It could be that the standalone camera has a longer cable. They're promoting is being for room scale, it's a stupid oversight of them if they don't make it longer.
afaik, Revive already supports Touch emulation. How well it works, we'll have to see when Touch games get released
Did either of those games show any movement? I would imagine they are going to use teleportation for locomotion.
Did either of those games show any movement? I would imagine they are going to use teleportation for locomotion.
If you watch the video of Lone Echo they use the Touch to grab on to things in world and pull themselves forward since you are in a zero g environment.
Oh, preorders in 4 days. I wonder how our slots in line will be handled. I guess we have a window to preorder to reserve our spot?
So now I'm in a pretty interesting situation and I'm looking for some advice. As this part of GAF isn't immediately hostile to the Rift, I'll ask here:
I currently have both the Vive and Rift. Assuming the Rift's room-scale solution matches that of the Vive, which one do I keep in the long run? The extra $80 isn't really a driving factor. I do think the Rift is more comfortable, but the Vive has a much more positive buzz around it. I really don't want to keep both of them in the long run.
I currently have both the Vive and Rift. Assuming the Rift's room-scale solution matches that of the Vive, which one do I keep in the long run? The extra $80 isn't really a driving factor. I do think the Rift is more comfortable, but the Vive has a much more positive buzz around it. I really don't want to keep both of them in the long run.
Well if you think Oculus is more comfortable why not that one. I think HTC vive will see an upgrade of some sort before Oculus does.
Also since 2 cams can do 360 tracking and people have demoed roomscale I would wait to see what room size really requires 3 cameras.
So now I'm in a pretty interesting situation and I'm looking for some advice. As this part of GAF isn't immediately hostile to the Rift, I'll ask here:
I currently have both the Vive and Rift. Assuming the Rift's room-scale solution matches that of the Vive, which one do I keep in the long run? The extra $80 isn't really a driving factor. I do think the Rift is more comfortable, but the Vive has a much more positive buzz around it. I really don't want to keep both of them in the long run.
I'd second this. Also I believe HTC recently showed off a "wireless" solution of their own, kind of a battery pack deal the headset wires connect to that you clip onto you. Still prototype stages but I imagine that will be out within a year or so.
IIRC it was a company demoing their tech to Valve and using the Vive as a demonstration unit. Basically a third party accessory, not something from HTC themselves.
If you want to try ASW, you can apparently enable it right now with a registry key:
If you want to try ASW, you can apparently enable it right now with a registry key:
I haven't had a chance to watch the presentation yet, have they said when ASW will be added to the SDK officially?
I see. I'm sure it works great but I'll just wait until it's officially ready. No doubt more adventurous individuals will give their impressions soon.Not a hard date. It's technically part of the SDK right now and can be enabled with a flag I guess, but will probably get turned on before Touch launch in December officially.
I'm basically in the same boat and am very happy with my rift so I think I may wait on the PSVRI'm a bit torn now. I've got a PSVR pre-order that should ship soon, but I'm thinking about cancelling it and using some of that money to pre-order Touch and keep my priority status. Don't think I can swing both this month.
I'm a bit torn now. I've got a PSVR pre-order that should ship soon, but I'm thinking about cancelling it and using some of that money to pre-order Touch and keep my priority status. Don't think I can swing both this month.
I just tried ASW out with a certain well-known Touch demo that I'm not sure if I'm technically allowed to talk about. I played the whole thing in locked 45fps mode with ASW. Then I tried it with a project of my own.
It's good as hell. It has artifacts, of course, and it does break up more in hectic situations, but I'm very impressed.
I just tried ASW out with a certain well-known Touch demo that I'm not sure if I'm technically allowed to talk about. I played the whole thing in locked 45fps mode with ASW. Then I did the same with a project of my own.
It's good as hell. It has artifacts, of course, and it does break up more in hectic situations, but I'm very impressed.
I just tried ASW out with a certain well-known Touch demo that I'm not sure if I'm technically allowed to talk about. I played the whole thing in locked 45fps mode with ASW. Then I did the same with a project of my own.
It's good as hell. It has artifacts, of course, and it does break up more in hectic situations, but I'm very impressed.
People aren't really talking about the artifacts right now. What do they look like? How perceptible do you think they are in normal gameplay?
Do you think it is viable or reasonable to intentionally play a game in an always-on ASW mode? I'm wondering about some of the more demanding games where normally I would turn down settings to reach 90fps.
Just did the same with my Touch dev kit at home.It's impressive for sure. With your project though, are you using Unity or Unreal?
I'm picking up my Oculus tomorrow!
I feel like an anthropomorphic cartoon schoolgirl kitten on a sugar rush. This will be my first toe dip into the VR revolution.
Where do I start?? On the list are a couple of gimmies:
-Minecraft - I actually already have a server on the Win10 edition. This is the number 1 thing I need to see.
-Dolphin VR - OMG, Wind Waker in VR. And, I have never played the 3D Metroids. What better way to start than with it all up in my FACE!
-Eventually, GTAV. I have been waiting for this goddamn game to go down to like $40 or go on a legitimate sale forever. It's finally setting in that this ain't gonna happen. But, it looks like it can be a VR playground extraordinaire, so I will be picking it up soon.
But. What else? There must be a compiled list of things you NEED to do when you get your Oculus. PArticularly free stuff. I am overbudget for this month.
But. What else? There must be a compiled list of things you NEED to do when you get your Oculus. PArticularly free stuff. I am overbudget for this month.
You definitely need to approach your list with managed expectations. Hopefully you are not prone to motion sickness (like I am). If you are looking for a more traditional game, Chronos is a strong choice. Edge of Nowhere is pretty fun. Lucky's Tale is worth a look since it's free and has nice visuals. Unfortunately for it, the best of the game is towards the end, and you may not want to stick with it for that long. Blaze Rush is pretty fun and cheap. If you are looking for cockpit experiences, I'd go with Dirt or PCars. Avoid EVE:Valkyrie in my opinion. If you are into rhythm games, I believe Thumper is coming to Steam next week. That's one I'm personally very excited for.
I think you'll want to jump on the Touch preorder as well since VR really starts to shine once you bring your hands into the mix.
You're going to hate hearing this but... those are mostly bad picks. They're all -interesting- but they are not confortable experiences. I know it sounds crazy, but I'd still recomment to start with Oculus Dreamdeck and Henry.
You're going to hate hearing this but... those are mostly bad picks. They're all -interesting- but they are not confortable experiences. I know it sounds crazy, but I'd still recomment to start with Oculus Dreamdeck and Henry.
You definitely need to approach your list with managed expectations. Hopefully you are not prone to motion sickness (like I am). If you are looking for a more traditional game, Chronos is a strong choice. Edge of Nowhere is pretty fun. Lucky's Tale is worth a look since it's free and has nice visuals. Unfortunately for it, the best of the game is towards the end, and you may not want to stick with it for that long. Blaze Rush is pretty fun and cheap. If you are looking for cockpit experiences, I'd go with Dirt or PCars. Avoid EVE:Valkyrie in my opinion. If you are into rhythm games, I believe Thumper is coming to Steam next week. That's one I'm personally very excited for.
I think you'll want to jump on the Touch preorder as well since VR really starts to shine once you bring your hands into the mix.
Minecraft and Wind Waker/Metroid are games that I actually am interested in playing without the VR factor, so they may not make the list of essentials for others, they (especially Minecraft, and the way I play, this will be amazing for me if not for everyone else) are definitely going to get some play.
Thats not the point. The point is that these are experiences that will make you sick quite fast, especially if you new VR user.
Minecraft even has a "virtual TV mode", because they know their locomotion solution will make a lot of people sick.
If you are looking for I believe Thumper is coming to Steam next week. That's one I'm personally very excited for.
I think you'll want to jump on the Touch preorder as well since VR really starts to shine once you bring your hands into the mix.
-Eventually, GTAV. I have been waiting for this goddamn game to go down to like $40 or go on a legitimate sale forever. It's finally setting in that this ain't gonna happen. But, it looks like it can be a VR playground extraordinaire, so I will be picking it up soon.