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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007

Speevy said:

Oh, your lust for power has already done that.


pswii60 said:
If Wii Fit (official title) does come out this fall, and it sells extremely well, I have to wonder WHY!?

It's going to be the new excercise bike. Husbands will get their wives the thing for xmas (as an excuse so they can play Mario). It will then get used once or twice and then put away in a drawer.

Why not a) go to the gym or b) get a fitness dvd

Then again, I thought the same about Brain Training. I still don't get the point in it. Why not read a book or do some REAL mathematics problems.

That requires stepping outside of the house ;)


GhaleonEB said:
My only real prediction is that Halo 3 outsells Halo 2 by a wide margin.

if they plan to support the game like we all think they will over the next few years I would back this as well.


pswii60 said:
If Wii Fit (official title) does come out this fall, and it sells extremely well, I have to wonder WHY!?

It's going to be the new excercise bike. Husbands will get their wives the thing for xmas (as an excuse so they can play Mario). It will then get used once or twice and then put away in a drawer.

Why not a) go to the gym or b) get a fitness dvd

Then again, I thought the same about Brain Training. I still don't get the point in it. Why not read a book or do some REAL mathematics problems.
I didn't know Wii Fit was the official name, but thanks, I stand corrected. I'm not discussing the reasons why it will top charts around the world, but I think it's clear that it will outsell everything at sight.

Ranger X

(of course since it's my first post i didn't read 15 pages. I know it's full of over-reacting anyway)

I wonder how many PS3 were supposed to be sold in Feb? I would expect a month like February to move half what has in moved in December or November, maybe less.
Did the PS2 ever cross the 300k a month yet? I don't see anything wrong with all the numbers there, i'm just wondering what are people expectations. They sure aren't realistic. The PS3 is selling equal or more than all those consoles that previously failed. At 600$ price tag it makes sense to me. And this is also tks to the brand recognition because if it was anything else than Sony written on the PS3 it would have failed Jaguar style.
If I learned one thing from this industry it's that you can't count on anything

A year ago it was doom for Nintendo and an absolute victory for Sony. Who knows what will happen next. I'm bookmarking this thread to laugh at everyone who is claiming Nintendo superiority when the ****ing Gizmodo 2 and the Dreamcast Next are battling it out for virtual supremacy in 2011. Or whatever.



rollin' in the gutter
Cerrius said:
Yeah I bet those third parties are having an all-you-can-sell buffet on Nintendo systems huh?

Quit grasping for straws, dude. Nintendo is going to be successful this gen. Third party sales can be analyzed when there are actual notable third party releases in the future.


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
Hey, come on Sony shill junior members! Where are you guys? I thought we had an influx of 1000?


My opinion? USED.
P90 said:
I'm hoping to have a 360 and Halo 3 by then as well (and Wii and SMG).

With their 2007 first party lineup alone you would be mad not to :)

PS: I really am not sure about Halo 3 sales. The system is still very expensive, thats got to affect the sales.


Ryudo said:
With their 2007 first party lineup alone you would be mad not to :)

PS: I really am not sure about Halo 3 sales. The system is still very expensive, thats got to affect the sales.

AKA, holiday season price drop confirmed.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Cerrius said:
Yeah I bet those third parties are having an all-you-can-sell buffet on Nintendo systems huh?
Hey 3rd party games are doing better on Wii, I doubt they care that Sony can't move HW since that's not their problem.
Seriously, what do you people expect from a $500/$600 console? If any other console were priced that high I guarantee you that they would of fared much worst. The average consumers will not gobble that up no matter how compelling or visually enticing the software is. Also, don't get me wrong, PS3 Home will be great and all, but the people(and Sony) who think it will make a significant difference in sales are being way too optimistic.


You like me, you really really like me!
jj984jj said:
Hey 3rd party games are doing better on Wii, I doubt they care that Sony can't move HW since that's not their problem.

Third party games are doing better on 360, what's your response to that?

"durr, they not make good enuff games for wii.."


Rhazer Fusion said:
Seriously, what do you people expect from a $500/$600 console? If any other console were priced that high I guarantee you that they would of fared much worst. The average consumers will not gobble that up no matter how compelling or visually enticing the software is. Also, don't get me wrong, PS3 Home will be great and all, but the people(and Sony) who think it will make a significant difference in sales are being way too optimistic.

bu bu bu but it's Sony and PS3, PS3!!! :(
Sony said:

Sony: "According to NPD data, February 2007 showed a 67% increase in retail dollars generated year-over-year for SCEA in the US with total sales of $377 million. With this increase, the PlayStation brand remained the number-one revenue driver for the month in the industry owning 38.5% of total sales. On the retail front, SCEA continues to work hard to stabilize supply for PS3 and PS2 across North America. A short month was reflected in PS3 and PSP sales figures over January, while PS2 continues to perform above expectations, down just 4.3% from last year. PS2 dominated software sales for the industry, generating $111 million in revenue.

Impressive . . . you gotta admit that they found a clever way of putting a happy face on a complete disaster. And there are no lies in there that I can spot. (Just a lot of misleading & omission.)

"PlayStation brand remained the number-one revenue driver" (Never mind that the only real successful playstation brand product was the 7 year old PS2)

"On the retail front, SCEA continues to work hard to stabilize supply for PS3 and PS2 across North America." an attempt to implant the 'supply constrained' meme . . . never mind the fact that stacks of PS3s can be found in any Best Buy.

If one knew very little about the industry, one might actually think it was a good month from their PR.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Cerrius said:
Third party games are doing better on 360, what's your response to that?

"durr, they not make good enuff games for wii.."

...that's true?
not accusing anyone in this thread of this, but i'm going to say it again.

if sony can call blu-ray the victor of the war over hd-dvd after some five months of sales putting blu-ray ahead, we can certainly say that the 360 and the wii have defeated the PS3 based on the same time scale.

don't get your hopes up too much for march npd either. really all that you have to look forwards to is the effect of Motorstorm. should make the top ten.. should increase ps3 sales some, but i'd be highly surprised if it brings it that close to even the 360's sales.

home and lpb won't sell a noticable number of systems until they're out, even more so from here on.

with the ps3 selling like this, i think someone is as likely to wait for a price drop as they are to pick up a system based on a title that isn't out for six months.

we know the line up of software the 360 has for the rest of the year... we know sony have got some good titles, but most agree it doesn't come close.

the longer this goes on, the easier it is for microsoft to keep up great support.

ps2 hardware sales are nice, but reflecting on the software charts, they really aren't doing much good for sony.

things are worse for sony than we thought... if anyone can turn it around its sony, but man do they ever have a tonne of work to do.

i hope they can, because i don't want any one company to dominate like sony did the last couple of generations, and my 'three console future' dies if this keeps up...

but man... Andrews... if you can't see this as an example of why we don't want Sony to be in a position where they think that they can do whatever the **** they want, you never will.
Speevy said:

Oh, your lust for power has already done that.


Until this SDF battle station is fully operational, we are vulnerable. The XDF is too well equipped, they're more dangerous than you realize.


PS3 should have been a console with a dual-layer DVD drive competing directly with the 360 at the same price point. The 'hardcore' AV and gaming fans might not like that line of thinking but I think it's as simple as that. Sony are now paying the price for trying to shove their movie format down consumers throats; it resulted in delays and shortages (not that the later seems so applicable now days) and a huge premium on top of already expensive hardware components. This philosophy is a large reason why they're in the shit they're in today with PS3.

I don't know what they can do to be honest. They can't price drop anytime soon so people calling for absurd $200 price drops need to understand that it simply isn't going to happen; they're losing too much money to manufacture the consoles as it is. Some big releases would be a nice way to inject some life into the machine and begin to build momentum, but what exactly is there on the horizon? Games like GT5, MGS4, FF13 etc are capable of generating widespread interest but they're simply too far away...look the release list Microsoft has for the second half of this year, and watch Wii explode DS style when its key franchises begin to arrive. Hopes are being pinned on games like Motorstorm and R&C which are never going to find the sort of mass market appeal necessary to make much of a difference to current trends.

Current trends are looking dire for PS3, both in the US and Japan. Interest in Europe may be buoyed by titles such as singstar but then again, the sort of mass market a game like singstar appeals to is not the sort of market interested in $600 game consoles...and beyond that...what's on the horizon? Not much. The most interesting race now is Wii vs 360 in the US market. The Wii will win worldwide, Nintendo is back at #1, simple as that; but the US race is going to be very interesting, so much so that it will be some time before the Wii reduces the gap to any significant degree...if at all.
Saoh said:
bu bu bu but it's Sony and PS3, PS3!!! :(

Admittedly, it is too early for Sony to pack up their bags with one month of disappointing sales, but if their sales continue to drop until the end of the year, they should start panicking.


There isn't anything to worry about guys! 127K more Blu-Ray machines have been sold last month, which is yet another boost to Blu-Ray! Soon Blu-Ray will be the defacto HD format and all those who have sinned will have to repent to Sony! Muahahaha!


PS You guys can have the 'console' war, it's not making as much as Blu-Ray royalties - did I mention that Casino Royale is now #8 on Amazon?! Take that!!

Ha!! Ha!! Ha!! Ha!!

Did I spin that enough?


rollin' in the gutter
Cerrius said:
Third party games are doing better on 360, what's your response to that?

"durr, they not make good enuff games for wii.."

The console has an established base and has been out for over a year. Third party games may always sell more on the 360 than the Wii in the US. But what happens when Wii passes 360 WW and the potential for greater WW software sales is there? Some third parties will choose Wii over 360 and some won't.


Uncle said:
Yeah, that would be my guess too. A Halo 3 -> GTA IV -> Price drop combo. Plus bundles for christmas.

That would be a ridiculously powerful combination. Though does Microsoft really need to drop the price at that point? If Sony doesn't budge on price...


PleoMax said:
You really don't get it do you?

and your last sentence is moronic at best.

Anyway, you also have to account that Publishers make 10$ more on a 360 game, but that's beside the point, Wii and 360 and PS3, if the same game, will allways have different versions.

And Certain developers want to make certain games, only possible on certain consoles. Thing is, Wii will continue to gain more games, more releases, but it will probably be a different scenario of the 360/Ps3 one.

Just because they develop on the wii it doesn't mean they won't be working on the 360/Ps3. Look, this is just rediculous, it's a stupid arguement, they will continue to make profit on the Wii and 360/Ps3. Doesn't matter how you slice it, the 360/Ps3 will never loose say Assassins Creed just so it can be developed on the Wii. That's not how it works, and i'm terribly sorry that you nintendo fans have a hard time understanding this. Just because Wii gains support doesn't mean 360/Ps3 loses.



I don't even know what to say. Wiitard yes. Are we forgetting what games we consider Big releases on the WIi? People are talking about Wii health and wii music and Wii play as the Wii killer apps.

I'm gonna take a ****ing wild guess and say, Wii catters to a different market than the 360/Ps3. And developers know it, developers take note of what sells and what doesn't.

I'm glad you are so sure of your logic. Let's see what happens if the costs of developing a game are 6 million for Wii and 12 million for 360 and it costs 1 extra million to codevelop on two platforms (you would have to spend as much as on 360 version + put new controls, reoptimize the engine, graphics, etc). The publisher makes 30 dollars on each Wii and 40 dollars on each 360 game. Finally, if Wii game is Wii exclusive, it sells 250 thou but if it's not, it sells 200 - which is pretty realistic. Same deal with 360 game - exclusive means 300, not exclusive means 200 - considering 360 owners more likely to have two consoles and my be tempted by the lower price of the Wii game, different controls, free online. Actually, let me be generous and assume extra 10,000 for the game when it's 360 exclusive.

So the publisher has three options.

Profits developing for Wii exclusively: 250,000*30 - 6mil=1.5 million
Profits developing for 360 exclusively: 310,000*40-12mil=0.4 million
Profits developing for both: 200,000*30+200*40 - 13mil= 1 million.

Question from econ 101: which course would a profit maximizing publisher choose.

Of course I rigged the numbers in this example - if the cost is under 5.5mil for Wii and 11mil for 360, codeveloping is actually optimal.

But this is just to make a point that yes, it is possible that it's profitable to develop for 360, but it's not the smart thing to do.


Jtyettis said:
Do you really, really think Mario is going to trump Halo 3 sales this year? Haha, even with my love of Mario I know better than to make a faulty argument such as this.

i'm not really part of this argument, but i just had to pipe up...

mario is definitly as popular or maybe even more popular than halo... it depends on which segment of the market you're talking about.

which sells more will depend on worldwide sales of each console at the time of release.

the mario market isn't as haeavily populated with early adopters.

i will predict (with a lot of hesitation...) that galaxy will have outsold halo World wide by febuary of next year... but i'm not willing to bet a ban or anything so it's kind of useless.


NPD threads are entertaining to read.

At the end of the day, people that buy the PS3 in order to be entertained have nothing to be worried about for the life of the console.

On the basis of "Playstation" franchises (and supporting studios) alone, the PS3 can only bring bigger and better installments of games that made the PS1 and PS2 golden gaming machines. Too many great franchises to list, but you get the point. It is safe to say that people that enjoyed these past machines know what to expect from the PS3, and are not dumb/immature enough to be upset that some 3rd party games will no longer be "exclusive".

As far as features go, thanks to the state of Blu-ray, HDTV owners can rest assured that their investment for a quality HD movie player is secure. With the rate of HD adoption, either the X360 will release a Blu-ray add-on, or the PS3 will be much more appealing to new HDTV owners looking to display anything more besides HD games.

Moreover, Sony suddenly has the prospect of having the most complete and robust online community, and creative options for users.

There is value in a $600 PS3 now for some, and there will be value for a $300 PS3 down the road for others. In a few years, when the PS3 hits the magic price for those wanting to play their favorite Playstation franchises (or say... MGS4, FFXIII, DMC4, etc), how much will a slow Feb (because of very few games) matter then?

I won't get a wii because I only expect to play the same Nintendo franchises that no longer appeal to me. The wiimote will not change this. If I get an X360 (which I am considering) it is because waiting a year for the PC port of Mass Effect is looking to be a painful experience.


SonSon2 said:
That would be a ridiculously powerful combination. Though does Microsoft really need to drop the price at that point? If Sony doesn't budge on price...

Maybe not, but I think it might help them challenge the monthly Wii sales. If they can afford the drop, they should go for it.


As for all the blue ocean references, sorry, but that was Nintendo's plan no doubt. But it seems that a very significant part of hardcore gamers got attracted to Wii. Nintendo expected to have a frosty reception from the hardcore at E3 and we all know what happened. So while it's crystal-clear that Wii does not appeal to all hardcore, I think so far the evidence has been consistent with it having appeal to a big chunk of it.


sonycowboy, are we going to get the LTD for all the consoles? I thought that was one of the things we were promised when GAF made the deal with NPD.
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