Wanted to preorder Touch, Oculus still wont accept my PayPal for whatever reason....
The preorder process went really smooth this time. Free shipping was a very nice surprise! Amongst the 35 launch games I'm looking forward to a handful so here's to hoping. Kind of wish they would have confirmed Medium as free for those that preordered Touch as they did with Lucky's Tale and Eve Valkyrie, VR Sports and The Unspoken would probably be my last choices for bundled games. Maybe it will show up at launch like Farlands and Dreamdeck did?
I just need release dates for Lone Echo and Arktika.1 and I'm golden.
I have a PSVR preordered which I pretty much totally forgot about until those recent PSVR threads started popping up. It's been getting pretty good reviews so far, but I'm debating if I should hold onto it or if I'm going to be disappointed since I have the Oculus already and the touch controllers preordered.
I'd say take a look at the exclusive games coming out for PS VR and make your decision off that.
While keeping in mind that some exclusives, may only be timed exclusives.
Do you have a source on Rez? That would save me from buying a third HMD tomorrow!Rez, Thumper, Sportsbar VR and Battlezone are all coming to Oculus later if memory serves correctly. There are very few exclusive games right now on PS VR that make me want it. Driveclub was making me jealous, but the reviews were less than stellar, although for me I'm sure it would still be pretty fun considering so far I've been immune to VR sickness.
Did you try them? What did you play?
Do you have a source on Rez? That would save me from buying a third HMD tomorrow! you have a source on Rez? That would save me from buying a third HMD tomorrow!
Just watched Allumette. Absolutely beautiful.
Amazon order successfully went through. I assume the launch date should update closer to release.
Why are they so mad!
Wow...I can't unsee now....
Is there a special spray I should use to keep the lense from fogging up?
Where is the best place to buy Eagle Flight? If you buy it on Uplay, will you have to eclusively launch it from the Uplay client on the desktop? If you buy it from Oculus Store, are there any drawbacks? Will it launch seamlessly from Oculus Home?
Also, no reviews that I've found so far, just hands-on. Will definitely be waiting on reviews for it.
I think I'm waiting for the Steam release on late december. It's risky because by then the community may be hostile towards beginners or may have moved on to other games, but we shall see.
I still dont understand why you cant purchase it on Steam now with Oculus support, then patch in the Vive support on 20th December.
I still dont understand why you cant purchase it on Steam now with Oculus support, then patch in the Vive support on 20th December.
I think that's because if it's on steam, it must have SteamVR support. I don't think there is a program that is a "Vive" version. It's either PSVR, Rift or SteamVR - and SteamVR means Rift as well.
The price isn't putting me off of Eagle Flight as much as my backlog. I'm starting to accumulate a VR backlog in addition to my flatscreen one. It actually sounds like a pretty fun game. The biggest concern is that the multiplayer is a heavy focus, but the servers are likely to be barren until it hits more platforms (I think it has cross-platform multi?) People on reddit are bitching about the outer FoV vignetting, which the game uses to minimize sickness, being a non-optional feature. I agree it should be optional but none of the reviews I've read have said that it actually gets in the way of the game being enjoyable.
Yes. With the Touch controllers you can play all Vive titles. Vice versa seems not to be the case, because the Touch controllers have one or two more functions than the Vive controllers.
Any suggestions on must have games for a new rift owner? I have Edge of Nowhere and Luckys Tale. but I would like to try something more. So any suggestions on games that work well with the included gamepad is appreciated.
And all cool games I find myself seems to be needing the touch controllers that can't come soon enough![]()
Obduction's VR support is finally landing next ween on Halloween:
Obduction's VR support is finally landing next week on Halloween:
Blazerush - if you like the idea of RC Pro Am in VR
Chronos - if you like Zelda and/or Dark Souls
Dirt Rally - the best VR racer at the moment, IMO. Difficult though, and plays well with a controller but feels a lot better with a wheel.
Redout - if you like Wipeout or F-Zero
House of the Dying Sun - indie space combat with a single player campaign
Damaged Core - if face aiming is okay with you
New Retro Arcade: Neon - late '80s early '90s nostalgia trip in an arcade where you can customize the arcade cabinets to play ROMs via emulation. Doesn't ship with any ROMs or cabinet art for obvious reasons, so a lot of time investment is required. It's on sale on Steam right now and has a demo.
Windlands - if you want to test your vestibular system
Any suggestions on must have games for a new rift owner? I have Edge of Nowhere and Luckys Tale. but I would like to try something more. So any suggestions on games that work well with the included gamepad is appreciated.
And all cool games I find myself seems to be needing the touch controllers that can't come soon enough![]()
Chronos is awesome and probably one of the best games on the platform. It is a 3rd person RPG with fixed camera. I think it really pulls you into the environment and feels like a Dark Souls type game, but not as grueling.
I am also enjoy Eagle Flight alot. The flight mechanic is a lot of fun and the single seems to have a lot to do. Having a blast doing the time trials and trying for leaderboards. It also has 3 on 3 multiplayer, but the playerbase seems really small so I am not sure if it will fill out. The game comes out on Vive on Dec 20th so maybe it will fill out.
Eagle Flight just seems too expensive to me, fun or not. The game-play itself seems quite repetitive based on what I've seen and I can't imagine it's actually brimming with content. I may get it when it's sub 20 in addition to being active enough community wise to be worth it.
I'm actually back int Eve: Valkyrie lately and am loving it!
Yeah this is my issue too, I was surprised at the game being $40, I thought it would be $20 or $30 tops.
Review makes it sound interesting, but I'd rather save my money toward touch titles at that price.
Oculus store needs demos for these games (especially those above $20, who wants to buy a $40 game and cant play it due to nausea)
If Eagle Flight DOES feel like really flying and doesnt give motion sickness, after doing a demo I would pay the $40. No way willing to risk the $40 without a steam like refund system.
I'm starting to fear that it was an unwise investment for me to buy the oculus rift. I have now tried both project cars and the solus project, and have felt motion sick only after a few minutes. Anyone else here feeling uneasy after such a short while with these games?
To be fair, these are two pretty intense games in terms of inducing simsickness.
There's a lot more content out there on the Rift that is easier to handle than these types of games. Especially so once the Touch releases and even more care has to be given to disorienting people that might be standing up.
I'd consider looking around in the library to see if there are other types of games that you find interesting that don't rely so heavily on artificial locomotion.