Well I went out last night and purchased all of the parts... or so I thought. When I got home I noticed the 640GB Western Digital hard drive that I asked for at the register was not in my bags. Upon checking my receipt I discovered that the clerk didn't even ring it up! Oh well, it was my fault for not checking that everything was there before leaving the store. I'll have to go back later tonight and pick up the hard drive.
This is what I ended up getting:
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3P [LGA775/Intel P45/ATX]
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 E0
Memory: 4GB (2GB x 2) DDR2 800 RAM from some generic brand called "UMAX".
Video Card: Radeon HD 4870 512MB (750Mhz clock speed, 3.6Ghz RAM clock speed)
Optical Drive: Some crazy cheap LG drive that can write Blu-Ray / DVD / CD and read Blu-Ray/ HD-DVD / DVD / CD.
Case: A reasonably priced case from a maker called "AQTIS". It came with a 500W PSU.
Operating System: Windows Vista Ultimate 64 Bit DSP
The motherboard was a tad more expensive than I wanted to pay (it was around $150), but the "Ultra Cool -50C" line and the dual bios convinced me to go with it. Here is the webpage for the board:
It looks like it has a ton of cool features that I will probably never use!
I will be picking up the 640GB Western Digital drive later tonight. I also saw it mentioned a few times that I shouldn't skimp on the power supply and get a good one. I have always been using budget power supplies and haven't really had too many problems. What is the benefit to getting a brandname PSU (Corsair, EarthWatts, Antec, etc...) over a generic one? I want to know what makes the price difference so huge.
Also, I went ahead and put everything together last night even though I didn't have my hard drive, and thankfully my system POSTed on the first attempt so I went in to check on the BIOS settings. I noticed a few things that cause me some concern. First was that my CPU's clock speed was listed at 2.88Ghz even though I am using an E8500 that should have 3.16Ghz. Also, I went into the temperature monitor screen and my CPU temperature jumped from 30C when I first turned it on to around 38-40C after I left it on for 10 minutes. It seemed to stable out around 38C, but isn't that a little high for when it is idling at the BIOS screen? I am using the stock heatsink and the thermal paste that was already applied to the heatsink when I opened the box (three small strips of paste). I screwed up on attaching the heatsink the first time so I took it off once and reattached it. One of the bolts still didn't give me the "clicking" sound, but it seems firmly attached. Should I take off the heatsink, remove the current paste and apply some Arctic Silver 5 or some other thermal paste and then reattach the heatsink, or is a 38C when idle at the BIOS screen not something I should worry about too much? I'm not too sure on what kind of temperatures the E8500s run at normally.
Sorry for the long post and thanks for any help, information and suggestions!