Ah, I forgot to mention the assassination animation. They even made a joke of that? Does the character hits the ass/genitals (depending if behind or front) of the enemy before assassinating? Or what does happen there?Nothing to do with the combat system, more to do with the dog shit player that plays the game.
level 5 vs level 5 mercenary hardest mode. I could probably overkill him 3 times over on a crit.
U can start 1 hit killing every single char after u get your first bow even on the hardest difficulty and stack assassin dmg on your gear and get the assassin talents.
The reason that guy is complete and utter dog shit is because he's probably fighting a skull mercenary that is not remotely even supposed to be killed early on or is straight up trolling with shit low level gear to push a agenda.
U can even 1 shot mythical beasts which are pretty much raid bosses if you want.
Anybody that says u can't 1 shot enemy's in odyssey are simple trolling. Yes odyssey is more complex then origin on this matter. But then origin is absolutely a full blown joke on difficulty. U can get at the start sleeping darts and basically u won the game already. Absolutely boring gameplay style. Odyssey makes so much builds possible its the most fun assassin creed i ever played combat wise . Witcher 3 is completely and utter dog shit in comparison towards it. No clue why anybody would compare it.
I have yet to encounter a game that does combat so well as odyssey, and if valhalla is expanding on this i can't wait to play it simple for the combat.
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