Okay guys.
I just ordered my gtx 260 core 216 OC. But that's now why I'm posting.
Recently I was screwing around with desktop monitor (1680x1050 res) and my HDTV (1920x1080 res). I was dual monitoring them and trying to sent out a massive resolution that my desktop monitor couldn't handle. Due to the fact that I could dual monitor them, I was able to pass a 1920x1080 signal to my desktop monitor. Then, I could only see 1680x1050 of the 1920x1080 and as I dragged my mouse to the edges of the monitor, the window would scroll so I could see the portions I was missing.
Now, my question is can I force a ridiculous resolution (say something fitting of 30 inch res... whatever that is... 2560x?) onto my desktop monitor and get the "scrolling effect" where the monitor gives me 1680x1050 res of whatever res I pass it and I can use my mouse to scroll to each side to see the rest of the passed in res. I'd like to do this without having to have a 30 inch monitor around.

I've tried having nvidia force 1920x1080 on my desktop monitor which it attempts to do... but isn't successful. I'm thinking there has to be a way to pass my monitor something greater than it's native resolution and get my monitor to only show part of what's passed to it at any given time.
The reason I wanna do this is because I'm a capture whore. I wanna see what shit can look like at the max. So I'd like to run a game at a crazy resolution with everything cranked up... cap it and just take a look at it. I like being impressed. Of course it's not playable in this form much less will my future computer even run it well. But I like to see what's possible.