Wario64 said:So, basically there's 3 by 3 grid and you enter chararacters like a telephone? Or similiar to the way you send text messages on cell phones
Panajev2001a said:In most cell-phones you have to click the same button again to get it to change selected letter (or use the jog dial).
Kiriku said:Nothing beats the character input in Beyond Good & Evil.
Jesiatha said:[0012] under Description is pretty cool. Instead of pressing the 2 three times to get a C (once to get an A, twice to get a B, three times to get a C), you just press it once. Then as you spell out the word, it guesses the most likely word based on a dictionary.
The example given: press 2 and get "A", press 6 and get "AM", press 9 and it changes to "BOY".
Probably be a huge pain to enter names or anything else not in the dictionary.
Kiriku said:Nothing beats the character input in Beyond Good & Evil.
SiegfriedFM said:A text editor in Wind-Ups (a GUI for GP32) already has this form of key input, with four sets of 3*3 letters.
Panajev2001a said:In most cell-phones you have to click the same button again to get it to change selected letter (or use the jog dial).
That's exactly how this patented method works, and it has first been used on their PS2 network disc. It's probably the fastest controller based text input method there is.Around the perimeter of the screen are 8 boxes (top-left, top, top right, middle-left, middle-right, etc.) and when you push the analog stick into one of them, it opens up a tiny menu telling which 4 letters are assigned to the 4 face buttons on the controller. So if I push it into the bottom-left, it'll show me A, B, C, and D mapped onto X, Y, A and B.
Marconelly said:That's exactly how this patented method works, and it has first been used on their PS2 network disc. It's probably the fastest controller based text input method there is.
Predictive methods are great (at least on SE's and Nokia's phones) if you input text in English, but for the more obscure languages, they are of course completely useless.
Not veryI don't know how obscure you'd consider Swedish to be
Fowler said:Er, that'd be predictive text on a mobile phone, like the popular T9 system...