The Elite
There is a MASSIVE sale at the oculus home store. It deserves an official topic but I'm on mobile.
I have a bad feeling a separate topic would get derailed quickly.
There is a MASSIVE sale at the oculus home store. It deserves an official topic but I'm on mobile.
Finally GearVR and Oculus Rift goes cross buy/cross platform (for some games).
There is a MASSIVE sale at the oculus home store. It deserves an official topic but I'm on mobile.
(From the Steam sale thread)Sort of hidden deal: The Solus Project + The Ball if you have the Ball already brings the package down to 12.79, which is cheaper than the regular price of the Solus Project.
Is Apollo 11 worth the $10 as a cool experience? I know I probably won't play it more than once outside of showing it off to people.
It'll vary by person, but to me it's been the strongest emotional VR experience I've had so far. I loved it.
Is that best buy deal now or something that happened a while back?Thanks to the B1G1 20% off digital cards at Best Buy, I think i'm going to grab a few Steam cards and pick up Elite Dangerous and The Solus Project.
Is the Horizons Season Pass DLC for Elite Dangerous worth it? I figure I may as well go all in. Also is there any weirdness between using it via Steam versus buying it on the Oculus Store?
Any help/insight would be much appreciated! Also feel free to add me on Oculus. My username there is Thoraxes.
Anyone know if Chronos is exclusive to Oculus store forever, or will it eventually end up on Steam? I prefer my games in the steam library, even though I have a rift. So far most games have shown up on both, but three of the games I'd like to check out - Edge of Nowhere, Chronos, and The Climb - all appear to be Oculus exclusives at the moment. Just not sure if thats like a 6 month deal or forever.
Well I guess I'm going in! Just ordered one! What am I doing GAF? :0In stock on the Best Buy website right now! Finally snagged one
Is that best buy deal now or something that happened a while back?
ThanksYou have till Sunday.
Some people swear by it. I haven't spent a lot of time with it, maybe an hour, but the whole craning your neck to reach the next hand hold mechanic has seemed a little touchy and left me kind of cold on it. Definitely take it with a grain of salt though as adjusting my sensor / spending some more time with it might have me singing another tune.
Now that I got my order in I'm torn if I should cancel and go for vive... but it sounds like the rift has more support in terms of exclusives or am I wrong? On top of that we will probably see Xbox games with vr support in the future that will most def end up on PC.. I'm not sure what to do.
Nvm not torn anymore, I'm getting the rift. Read some articles and I was sold.
I can buy games from the sale without having the headset?
Cool, thanks for the info. I've always wanted VR since I was a kid in the 80s and saw a demo of some super early VR. I have kept myself away from all things like cardboard and gear VR because I want my first experience to be high end. I'm so fucking pumped for this.Oculus is directly funding some of the bigger games like Edge of Nowhere, The Climb and Chronos. All 3 are really good games too IMO. They will keep funding exclusives as it seems to be a core part of their strategy.
Also, Touch is coming in a few months and by most accounts surpasses what the Vive wands can do because of the ability to do basic finger tracking.
The downside is we don't know what Oculus's official stance on roomscale games will be but there's been plenty of videos showing that Vive's roomscale games with with the Rift with 2 cameras (the second will be included with Touch) but it just may not be "officially" supported. We'll see.
Yep, you can install the software and buy games without a Rift attached, just skip the hardware setup stage during installation. You can run the hardware setup later.
Cool, thanks for the info. I've always wanted VR since I was a kid in the 80s and saw a demo of some super early VR. I have kept myself away from all things like cardboard and gear VR because I want my first experience to be high end. I'm so fucking pumped for this.I'll have to grab a couple of games off this sale.
Now that I got my order in I'm torn if I should cancel and go for vive... but it sounds like the rift has more support in terms of exclusives or am I wrong? On top of that we will probably see Xbox games with vr support in the future that will most def end up on PC.. I'm not sure what to do.
Will do. How is the length of these oculus games?Definitely grab Chronos.
FYI Oculus removed the DRM check and now Revive works properly again.
R.I.P. my cv1
Anyway to know if its just your cable or the Rift itself?
FYI Oculus removed the DRM check and now Revive works properly again.
Will do. How is the length of these oculus games?
Good. Stop fucking poking the bear, Oculus. Let's try to be one happy family.
What is the issue?
Headset isn't turning on. Plugged in and all.
There's no yellow light above the lenses or anything.
What does that email mean?
"We're trying to process your order but might not have the most current information. Please review your order history and make sure your billing/shipping addresses are correct and that your payment information is current and ready to accept the charge. You can check or update your order any time by visiting:"
Does it mean they cant process your order, they prepare to process it, some data isnt correct (it is actually) or what?
It means they tried to charge your method of payment and it didn't go through. You need to check with your bank and update your payment method. Happened to me. You will have to make the adjustment and then wait for the next shipment to go out.
So, I tried this, and it was still not working....but I just came to a disturbing realization.Could either be the cable or the ports you're connecting to. My HDMI port on my video card crapped out shortly after I setup my Rift (how fucking convenient!) and I had to use a HDMI->DVI converter.
I was under the assumption that a version designed fully around VR was coming, am I wrong? I've been waiting for that before I try itOh I just found out that the Witness has VR support.
Maybe i'll pick that up after all.
From what I've read it sounds like that may eventually happen, but I've not seen anything concrete regarding a proper VR version of the game being in development.I was under the assumption that a version designed fully around VR was coming, am I wrong? I've been waiting for that before I try it
I'm looking at videos of different games but it's hard to appreciate if they are good or not without trying on vr. Looks like I get Lucky's tale. Don't think Eve is included so I could get that. Chronos looks cool. Lost looks interesting. I'm just not sure on what to get.
I actually own a copy of elite dangerous, does that have support for vr already or do I need to buy something else on top? I'm open to recommendations on games or vr experiences.
I have Adr1ft and Vanishing of Ethan Carter on my steam cart.
You should buy The Witness because it's awesome, but the VR support is super janky. Like, there's absolutely no polish to it. Menus don't work right, stuff like that.From what I've read it sounds like that may eventually happen, but I've not seen anything concrete regarding a proper VR version of the game being in development.
I'll look into it more though. Hopefully some others can shed light on it too.
You should buy The Witness because it's awesome, but the VR support is super janky. Like, there's absolutely no polish to it. Menus don't work right, stuff like that.