Not necessarily true.
Many ethnic Turkish people look White European and live Western lifestyles, yet the outrage/news coverage of terrorist attacks in Turkey, is still relatively mooted compared to attacks suffered by the West.
This is either because looks don't matter and it's about cultural classification, Turks regardless of looks and lifestyle are historically not a part of the West and so don't get the same sympathy. One could argue that Russians are in this category as well.
Or it's because Turks are incorrectly stereotyped as being "brown people that look and live different to us" and "Turkey is a place where this is normal" in the Western hive mind.
FWIW I think all attacks should be mourned as much as others, no one deserves it and we should never think of it as normal in any part of the World. After all the current fucked up states of Iraq and Syria are not normal, they are recent sad phenomenons and ARE the result of recent Western foreign policy.
But I do believe that if there is a classification in the West of "places where it's normal and far away" and "places where it's not normal and are closer to home", that terror attacks in Turkey (outside of South-Eastern Turkey) should be classified the same as Western ones, since that is the reality.
Another dynamic of the recent Turkish terror attacks are the fact that some of them are carried out by Kurdish nationalist militants. In the West the Kurdish cause gets some sympathy, so there isn't the same outrage against Kurdish terror as there is against Islamist terror, and there is also a perception in the West that Islamist terrorist attacks in Turkey are "chickens coming home to roost" which again weakens the "feeling sorry" for reaction.
I personally think it would help soften the current "West VS Islam" discourse in the West a lot if proportional media coverage was afforded to terrorist attacks where majority of victims are Muslim.