Didn't someone with a dev kit get perscription lenses for the oculus? i'm sure something like that might become mainstream if VR picks up. I wear glasses too and would hate to strain my eyes by wearing glasses and a VR headset together, i'd imagine the focus point would really hurt after a while with stuff that close together.
Me currently.. hopefully the GPU I ordered will be here in time for Oculus.
A junior in the general VR thread is claiming to have had his/her credit card charge.
I want to believe.
Is this Facebook's first hardware release? It certainly shows if that's the case.
Well, impatience aside, HTC was supposed to have the Vive on store shelves in December 2015.
Well, impatience aside, HTC was supposed to have the Vive on store shelves in December 2015.
Once we have them we will forget this, I'm acting like a kid on December 23rd ... I know this.
But, even Santa wrote me back.
But when they didn't, they told people about it.
In December, then were pretty cryptic about the "soft launch".
I was just as irritated then also.
Just sucks, the hype deflates everyday there isn't info. I did install the software yesterday and that inflated it somewhat.
What's your Oculus tag? If anyone wants to add me, mine is Enordash. Maybe someday we can do some dogfights together... someday.
Same as here, flyinpiranha.
I did buy Chronos and get my key for Elite, just waiting on whatever PCARS is going to do.
For Eve, do we get a key in the box? I noticed Lucky's Tale was free for everybody.
In December, then were pretty cryptic about the "soft launch".
I was just as irritated then also.
Just sucks, the hype deflates everyday there isn't info. I did install the software yesterday and that inflated it somewhat.
HTC didn't open pre-orders with December 2015 as launch date.
We're also talking about a delay of two days or possibly a few more, not four months.
We're also talking about a delay of two days or possibly a few more, not four months.
Considering Oculus refuses to divulge any information nobody knows how long the delay is.
Nobody is really mad about the delay itself. They're mad about Oculus handling this entire thing horribly in terms of PR.
Anyone know how the resolution setting in project cars works with the rift? Would increasing it have the same effect as setting the resolution past 100% in Ethan Carter?
What type of secret sauce did Frontier extract from 1.3? I played 0.8(?) a few days ago on Steam and it did not look this good. The head tracking seams vastly improved. as well. Am I the only one that noticed this? Is it in my head? Bravo Frontier! Well done!
They have divulged information, though it was vague. Luckey said "hopefully Wednesday". Doesn't seem like his hopes have borne fruit yet, but it's still only noon.
Not great, but not the same as "refusing to divulge information". Anyway.
Idk I don't consider random tweets from Luckey to be communication with their customers. A statement from Oculus directly on their blog and maybe emails to preorders that explains they are having difficulties getting shipments and it's been delayed for a short time.But maybe that's just too professional to expect a big company to do. That would be infinitely better than light damage control leaks from Luckey where's he's proven to not be right and not even sure how and when these things are gonna ship out.
Haha. Honestly, if it's not charged and shipped today I think I'll cancel (I.E. Vote with my wallet). Not a fan of supporting this approach to business and it speaks volumes in how they will handle all future releases.
Besides the shipping fiasco and lack of communication, the eye glasses thing almost puts a nail in the coffin for me. Although people on Reddit think the best solution is for me to get lasik since I can't wear contacts.........
Other than whatever optimizations frontier may have done, it's the asynchronous timewarp in 1.3 that seems to be making the biggest difference.
But I found it funny.
Forget upgrading your gfx card, you gotta upgrade those eyes!
You, sir, just made me bust out laughing. My employees are now looking at me with a "WTF" look on their faces.
Thank you for that.
well its noon EST in the US. Its already past the end of the standard business day in most of the world.
Thanks! Does Vive use this technique or have an equivalent?
HTC didn't open pre-orders with December 2015 as launch date.
I see no Twitter activity from either Oculus or Luckey today. You'd think that they'd at least do some sort of "Today's the day!" type of thing if it were really happening. I agree that it's not so much the delay, it's the total lack of communication around it.
I see no Twitter activity from either Oculus or Luckey today. You'd think that they'd at least do some sort of "Today's the day!" type of thing if it were really happening. I agree that it's not so much the delay, it's the total lack of communication around it.
Edit: I was originally tempted to buy and load up some games in anticipation, but that now seems like a mistake. Why don't you want my money![]()
Yes, but Oculus is a US company, so I think we can agree that Palmer's tweet was probably referring to "Wednesday in the US", yes?
Could you imagine if the issue is they are unable to charge cards because they are missing some key piece of data for all preorders. People frantically looking for a solution that wouldn't require each and every preorder customer to resupply their card data.
To save time, on March 28th I downloaded and installed the oculus software, and all the free games/apps.
to save time..
Could you imagine if the issue is that they are unable to charge cards because they are missing some key piece of data for all preorders. People frantically looking for a solution that wouldn't require each and every preorder customer to resupply their card data.
so ship the kickstarters. They still haven't done that except some initial ones.
So wait, absolutely nothing was shipped on Monday or Tuesday?
Anything is better than that piece of crap.
I don't know but there wasn't much activity on reddit about KS units going out after Monday. I was initially annoyed at all the US kickstarters going out before the rest of the world, but it seems not even all the US ones did ship yet.
I don't know what it going on but that concerns me because payment issues wouldn't block those.