which is cool, fight which is eh, then dead and repeat. In between you do the jobs/gym which to me haven't been as fun and I am sorely missing the overworld.VistraNorrez said:Don't know how you can say it's just going through the motions when so much was done so purposefully to change up the formula.
As for loss of personality, that seems inherent in a sequel. If anyone where to play 2 before 1 they'd probably say that that the first one doesn't feel fresh.
voodoopanda said:I've been playing this game a bit and honestly guys I don't know. I was glancing at the reviews of the first game on Metacritic and a whole bunch of em complained that the hub world wasn't a very good open world game and wasn't as good as Grand Theft Auto. I have to say that the list for selecting stores, missions and side jobs now is an even worse open world game and has nothing at all on Grand Theft Auto. What were they thinking?
Regulus Tera said:Question: is Masafumi Takada the composer for this game again?
I need to know before I harass for either this or TatsuCap as my birthday gift.
Peff said:He wasn't involved in this onePersonally I think the OST isn't quite as good as the first one because of the lifted tracks and general quality of the new ones, but there is definitely some great stuff there too. One song in particular
EzLink said:Sure, a well fleshed out overworld that actually IS fun and has stuff to do would be better than this, but I'm guessing they ran out of time to do that
Regulus Tera said:Who is the composer then?
It looks like NMH2 can wait.
Mayor Haggar said:Yeah, don't buy it anytime soon.
You know, not that it doesn't need a decent showing in NPD next month or anything.