Tobor said:More sales = more games = more sales =...
Shh. He still thinks that PS3 will be getting the same sized library as the PS2 if not even bigger. Best break it to him gently.
Tobor said:More sales = more games = more sales =...
smurfx said:jeez sony really needs to drop the price of the ps3 because it's going to be dead by the time all the good games come out. they should release a 399.99 ps3 version by xmas because a 500 dollar ps3 isn't going to sell all that well either.
Indeed. How any third party plans to make any money on boxed retail releases on the PS3 is beyond me...especially exclusive ones that have production budgets north of twenty million and big marketing budgets of the same size or more.jarrod said:At this point, it'd be more surprising if the "big two" didn't come to 360.
I wonder how portable that White Engine *really* is...
Okay, lets say they do. What do they do before then? Let the gap become the grand cannyon?smurfx said:jeez sony really needs to drop the price of the ps3 because it's going to be dead by the time all the good games come out. they should release a 399.99 ps3 version by xmas because a 500 dollar ps3 isn't going to sell all that well either.
laserbeam said:Clearly Blu-ray's superior capacity has greatly enhanced gaming. Would Motorstorm have nearly as many tracks and modes if it wasn't for Blu-ray?
The VF2/Sega Rally/Virtua Cop trifecta was in 1995. 1996 brought stuff like Guardian Heoes, NiGHTS, Panzer Zwei, Fighting Vipers, Virtual On, Daytona CCE, VF Kids, Legend of Oasis, Clockwork Knight 2, Baku Baku, Virtua Cop 2, Gun Griffon, Decathlete and others.MightyHedgehog said:I can relate, as any Saturn fan can, I think. Fall of '96 was the first amazing holiday season (Sega Rally/VF2 combo!) and a price drop. Too bad it meant nothing to most people outside of Sega fans who were already importing heavily...
MightyHedgehog said:Indeed. How any third party plans to make any money on boxed retail releases on the PS3 is beyond me...especially exclusive ones that have production budgets north of twenty million and big marketing budgets of the same size or more.
OH SNAP I missed it! :lolpilonv1 said:
Well, you know what I meant.jarrod said:The VF2/Sega Rally/Virtua Cop trifecta was in 1995. 1996 brought stuff like Guardian Heoes, NiGHTS, Panzer Zwei, Fighting Vipers, Virtual On, Daytona CCE, VF Kids, Legend of Oasis, Clockwork Knight 2, Baku Baku, Virtua Cop 2, Gun Griffon, Decathlete and others.
<3 <3 Saturn
Oblivion said:Shh. He still thinks that PS3 will be getting the same sized library as the PS2 if not even bigger. Best break it to him gently.
golduck342 said:I'm mad late, I know
Mejilan said:Oh WTF at Pokemon. I thought it was about 1 million between the two. They managed to sell something like 1.8 million in just over one week? When did NPD stop tracking for April?
I hope they'll do better in the coming months. The PS3 is practically the only hope high-end gaming has in Japan. I'd say if they're in the same shape after a year of this then the system is officially dead. Nothing would save it.Luna104 said:As much as this Nintendo fan likes to see Sony's overpriced beast fail, I refuse to hop on the "there's no hope for PS3" and "Sony needs a miracle" train. They will get their act together.
Still, 82k :lol
O...M...G...golduck342 said:I'm mad late, I know
Tobor said:Indeed. Although common sense shouldn't have to be explained, should it?
Adumaha said:
:lol :lolEteric Rice said:Come on third parties, you can't run forever!
AniHawk said:It counted 14 days of sales, actually.
Luna104 said:As much as this Nintendo fan likes to see Sony's overpriced beast fail, I refuse to hop on the "there's no hope for PS3" and "Sony needs a miracle" train. They will get their act together.
Still, 82k :lol
AniHawk said:It counted 14 days of sales, actually.
AniHawk said:It counted 14 days of sales, actually.
Oblivion said:Are you serious? So it's not even a full month's sales? Good god...
Mr. Pachunga Chung said:Too bad the PS3 has neither.
Tobor said:More sales = more games = more sales =...
Oblivion said:Shh. He still thinks that PS3 will be getting the same sized library as the PS2 if not even bigger. Best break it to him gently.
Pfft 360, numbers sure could do a lot betterbut that's nothing compared to what PS3 got. However we spin it, the fact remains that price has been a major hinderance for the two nex-gen consoles. How did the PS2 and original Xbox fare at the equivalent point of their life cycle?
Mejilan said:That's still insane. Anyone happen to know the first 2 weeks' worth of sales for Pokemon 3 or Pokemon 2, here in the US? For comparison's sake?
i don't think it's at the point of no return they just need to drop the price and they will get their sales back up. there are still millions of gamers out there that haven't got a next gen system yet and sony needs to price the ps3 competitively with the other two because it won't be around if it keeps this up. what will it take for sony to lower the price? selling 50k next month or maybe even lower?AniHawk said:I think the damage has been done at this point.
I hope this doesn't come out as sounding fanboyish, but sony fans have always had their system on top. People are just so used to sony being on top that when they aren't its a total meltdown. DS was just the preperation, and they were shrugging that off as, "handhelds are a different market" etc etc, but now its just starting to sink in. Nintendo read the market and gave the market what it wanted at the price it could afford.Tobor said:Indeed. Although common sense shouldn't have to be explained, should it?
smurfx said:i don't think it's at the point of no return they just need to drop the price and they will get their sales back up. there are still millions of gamers out there that haven't got a next gen system yet and sony needs to price the ps3 competitively with the other two because it won't be around if it keeps this up. what will it take for sony to lower the price? selling 50k next month or maybe even lower?
Adumaha said:
Projectjustice said:This is awesome. MGS4 coming soon to a 360 near you!
Master Z said:Speak for yourself. Just because the PS3 may not have anything that appeals to you doesn't neccessarily mean other people feel the same way.
You know, the Xbox and Gamecube pretty much sold like shit compared to the PS2 but both systems still had plenty of great games to enjoy. Shit, the GC even got one of the best games of last gen in RE4 and that was more than half-way through it's lifecycle when it was very clear that it would never catch up to PS2. It's like people think that second or last place means that the PS3 can never be a profitable business.
Cute. Please show me where I said that.........yea, that's what I thought. Go play with your pokemons.