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NPD Sales Results for July 2007


this is so embarrasing. the wii is running away it, and here we have xbots and sonybots fighting over the scraps over a couple of 1000 sales difference between them.
justjohn said:
this is so embarrasing. the wii is running away it, and here we have xbots and sonybots fighting over the scraps over a couple of 1000 sales difference between them.


FitzOfRage said:
Well he doesn't actually mean worldwide anyway, because he doesn't really have worldwide numbers.

Well, we know that, but at this point I'm just hanging in for his inevitable meltdown.
why are people really expecting sony to drop the price of the ps3 again when they just raised it because of the bigger hard drive and the pack in? wouldnt they lose even more money if they cut the price again? they cant even cut it another $100 unbundling motorstorm.


AdmiralViscen said:
OK, but you haven't proven that PS3 is not dead. Only that it twitched in July.

I guess you missed my post where I said I had predicted PS3 to be worldwide market leader by now.

I guess I get 'wound up' by intellectually dishonest people who can't defend their own points, or even respond to their opponent's whole post.

Shouldn't you be off having fun by now?
PS3 is not dead! It's just in a coma right now.
I think some of the people around here are bonafide Drama Queens.

Wii isn't like the anti-christ to gaming, and the 360 and PS3 aren't some sort of last hurrah of gaming.
Get a fucking grip. Wii is a good thing for this industry, and 360 and PS3 will keep being the systems you want them to be, what you bought them for.

Seriously, for fucks sakes. *Oh noes the Wii fit* How does that affect you? Finally this industry is going to bitch slap everyone that said Gaming will never be more than some "nerd" hobbie. We are reaching to the mainstream. Thanks to the Wii. 360 and PS3 won't turn into dust because of it, get real.


indie85 said:
us - 425,000
ca - 36,419
ja - 335,307
total - 822726

us - 159,000
ca - 15,037
ja - 78,798
total - 260835

us - 170,000
ca - 13,119
ja - 12,169
total - 200,288

end the ps3 is dead smuck in this thread

Germany = Europe now?


These next few months are going to be interesting. Either Halo 3+ Price Drop will really help the 360 and it will be able to prolong it's US lead for months, or the Wii will really blow things wide open. Of course, production capacity is still the thing limiting Wii.
MobiusPigeon said:
why are people really expecting sony to drop the price of the ps3 again when they just raised it because of the bigger hard drive and the pack in? wouldnt they lose even more money if they cut the price again? they cant even cut it another $100 unbundling motorstorm.
It's not so much that people expect a pricedrop so much as they believe one is necessary in order for Sony to maintain some semblance of competitive market share.

Let's face facts, though. Sony is 3rd in the next gen race. They willingly sacrificed market share for Blu-Ray. They won't be competitive because affordability is the primary driver of growth in this industry. Home, MGS4, FF13, GT5, LBP... none of this crap matters when your entry level pricepoint is $499. Hopefully, consumers will feel compelled to switch to a high-definition DVD format and that the sacrifice of their gaming division will be worth it.

But ultimately, Sony just needs to focus on profitability and keeping the PS2 viable for as long as possible until such a time when the PS3 can be cost-reduced to be competitive or they launch a more affordable PS2 successor.


I don't know if this was posted here yet, but even the NY Times is jumping in on ragging Sony in their tech blog: Sony defeats Truman
This just in from video-game reporting headquarters: Sony may be a consumer electronics giant, but its public relations folks aren’t so powerful when it comes to prognostication.

Yesterday, said spinsters made a bold prediction about sales figures for video game consoles that were due out today. Sony said it was confident the figures would show that in July its PlayStation 3 outsold the Xbox 360, made by its chief rival, Microsoft.


Dave Karraker, the Sony spokesman who predicted the PS3 would overtake the 360, told me that: (1) He was only wrong by a bit, and (2) NPD doesn’t provide an exact count but estimates some portions of the market and (3) No, he would not care to make a prediction about August’s sales figures.
You know, someone should dredge up those NPDs from a year ago where all the Sony guys were bashing 360 for selling "only" 180-220k per month.

Hint: I was among them

oo Kosma oo said:
In America? About 150k or less I'd guess.

More like 100-120k tops.
Are software development houses really waiting for the Wii to "peter out" as the NYTimes says?

EA clearly isn't, they formed a whole Wii division essentially.

T Ghost

HandMeDownClown said:
That's not true at all. Third parties are already making quite a bit of money off of Wii (though not for good reasons--shovelware, mostly). Excellent efforts from third parties will sell as well on Wii as anywhere else; we just haven't seen many third parties put much effort into them yet. But we will. Devs are just being ridiculously slow to wise up.

You managed to evolve my writing to represent with more fidelity my ideas about this point. Thanks!

Wii 3rd pty developers: WISE UP and STOP pushing low budget, low quality, low creativity crappy minigames collections on us!

If not dealed properly (and by Nintendo ruling), the wave of shovelware from 3rds to Wii can REALLY cause a serious damage to the market.


AdmiralViscen said:
You know, someone should dredge up those NPDs from a year ago where all the Sony guys were bashing 360 for selling "only" 180-220k per month.

Hint: I was among them
Nothing like a little self humilation. I was also in that party. Who would have ever thought it would end up this way? Wii at #1, 360 at second, PS3 distant third (in NA at least). Times are a changing and one thing for certain, everything is not written in stone.


TheKingsCrown said:
Are software development houses really waiting for the Wii to "peter out" as the NYTimes says?

EA clearly isn't, they formed a whole Wii division essentially.
Adapt or die!
B-Rad Lascelle said:
It's not so much that people expect a pricedrop so much as they believe one is necessary in order for Sony to maintain some semblance of competitive market share.

Let's face facts, though. Sony is 3rd in the next gen race. They willingly sacrificed market share for Blu-Ray. They won't be competitive because affordability is the primary driver of growth in this industry. Home, MGS4, FF13, GT5, LBP... none of this crap matters when your entry level pricepoint is $499. Hopefully, consumers will feel compelled to switch to a high-definition DVD format and that the sacrifice of their gaming division will be worth it.

But ultimately, Sony just needs to focus on profitability and keeping the PS2 viable for as long as possible until such a time when the PS3 can be cost-reduced to be competitive or they launch a more affordable PS2 successor.

they CANT cut the price again. literally CANT. the system is $599 now. if they do cut the price it'll be $499. JUST LIKE THE 60 GIG UNIT IS NOW!!! i highly dounbt we'll see a $200 price cut this fall. WTF are some of you guys smoking?
plagiarize said:
that's priceless.

but to be fair... i predicted they'd outsell the 360 too. so i can't laugh too hard :)

Really? Why?

I don't see how anybody in their right mind could think that the PS3 was going to outsell the 360. It was 100 dollars more expesive than the competition, already at that price months ago, and has an anemic line-up. Yeah the whole red ring recall, but it obviously proved to not be that big of an obstacle, besides, even if it was it would have been a slow decline instead of a huge drop.

That line of thinking was sure a head scratcher to me.

T Ghost

Link said:
Love the logic here, guys.

Maybe if third parties made more than just putrid shit for the Wii, they'd see decent sales. Amazingly enough, the one's that actually have made good games have seen good sales. Funny how that works.

Exactly. It's not that there's no way for 3rds to make big cash on Wii games but simply that the quality bar on the Nintendo consoles consumer's mind is WAAAAY higher than on any other console because of the historical Nintendo's 1st pty releases quality.

The way I see is that for a game to be perceived as high quality and win the Wii's consumer's US$50 it has to be good to the point of AT LEAST matching the Nintendo games quality standard. And that is a task that I trully believe that can NOT be achieved by using the low budgets/high profit strategy that excited the majority of the 3rd's when they found out what the Wii was and how was it flying off the shelves.

The question is: Will the 3rds accept and act on the notion that to go big on profits on Wii development they need to invest almost the same ammount of money on creation and production that they have to spend to make big bucks on a Xbox 360 game?

Only the NPD results of months to come will show us that. By the moment, based on the release titles list and the july NPD results the message is that while some seem to be beggining to grasp this elementar comment the majority didn't even started to plan on how to acti on it.
DeaconKnowledge said:
Really? Why?

I don't see how anybody in their right mind could think that the PS3 was going to outsell the 360. It was 100 dollars more expesive than the competition, already at that price months ago, and has an anemic line-up. Yeah the whole red ring recall, but it obviously proved to not be that big of an obstacle, besides, even if it was it would have been a slow decline instead of a huge drop.

That line of thinking was sure a head scratcher to me.

If 360 sales hadn't gone up 7% in July for basically no reason, PS3 would have surpassed it.

360 was seeing monthly sales drops for the months leading into July. PS3 sales doubling over June and 360 sales staying the same from June would have put PS3 in the lead for July.

It wasn't reasonable to predict a RISE in 360 sales, no.

T Ghost

AdmiralViscen said:
If 360 sales hadn't gone up 7% in July for basically no reason, PS3 would have surpassed it.

360 was seeing monthly sales drops for the months leading into July. PS3 sales doubling over June and 360 sales staying the same from June would have put PS3 in the lead for July.

It wasn't reasonable to predict a RISE in 360 sales, no.

Great observation.

The question is what factor caused the 360's 7% surge in sales?

Would that be the announcement of the 3yr warranty for 3RL or the E3 effect or a combination of the two?

What do you guys think that triggered the 7% increase and the end of the decline on 360 US sales?
AdmiralViscen said:
If 360 sales hadn't gone up 7% in July for basically no reason, PS3 would have surpassed it.

360 was seeing monthly sales drops for the months leading into July. PS3 sales doubling over June and 360 sales staying the same from June would have put PS3 in the lead for July.

It wasn't reasonable to predict a RISE in 360 sales, no.

We are gearing up for the 360's "greatest lineup ever". There are bound to be intangibles here and there.

My surprise comes from the PS3 moving so high so quickly, but again i I never expected growth to be sustained over the month long enough to surpass a console with a userbase so focused on buying games. Not to mention the PS3's library. Yes Sony was screaming about a 150+ percent increase, but that was never clarified over a specific period of time.


justjohn said:
this is so embarrasing. the wii is running away it, and here we have xbots and sonybots fighting over the scraps over a couple of 1000 sales difference between them.
this is what Nintendo planned at the beginning
TheKingsCrown said:
Are software development houses really waiting for the Wii to "peter out" as the NYTimes says?

EA clearly isn't, they formed a whole Wii division essentially.

I don't think that's what they're waiting for.

I think the biggest failing for Nintendo right now is that they while they have the best selling platform, there is no good exit strategy for a 3rd parties knee deep in 360 and PS3 projects.

They pretty much have to see their current title through to the end, or eat the loss. They can't just bring those games to the Wii, and leave Sony to flounder, which is one big difference between Nintendo's resurgence and Sony's initial rise with the PS1.

I mean 3rd parties take a lot of flack for not doing more on the Wii thus far, but realistically, I can't blame anyone for not betting on Nintendo, and since Nintendo made the gap between their system and the others so big(or vice versa...) now that it's obvious the Wii is where you should be, they can't just run over.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but I think Nintendo could have easily launched at a slightly higher price, made their system more competitive from a hardware standpoint, and they would have been crowned by 3rd parties 6 months ago.

And even though some people might think $50 wouldn't make much of a difference from a hardware standpoint, as was mentioned earlier, it's pretty obvious the Wii was designed to be $200, without a doubt. So it's really more of a $100 difference in their target price, which would have gone a long way in making 360 and PS3 ports a viable option (still with compromises, but possible nonetheless).
Top 10 PSP


A) How the hell is FF1 4th again in its second month
B) How the hell isn't FF2 in the top10 if FF1 has been 4th in its two months since its release
C) How the hell isn't Brave Story outselling FF1
D) How the hell isn't Tales of the World outselling FF1
E) How the hell isn't Riviera outselling FF1

Man, sonycowboy, I need numbers :(


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Segata Sanshiro said:
Look matey, I know a dead console when I see it, and I'm looking at one right now.

No no no, it's resting. Remarkable console the PS3, beautiful graphics isn't it?
Nothing like a little self humilation. I was also in that party. Who would have ever thought it would end up this way? Wii at #1, 360 at second, PS3 distant third (in NA at least). Times are a changing and one thing for certain, everything is not written in stone.

I could of told you that just by studying the past Video game generations. I expected this gen. It is almost following a pattern.

I guess I will be part of the problem in the fututre too. I too want a wii, just for the Nintendo and Sega games.
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
A) How the hell is FF1 4th again in its second month
B) How the hell isn't FF2 in the top10 if FF1 has been 4th in its two months since its release
C) How the hell isn't Brave Story outselling FF1
D) How the hell isn't Tales of the World outselling FF1
E) How the hell isn't Riviera outselling FF1
Taking them in order (with liberal amounts of cheek applied):
A) It's Final Fantasy.
B) It came out on the 24th and it's Final Fantasy II.
C) It's Final Fantasy.
D) It's Final Fantasy.
E) It's Final Fantasy.

ZealousD said:
No no no, it's resting. Remarkable console the PS3, beautiful graphics isn't it?
The graphics don't enter into it. It's stone dead.
T Ghost said:
You managed to evolve my writing to represent with more fidelity my ideas about this point. Thanks!

Wii 3rd pty developers: WISE UP and STOP pushing low budget, low quality, low creativity crappy minigames collections on us!

If not dealed properly (and by Nintendo ruling), the wave of shovelware from 3rds to Wii can REALLY cause a serious damage to the market.

If Nintendo can produce shovelware why cant 3rd parties? WiiPlay is the epitome of shovelware and it constantly is the top selling Wii title.

This is what pisses me off about the Wii and the Nintendo faithful. Wii software is a joke or simply a last gen game and even the crap titles are celebrated when they sell well.

WiiPlay is lame or admit it is is a cheap deal on the #1 accessory and nothing more.
Mario Party 8 is lame yet sales are celebrated. Did you celebrate "Enter the Matrix" sales? It got better reviews.
RE4 Wii is just a GC game with new controls.
TP is just a GC game with new controls.
Paper Mario is just a GC game with new controls.

Sure the big 3 will sell well this fall, but primarily because the Nintendo faithful will insure that. Will they also sell to the new so called casual gamer. Just because of a spectacular marketing of the Wii doesnt mean they will also automatically love and lust after the traditional Nintendo big titles.

Dies Iræ

FitzOfRage said:
I don't think that's what they're waiting for.

I think the biggest failing for Nintendo right now is that they while they have the best selling platform, there is no good exit strategy for a 3rd parties knee deep in 360 and PS3 projects.

They pretty much have to see their current title through to the end, or eat the loss. They can't just bring those games to the Wii, and leave Sony to flounder, which is one big difference between Nintendo's resurgence and Sony's initial rise with the PS1.

I mean 3rd parties take a lot of flack for not doing more on the Wii thus far, but realistically, I can't blame anyone for not betting on Nintendo, and since Nintendo made the gap between their system and the others so big(or vice versa...) now that it's obvious the Wii is where you should be, they can't just run over.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but I think Nintendo could have easily launched at a slightly higher price, made their system more competitive from a hardware standpoint, and they would have been crowned by 3rd parties 6 months ago.

And even though some people might think $50 wouldn't make much of a difference from a hardware standpoint, as was mentioned earlier, it's pretty obvious the Wii was designed to be $200, without a doubt. So it's really more of a $100 difference in their target price, which would have gone a long way in making 360 and PS3 ports a viable option (still with compromises, but possible nonetheless).

That's a double edged sword. While it's true that Wii cannot play 360/PS3 ports, it's also true the other way around. Most third party games on Wii will be exclusive, and since support will soon rise dramatically, it means this generation will be even more painful for 360/PS3 than it would have been had Wii been more powerful. Nintendo really nailed this one.
traveler said:
Here's the thing about all the DS/Wii comparisions; the DS didn't take off at first. It wasn't even until it gained a quality lineup starting at the end of the summer following launch did we see the sales pickup. I think everyone will agree, however, that the Wii's lineup is anything but stellar. So, why are they buying and will this holiday's big three even make a difference amongst the casuals in terms of sales? (The line of thought here being that if the system sells itself without software, do the masses even care about it or are they simply buying it because of the controller/advertising/word of mouth/etc.?)

See your making the mistake of thinking that, whats great gaming in your opinion is no different than any other consumer. MP3 will probably be the highest selling game of the series. SMG and SSBB will more than likely sell consoles, possibly helping the console break holiday records.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Segata Sanshiro said:
The graphics don't enter into it. It's stone dead.

No no it's resting! It's probably pining for Final Fantasy and Metal Gear.

That's the best I could do. =(
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