Bulk collection of German citizens' data is not synonymous with the existence of the NSA, let alone bulk collection of their own citizens' data, so no, I really do not think that. What I think is crucial to national security and further, civil liberties, is an NSA that works with oversight and not against it, and an NSA that isn't rendering itself half-blind in mountains of data because of a belief that algorithms will eventually save them and make all of it intelligible, actionable intelligence. All the while all that data sits around and is handled improperly for one reason or another.You really think that spying on millions of germans is crucial to defend the US? Some form of intelligence service might be necessary for a nation like the US, but the NSA is way out of line and their focus seems to lie on different things than national security.
Burning the NSA and the CIA to the ground is quintessential baby with bathwater alarmism.