Robot Pants

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First of all, this question offends me, but I'll answer it for you anyway: New ‘N’ Tasty is a remake of the classic PSX/PC game “Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysse”.
What is “Abe’s Oddysee”, you say? Boy, you’re really pushin it aren’t you?... Lucky for you it’s gonna be covered later so be patient and pay attention.
Back to New ‘N’ Tasty for a second. When I say remake I really mean it. None of this HD remake stuff, this is a real from-the-ground-up remake of the original
game with all new assets, sound effects, cutscenes; Everything.
That’s pretty much it. I can see that writing out “New ‘n’ Tasty” every time is gonna become time consuming - I think it‘s those pesky apostrophies. So from now
on let’s refer to New ‘n’ Tasty as simply “‘Tasty”. Great! Moving on.

Boy, if these questions keep following this pattern we’re all gonna be very confused very quickly, but I’m glad you asked because this is the coolest thing
about New n’ Ta- err, uhh ‘Tasty! Since Abe’s Oddysee’s release in 1997- no calm down! This isn't where I explain what Abe’s Oddysee is!
Just sit back down. ... Ok. Since its original release, there have been dramatic advancements in videogames and we can now do things that were simply
not possible back then. What do you mean, “Like what?” I’m getting to it! You’re gettin’ to be a real jerk you know that? Just take a gander at this little chart
to see the improvements and additions!

As of now the only way to get ‘Tasty is digitally on the PS4. As a matter of fact, this game will be all digital on every platform. Might as well get that fact out
of the way. In case you missed the dates at the top, the PS4 version will be out in the US and Canada on July 22nd, and the UK and Europe July 23rd.
But have no fear, a PS3, PS VITA, XBOX ONE, Wii U, PC, MAC, AND LINUX version are all in the works and will no doubt be right behind the PS4 version.
Diagram incoming!

You really got a one-track mind, don't you? Yes. The moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here.
I really can’t believe you don’t know what Abe’s Oddysee is. It’s just about the best game ever made! ... Well wait, no that’s not true. I mean it’s good,
but the best ever made? Hardly. Actually come to think of it, it’s not very good at all... Boy, what a stinker that game was! Heh, thank Odd for this
remake, huh? Maybe it’ll be better this time around. I can’t believe I got so worked up when you said you didn’t know what it was! Sorry about that.
....No wait a minute! It WAS one of the best games ever made! The story goes like this:
You’re a lonely Mudokon floor-waxer named Abe who works at a meat factory run by Glukkons called Rupture Farms. Now one ni-...Wh-what’s
a Mudokon? Don’t know what a Glukkon is? Floor-waxer?.....
Ok we still aren’t ready for this. On to the characters!

Alright. We've finally covered all the background information on everything, so yes, I can now explain what happened in Abe's Oddysee.
Just so we have all the facts straight, let's consult the official report:

Well, damn. It looks like those slimy Magog Cartel lawyers got a hold of this. Guess you're gonna just have to shell out some cash,
buy 'Tasty, and see what happened for yourself!
..........Who are the Magog Cartel? Oh forget it!!

Just as Abe's Oddysee was a classic of the PlayStation era, so too should Oddworld: New n' Tasty be a classic of the modern age. More than just a remake, this is a contemporary puzzle-platformer that charms, exasperates, and delights. This is how you do a reboot.
Somewhere between being remade and being remastered, Abe's back with an adventure that's a little bit easier, but still full of charm.
If you have played Abe’s Oddyssey and loved it, then you’ll love what has been achieved here, it is a game you loved and then so much more. If you are going to be experiencing the game for the very first time, then boy, are you in for a treat.
Whether you've never played Abe's Oddysee before or you remember the unique breed of puzzle platforming fondly, there's plenty to love about Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty.
A remake should be something that improves what can be improved while not touching the soul of the original game, and New'n Tasty accomplishes this with high marks.
More than anything, what really stands out about Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty! is the sheer coherency of the original design. It was startling back in 1997 on the PlayStation when games did not often turn up with proper themes to think about, and it's still just as startling in 2014, to be honest, where the grace with which the plot unfolds and the relevance it still has for the real world remain something of an anomaly. This is a story-driven game in which neither game nor story are made to suffer because of the close proximity of such traditionally toxic partners.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, if no one knew that this was a remake it would be considered a fantastic beginning to a new series of games. I’ve been deep in thought for the last few days trying to figure out the worst and best remakes that we’ve seen lately, and time and time again, Oddworld: New ’n’ Tasty inevitably rises toward the top of that list. The changes made were all in the best interest of the player, with everything else staying faithful to the original game.
8.5/10 IGN
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty is a beautiful remake that irons out nearly all of the problems and limitations of 1997’s Abe's Oddysee while bringing its best qualities to the fore. This ground-up remake looks and feels fresh enough to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with any modern 2D platformer — evidence that Abe's Oddysee really was ahead of its time.
For some of the hardcore fans of the original, New ‘n’ Tasty may disappoint simply because it is different, but – as someone who saved every Mudokon in Abe’s Oddysee – I had a great time revisiting this classic.
8/10 METRO
One of the best remakes ever, but also a puzzle platformer that defies its age to offer an enjoyable challenge to gamers both young and old.
Revisiting an old recipe through modern standards is not an easy task. But with the passion and wisdom that Just Add Water poured into it, New 'n' Tasty gets even more delicious. Both beautiful for the eyes and easy on the mouth, this remake offers just the right amount of fresh ingredients to revive Abe's Oddysee, while staying true to the original - and still relevant - approach of Oddworld Inhabitants.
Despite the ads, and occasional frustrations from the fiddly analogue movement, this is a remake that feels as though it was crafted with love and respect.
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty is everything that you could hope for from a remake: old issues have been resolved, the levels now flow much more naturally, and the world has never looked better.
One thing that does translate well though is the original style, overlayed on top of the beautiful new visuals. Oddysee's engine has been completely overhauled from scratch with Unity, and it genuinely looks incredible. For comparison's sake I even went back and popped in the original just to see how much New 'n' Tasty has improved, and it was like I wasn't even playing the same game. If you're a huge fan Abe's Oddysee, it's worth buying it again just to see the world of RuptureFarms completely recreated like this.

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