I should clarify - I'm more curious as to what they're doing for an income (aside from donations). How is dad using his associates' degree? (In other words, can the couple's income allow them to support the family? Can they choose to do something else? Or are they choosing this option because they find it preferable to/more palatable than others, like public assistance?)
Wife has a dog grooming business but I'm not sure what the husband does other than taking care plants and animals. I wouldn't be surprised if they also hunt for a lot of their food. Can you get welfare for children that don't have SS numbers? Here is his quote about the Gwenth Powlltrow welfare story from last month or so:
so $29 a person, thats $348 for my family.. we live on $200-$250 of food a week... But I don't shop in NYC.
Typical week menu.. Oatmeal for breakfast x5 = $2.48 for canister of oats. We use 2 a week $5+$1 worth of fruit in the oatmeal $10
Breakfast tacos x1 2 dozen eggs $3 + $3 bag of potatoes + $2 tortillas+$3 bag of cheese $11
Pancakes x1 $1 to make a pancake mix ( flour, baking powder, etc) and $1 of fruit. $2
so I just made 7 meals for 12 people ( two are teenage boys) for $23 I haven't even broken the budget for one person.