That's not victim blaming, that's blaming government policy. You know that just as well as I do.
As you said I think he means collective national victim blaming (America, France...) not the individuals affected. But the point remains.
That's not victim blaming, that's blaming government policy. You know that just as well as I do.
This distance argument doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Japan is pretty far away, yet Western countries give a lot of shits when something bad happens over there. Malaysia is far away, yet people gave a shit about a missing plane (MH370). There are plenty of other examples.
This distance argument doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Japan is pretty far away, yet Western countries give a lot of shits when something bad happens over there. Malaysia is far away, yet people gave a shit about a missing plane (MH370). There are plenty of other examples.
Yeah, I think that's a big factor. In Bangladesh the victims were mostly Italian and Japanese, and yet was there not much attention by the western world either.Not sure he means distance but culturally. Westerners will mourn more for western cultures.
Anyway, in my personal opinion, I think the world has less empathy because (DISCLAIMER: I don't personally feel this way) it's a much more common occurrence in predominantly Muslim countries. It's the same mentality as the high inner city rate of violence in the USA, but the media and most people turn a blind eye. "Gangbangers and drug dealers will kill each other."
I have family what was killed in the Bangladesh attack. No, I don't super want to talk about it.
But there won't be any massive outpouring of support from Reddit. There won't be a hashtag shared across colleges in America among liberals. There isn't going to be a national conversation about what we can do to protect people from this sort of thing happening again.
That wasn't the case in Bangladesh.Its as simple as No white people died so who cares.
Its as simple as No white people died so who cares.
Lol noI mean, the Muslim world widely regards the western world as a culture of sin and vice and this is a contributing factor behind every attack in the west on some level.
Because it is further away from us. Same reason we don't really care that much about what happens to people in China, Indonesia or Russia. We don't feel connected to them like we do with France or the US for example.
It's really not that strange and happens with everything.
Guarantee you if terrorism happened in Japan, Western people would care.Its as simple as No white people died so who cares.
Because it is further away from us
Come on now. Let's not try to generalize this much.Does anyone in the European world give a shit when non-whites kill each other unless it's to tsktsk over barbarianism?
Just start caring. It's really not hard. You should care, dgaf what justification there is for not caring. just fucking care. Read and read and read all about it. Watch one of the news stations that do cover these stories. These are people, they deserve some time out of your fucking day to think and care about how they were wiped off the face of the earth.
No, I meant that so many people have internalized the whole Muslims are far more likely to be extremists idea, inspired in part by attacks like 9/11 and the France attacks, that for them the idea that a Muslim country gets attacked by terrorists is just proper comeuppance or they simply choose not to care. It's fucked up, but that's the environment we live in now encouraged partly by our politicians. Just look at Brexit.
But it's also due to how frequent these types of attacks are in Islamic countries, since Iraq for example simply is not stable right now. So of course people get desensitized to these things, like Americans have to gun violence.
I'm sick of these cheap moral games. There's absolutely a massive difference between an attack on the streets on Paris and one in Iraq, where there have been 22 such attacks this year and is completely different in terms of historical, economic and security contexts. I'm sorry for all the chips on shoulders but it's just a fact: any reasonable person would expect more safety in Paris, Brussels and Orlando than Baghdad, Kabul or Dhaka.
The value of a human life is equal, the world is not. Whining changes nothing.
Lol no
It's funny I usually always hear such absurd things from people who've never actually met or known a Muslim them self.
Okay no the issue isn't just your far removed and you can't relate so you don't care
The other issue is something happens in the West THE WHOLE WORLD is expected to care and does
That's the main underlying issue I have. It's a fucked up double standard that being brown makes you accountable to.
Edit: the baton rougue shooting thread is cracking only like 500 posts. A straight up fucking execution. Is that too far removed for everyone? And don't give me that desensitized bullshit, happening in our own fucking country.
White lives are valued more than others and that's just how it is.
This distance argument doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Japan is pretty far away, yet Western countries give a lot of shits when something bad happens over there. Malaysia is far away, yet people gave a shit about a missing plane (MH370). There are plenty of other examples.
Sorry but there are more terrorist attacks in Iraq and Syria (middle-east) than in France.Considering that France has almost the same number of terorist events as Saudi Arabia... I'm not sure the "it happens more in the middle east" comment flies.
That's a pretty depressing outlook you have on the world. It should ALWAYS be news. These events need to be counted so for those of us who do actually care can be aware of them and the effect on the people in those communities.
This distance argument doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Japan is pretty far away, yet Western countries give a lot of shits when something bad happens over there. Malaysia is far away, yet people gave a shit about a missing plane (MH370). There are plenty of other examples.
Would also like to add Turkey which does feel "close" yet recieves nowhere near the same amount of attention, though to be fair an embarrassingly large group of people still think Turkey is some third-world country in the middle east.
Sorry but there are more terrorist attacks in Iraq and Syria (middle-east) than in France.
Guarantee you if terrorism happened in Japan, Western people would care.
Don't think this is about race, so much as class + cultural similarity.
To be more accurate, an embarrassingly large amount of people think the majority of the Middle East is some third world hell hole like they see on Homeland.
For example, even American soldiers dying to IEDs and stuff usually just warranted a small ticker mention on all the 24hr news channels for the most part. Or at least that is how I remember it. I have been far removed from the US news cycle for a while now.
I know that isn't exactly comparable as they are obviously combatants and not civilians, but you can't deny that would pull at the American populace heart strings if they decided to give it more air time.
That isn't comparable because up to 2009 there was a legit photo ban on military coffins to hide the cost of war.
That's why soldiers dying were relegated to the small ticker mention.
This distance argument doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Japan is pretty far away, yet Western countries give a lot of shits when something bad happens over there. Malaysia is far away, yet people gave a shit about a missing plane (MH370). There are plenty of other examples.
This distance argument doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Japan is pretty far away, yet Western countries give a lot of shits when something bad happens over there. Malaysia is far away, yet people gave a shit about a missing plane (MH370). There are plenty of other examples.
When Muslims die in Orlando or Boston or San Bernardino, the West grieves. When they die in far away lands where this happens often, the West doesn't.
It's a stupid question to ask why Western media and people living in the West don't care as much when people die in a shithole theocracy or failed state far away from their everyday lives.