Stopsign said:
November is normally a really big month along with December, but you can start seeing the effect on sales in October also.
his question got me curious, so I did a little number crunching. I checked to see what percentage of console sales come in November-December (I don't track hand helds).
From 2002 - 2005, the PS2 had 42%, the XBox 43% and the GCN 58% (inflated by the 2004 holiday price cut - that year Nov-Dec = 78% of all GCN sales).
On average for those years, the three systems sold 46% of their units in November and December alone.
Just a bit of speculation - if the 360 does 250k in October, and has the same % sold over the holidays as the first XBox did in it's second year, it will do 2,361,174 in Nov + Dec, for 5,023,775 in the US at the end of the year.