The ps3 wont have the ps2 staying power if it hasn't sold a lot by the time the new consoles launch..
Vagabundo said:What!?! Companies cant pay their shareholders with image.
goldenpp72 said:The ps3 wont have the ps2 staying power if it hasn't sold a lot by the time the new consoles launch..
Neomoto said:Wow. Nintendo is steamrolling everything combined, worldwide, every ****ing month. I mean, seriously, they have 68,2 percent of every system sold. Two thirds people, of everything combined. And this is just US. If third party's don't get the picture now I just don't know what to say.
PS3 numbers are pathetic, they are probably even losing when you combine Japan's, US's and Europe's numbers and compare them to X360's even though it is only selling well in US and UK.
Pokemon sales are massive for only 14 days. Awesome is Super Paper Mario, Super Paper Mario is awesome. Now give us a ****ing PAL releasedate already, ****ers.
:lol Their PR's are made of bits of pure win, especially when compared to others nowadays.
I just hope that with this gigantic succes "lately", the arogance stays away.
I think just about anyone here thought that. But yeah, they sure go through great lengths to cover up their failures of epic proportion (and you know it'll work thanks to media who follow like sheeps in general). This PR isn't so bad though, maybe they know they can't win (but they still use some sneaky way's to get some points accross)
The fanboy tears are dilicious. They are all toys (high price & blu-ray player or not) so stop trying so hard. And I think Wii's performance worldwide "somewhat" prove that the Wii is actually (also) a truly brilliant next-gen console (yes I said next-gen, deal with it already).
I think putting out a third SKU (X360 Elite) is a terrible idea, people get confused when there are THREE different versions to buy so it's not very mass market friendly in that sense (and of course the price is far to high). Of course there are enough arguments to downplay this, but still three sku's.. also, when pricepoints come in the system might lose some of it's percieved value for customers and such. We'll see how it works out, next month should be interesting at the very least.
Also, Wii to next-gen and especially PS3 (just to post a gif):
We hardly knew ye.
Xeke said:They are aware that the PS3 is a console for the long run. Long after the Wii and 360 are obsolete they know that they will still have their future proof PS3. The sales right now aren't significant. The PS3 is for the long haul.
JeStaH said:5 years from now you don't think Microsoft will come out with new hardware that will blow away CELL and RSX? What about Nintendo's next offerring?
Not everyone is falling inline with Sony's plans. The 360 started the new generation early and it has payed off for them so far.
I have no doubt the PS3 will do much better next year with a price cut and real systems sellers like GT5 and MGS4. By that time though, will the lead of the Wii and 360 be insurmountable?
I think in the end it's going to be a very close race hardware numbers wise. The numbers that will really differentiate the 3 is going to be software sales.
Xeke said:If by paid off you mean completely blow a year lead, than yea, I agree with you.
D3RANG3D said:So...MS, and Nintendo blew their whole wad already?
Xeke said:If by paid off you mean completely blow a year lead, than yea, I agree with you.
Are you being facetious or just trolling?Xeke said:Slow and steady wins the race. By 2010 when this gen has really started, Wii will be yesterdays news.
rage1973 said:Are you being facetious or just trolling?
Xeke said:If by paid off you mean completely blow a year lead, than yea, I agree with you.
The gif reminds me how the Robocop movies were pretty damn hardcore and violent compared to everything else I had seen when I was a kid.Neomoto said:
Oh, lord, this thread is growing faster than I can read it.
I'm so thankful for what the Wii is doing right now. Somewhere during the last generation or so the industry started catering to a very specific audience to such a degree that it alienated most everyone else. I remember one day, blinking, taking a step back and looking at the racks of the PS2 and XBox: they were filled to the brims of either bald aggressive faces, guns (hell, there was a game called "Gun"), or menacing creatures. My mouth was agape as I picked up a package for "F.E.A.R."-- the industry couldn't even make a 'The Ring'-inspired horror game without thrusting futuristic marines into it. The industry let the fans take the reins and got led to the road of "badass" 'badass" "badass."
I was embarassed. Halo and GTA were the face of the industry? If someone went, "Hey, what's this whole videogames thing about," they would be faced with bald space marines and crime lords. They would be faced with violence, faced with a steep-learning curve, and impossible 70-hour long game worlds. I'll always remember Roger Ebert's recollection of a meeting with a gamer demonstrating to him what I guess were considered the "premier" in videogame releases. The gamer proudly declared that it could take up to 60-70 hours of play to complete it. Ebert was completely off-put, and rightfully so: who in God's name has th time to maintain a hobby in which each game takes 70 hours of your time? If you play games for two hours a day that's more than a month. Is there any wonder at all that videogames were/are considered a childish waste of time?
Sure, there were always the "Super Monkey Balls" and "Mario Karts," but you weren't really a gamer if you played that stuff. They weren't what video games were about, at least no longer at that point. You were a non-gamer, or a noob, or some other label that sort of discouraged you from taking the hobby with any more passion or interest.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this, and even more glad that Nintendo took steps to take the industry back from the neckbeards and back into the hands of the public at large. When Yamauchi made his remarks about consumers for the most part not being interested in larger-scaled games, gamers declared him to be out of touch. Wii and DS has proven that Yamauchi wasn't out of touch, gamers were out of touch.
We're headed for the day when a bald space marine and a organized crime syndicate aren't the faces of the industry anymore, and I can't wait until we get there, and I'll only laugh at those that lament at the change in direction: you're not in control of the industry anymore. Now you will get to feel what it's like to be alienated by videogames. Now you get to be disenfranchised.
Wii, according to some, is "destroying videogames," and as long as "videogames" mean "Mature Shooter 70 Hours Huge Big Worlds' then I couldn't be happier.
Xeke said:Slow and steady wins the race. By 2010 when this gen has really started, Wii will be yesterdays news.
Weren't you just talking about your system of choice for Call of Duty 6?jordan0386 said:Liking Mario is cool, but its been like 30 years already...can you lead the charge with new characters already
Cash cowing for the win
Not really. A camera in the wiimote captures a view of the IR lights emitted by the sensor bar, and from their relative positions determines things like pointer position and how close you are. The closer you get, though, the easier it is to accidentally get your controller pointed in such a way that it loses sight of one (or both) of the sides. I do have this problem sometimes with WarioWare, since it uses so much back-and-forth with positions like Remote Control and Tug-of-War.greendublin said:Could there be a sensor bar upgrade to make it more reliable?
Mariah Carey said:Oh, lord, this thread is growing faster than I can read it.
I'm so thankful for what the Wii is doing right now. Somewhere during the last generation or so the industry started catering to a very specific audience to such a degree that it alienated most everyone else. I remember one day, blinking, taking a step back and looking at the racks of the PS2 and XBox: they were filled to the brims of either bald aggressive faces, guns (hell, there was a game called "Gun"), or menacing creatures. My mouth was agape as I picked up a package for "F.E.A.R."-- the industry couldn't even make a 'The Ring'-inspired horror game without thrusting futuristic marines into it. The industry let the fans take the reins and got led to the road of "badass" 'badass" "badass."
I was embarassed. Halo and GTA were the face of the industry? If someone went, "Hey, what's this whole videogames thing about," they would be faced with bald space marines and crime lords. They would be faced with violence, faced with a steep-learning curve, and impossible 70-hour long game worlds. I'll always remember Roger Ebert's recollection of a meeting with a gamer demonstrating to him what I guess were considered the "premier" in videogame releases. The gamer proudly declared that it could take up to 60-70 hours of play to complete it. Ebert was completely off-put, and rightfully so: who in God's name has th time to maintain a hobby in which each game takes 70 hours of your time? If you play games for two hours a day that's more than a month. Is there any wonder at all that videogames were/are considered a childish waste of time?
Sure, there were always the "Super Monkey Balls" and "Mario Karts," but you weren't really a gamer if you played that stuff. They weren't what video games were about, at least no longer at that point. You were a non-gamer, or a noob, or some other label that sort of discouraged you from taking the hobby with any more passion or interest.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this, and even more glad that Nintendo took steps to take the industry back from the neckbeards and back into the hands of the public at large. When Yamauchi made his remarks about consumers for the most part not being interested in larger-scaled games, gamers declared him to be out of touch. Wii and DS has proven that Yamauchi wasn't out of touch, gamers were out of touch.
We're headed for the day when a bald space marine and a organized crime syndicate aren't the faces of the industry anymore, and I can't wait until we get there, and I'll only laugh at those that lament at the change in direction: you're not in control of the industry anymore. Now you will get to feel what it's like to be alienated by videogames. Now you get to be disenfranchised. And I couldn't be happier.
3rdman said:Its hard to read your post when you start off with such a great fallacy...When was the last time you took a gander at the PS2 install base and the sales of its "complicated" games? And what up with the "I hope you all suffer" crap? Look, if you want childish games with lots of color and extremely simple controls, I guess you know where to look. But why would you begrudge my mature tastes? Is there not enough room for both?
Tell me, do you still watch Sesame Street or have you grown out of that? I ask because you're argument denotes that we should accept only that which was acceptable in our youth...
Eteric Rice said:I miss the SNES days, when Square and Enix were two seperate entities. They'd always try to one up each other, and in doing so they pushed the RPG genre forward. There were also great games like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III (VI), Super Mario RPG.
sonycowboy said:April 2007
Nintendo DS 471k
Wii 360k
PlayStation 2 194k
PlayStation Portable 183k
Xbox 360 174k
Game Boy Advance 84k
PlayStation 3 82k
GameCube 13k
Mr. Pachunga Chung said:woah i just got deja vu...i swear ive seen someone write this exact same thing before...
3rdman said:Its hard to read your post when you start off with such a great fallacy...When was the last time you took a gander at the PS2 install base and the sales of its "complicated" games? And what up with the "I hope you all suffer" crap? Look, if you want childish games with lots of color and extremely simple controls, I guess you know where to look. But why would you begrudge my mature tastes? Is there not enough room for both?
Tell me, do you still watch Sesame Street or have you grown out of that? I ask because you're argument denotes that we should accept only that which was acceptable in our youth...
Mariah Carey said:And no, I don't still watch Sesame Street, but I still watch The Little Mermaid and The Lion King and The Princess Bride. And yes, I do like me some Terminator and Boyz N Da Hood every so often as well. But "Terminator" and "Boyz N Da Hood" were never the representatives of the film industry to the public at large.
3rdman said:Its hard to read your post when you start off with such a great fallacy...When was the last time you took a gander at the PS2 install base and the sales of its "complicated" games? And what up with the "I hope you all suffer" crap? Look, if you want childish games with lots of color and extremely simple controls, I guess you know where to look. But why would you begrudge my mature tastes? Is there not enough room for both?
Tell me, do you still watch Sesame Street or have you grown out of that? I ask because you're argument denotes that we should accept only that which was acceptable in our youth...
Eteric Rice said:I think the point is that there are way to many of those types of games now. It's almost like other genres are being forgotten.
3rdman said:Yes...because nobody is making kid games...Hannah Montana doesn't exist, Mario is now a drug dealer, Zelda is now (always was) a girl, and Viva Pinata is actually a concentration camp simulator(...actually that last one is true.)
Its a false argument because these are no forgotten genres. As people age, their taste change...If I was 10 years old, I'd be crying for a Wii. Since I (and many here) are older, our taste have changed and (guess what) we also have money! Developers want our money so they make products we like so we give it to them... Kid games are on kid consoles. If you never want to be disturbed by Space Marines, don't buy a mature console.
Now I understand you a bit...and you really should stop caring what other people think...I didn't get to that point until I reached my 30's so good luck.Mariah Carey said:Perception is everything. I got sick of being asked of my interests and responding, "...well I like videogames..." and getting replies of "Oh, really? You like to play videogames? But aren't those things violent?" Or, if it were a gamer, getting a reply of "Oh, what do you like to play? Oh... yeah, well I'm not really into that kiddie stuff..." I guess I shouldn't be so vindicative, but that's just how I am. Just ask Jennifer Lopez.
And no, I don't still watch Sesame Street, but I still watch The Little Mermaid and The Lion King and The Princess Bride. And yes, I do like me some Terminator and Boyz N Da Hood every so often as well. But "Terminator" and "Boyz N Da Hood" were never the representatives of the film industry to the public at large.
Don't make me break out my Gamecube and copy of Wind Waker..."Kiddie" isn't a bad thing by a long shot especially in the hands of Miyamoto...but it is kiddy nonetheless.Mr. Pachunga Chung said:"Teh kiddie" huh...
This is so insanely dumb I gotta wonder if you're actually serious. :lol3rdman said:Mario is now a drug dealer, Zelda is now (always was) a girl
I never said that Space Marines were the epitome of gaming...where did I say that?Segata Sanshiro said:I'd like to point out that in parading around Space Marine games as the epitome of adult gaming, all you are telling me is that instead of getting mentally stuck at age 12, you got mentally stuck at age 15.
You seriously sound like the grade seven kid telling the grade five kid how immature he is.
OMG sarcasm meter is completely broken around here...I'll come back when its fixed.This is so insanely dumb I gotta wonder if you're actually serious.
sprocket said:I just wonder how many of these non gamers are going ot buy a wii a few games then throw it in the closet? I mean games sells in NA havn't been that great. Even more so for 3rd parties.
sprocket said:I just wonder how many of these non gamers are going ot buy a wii a few games then throw it in the closet? I mean games sells in NA havn't been that great. Even more so for 3rd parties.
Exactly. 'Kiddy' games are only viewed as immature amongst certain internet video game forum-goers. In the real world, a 'kiddy' game like Wii Sports draws far less eye-rolling from hot girls than something like Gears of War.*Segata Sanshiro said:People have a problem with *kiddy* because it always seems to be used in a ridiculously condescending way.