It's still a good deal fpr 250 pounds and a monitor. He can still buy another graphics cardaeolist said:Noooooo the 8600 cards are terrible. 9600GT is the lowest end you should aim for if you want any kind of decent performance.
It's still a good deal fpr 250 pounds and a monitor. He can still buy another graphics cardaeolist said:Noooooo the 8600 cards are terrible. 9600GT is the lowest end you should aim for if you want any kind of decent performance.
GHG said:Ok guys, I've managed to nab a pretty good rig for cheap:
6000+ x2
2GB ram
570 watt PSU
Total cost £250 including a 19 inch moniter and printer (yes Kosma you have some competition).
I'm chuffed. My only concern is that it has come preinstalled with vista 64 bit. Now I know I asked earlier whether its advisable to have vista 64 on 2GB ram, but should I just install vista 32? Will it be worth seeing how vista 64 goes or should I just deal with it before I get doing anything else?
brain_stew said:Wow thats a hell of a deal, you could Ebay the monitor and end up with a very decent rig for £150. Sure it won't max out AA and AF in the latest games but it'll run anything just fine at med - high settings.
Should have no problem with 64 bit vista, and you might as well add a couple of sticks of RAM to up it to 4GB considering how cheap its going nowadays.
Where did you get it from?
GHG said:Exactly my thinking. I'll use that money to buy a better GPU as well. Interestingly enough, I got it from ebay. You can find some pretty amazing deals on there if you look hard enough and are careful about who you buy from. Fingers crossed it doesn't break down on me though :/ .
Doesn't vista 64 have some compatability issues etc though? Or has all that been sorted now?
brain_stew said:What little compatability problems there were have mostly been sorted out from what I have read, you should be fine. The 8600GTS is fetching £70 or so on Ebay, all told you shouldn't be much more than £40-£50out of pocket after an upgrade to an 8800gt. Still I wouldn't chuck it straight away especially if you're playing a t lower resolutions its still a decent card. Mind linking me to the seller so I can keep an eye on his builds?
WhatRuOn said:Did you already buy these components?
Grifter said:Can I please get some bang-for-the-buck build suggestions for a PC that'll run the latest games well, specifically Age of Conan?
1) MB/CPU combo - ATX, SATA + IDE (or just SATA), PCI-E 2.0
2) GPU
3) Power supply
4) RAM - 2GB enough?
I have the rest.
GHG said:Yeh, I don't have Crysis yet and thats the only game that will require a higher spec card at the moment. This card should do me fine for a while methinks.
That's a pretty good price and all of those are solid brands. Don't recognize the PSU manufacturer but I imagine it's a European brand I'm not familiar with. If they have a good reputation and warranty support it should be perfectly fine.brain_stew said:So GAF I'm thinking of putting a budget rig together, what do you think of this?:
[IM G][/IMG]
Chose the E2180 as it apparently is a great overclocker and I'd be happy with ~ 2.8ghz which seems more than acheivable. Can anyone make any improvements on that for the money? Its really impressive what you can get for the money these days. This setup should stomp all over a PS3 yet it costs less than £40 more.
Nope, not really...aznpxdd said:Just about every modern game at decent detail and resolution is going to require much, much more than a 8600GT/S.
Cyan said:Dude, 110 pounds is like $220.
Anyway, glad I stumbled on this thread. One of the links in the OP has a Dell coupon deal for $350 off. Yeah, I know, pre-builts are teh lame, etc.But I've been looking to get a Dell or similar, so this is great for me!
GHG said:Its 5am here. I can't believe I've spent the whole of 7-8 hours faffing about iwth Vista attempting to get things to work. Fuck Vista. I'm going back to XP, doing the install of that now.
The issue with drivers and Vista is a farce. Why Microsoft didn't just make the XP drivers compatible only god knows.
SRG01 said:I've had zero issues with Vista and drivers. What exactly is the problem that you're having? We can all help!
aeolist said:There are a lot of features and programs in Vista that you need to turn off as soon as you install it, just like with every other version of Windows. Once you've actually got it set up I find it's a lot better than XP when it comes to the interface.
GHG said:My wireless newtroking card wasn't working with Vista 64. Nothing on the net in terms ofd drivers for it, looked everywhere. It was fine with Vista 32 though.
Exactly the same with my printer.
Then Vista 32 decided that it wanted to fuck around with my audio drivers so sound wouldn't come out of my sub and right speaker.
Had enough to be honest, going back to use soemthing I'm comfortable with. That was my 1st experience with Vista and its left a sour taste. Wasn't digging the interface either TBH. Its so OTTand its such a hassle to do anything...
Are you sure you want to install this?
Are you really really sure???
Are you certain....?
Everything you do there's a confirmation window popping up as if to say I don't know what I'm doing. Just move the fuck out of my way and let me get on with my life. Even getting to the control panel is a hassle. Its just not how to make an OS.
The only bit I liked about it was the little gadgets sidebar, its pretty nifty. But again, its something I can easliy live without.
If you want to make your interface even prettier, look up Dreamscenes. You'll never use a regular background ever again.aeolist said:There are a lot of features and programs in Vista that you need to turn off as soon as you install it, just like with every other version of Windows. Once you've actually got it set up I find it's a lot better than XP when it comes to the interface.
aeolist said:There are a lot of features and programs in Vista that you need to turn off as soon as you install it, just like with every other version of Windows. Once you've actually got it set up I find it's a lot better than XP when it comes to the interface.
IronicallyTwisted said:
itxaka said:Wait, Vista still has the damn registry???
IronicallyTwisted said:- A registry system that tangles itself and slows everything down after a few months
- A GUI so inferior to OSX its almost funny
- Inbuilt half assed security measures that only get in your way without offering any real protection
- An inconvenient, confusing startup configuration tool to stop all sorts of shit from loading on startup, and absolutely no protection against spyware or other programs working their way into the boot
- The inevitable need to reinstall after 4-6 months because of horrible performance
Needless to say I use Ubuntu/Sabayon Linux for all my general computing. Much safer, and much much prettier with Compiz-Fusion: to which Vista still has absolutely no answer. I dual boot with Vista which has a rock solid firewall and all my games installed. I do absolutely nothing on the Vista install other than play games, as thats the only way I can keep the OS from becoming cluttered and unusable.
IronicallyTwisted said:Vista feels very corporate. Everything is cold and the OS itself is far too conservative. Windows obviously designed the OS to capture the Business market, but made no attempt to improve the interface on a personal level. It amazes me that Windows still has:
- A registry system that tangles itself and slows everything down after a few months
- A GUI so inferior to OSX its almost funny
- Inbuilt half assed security measures that only get in your way without offering any real protection
- An inconvenient, confusing startup configuration tool to stop all sorts of shit from loading on startup, and absolutely no protection against spyware or other programs working their way into the boot
- The inevitable need to reinstall after 4-6 months because of horrible performance
Needless to say I use Ubuntu/Sabayon Linux for all my general computing. Much safer, and much much prettier with Compiz-Fusion: to which Vista still has absolutely no answer. I dual boot with Vista which has a rock solid firewall and all my games installed. I do absolutely nothing on the Vista install other than play games, as thats the only way I can keep the OS from becoming cluttered and unusable.
Minsc said:With all the negative news I read about vista, and there's no shortage, I really am beginning to think MS has another ME on their hands.
I hope they get it right with Windows 7, and that comes out before Dawn of War 2, so I can skip Vista entirely.
Open Source said:Any important cpu/gpu stuff coming out between now and June 17 (when I get back to the states and will be buying new hardware)?
Also, I'd like to buy a new case - my old one is loud and rickety. I'm looking for something roomy and that allows for good airflow, and quietness is a bonus. I don't care about being able to see through the case, having cool lighting effects, or front panel temperature displays and such. Any recommendations around $75-$150?
godhandiscen said:If you want to make your interface even prettier, look up Dreamscenes. You'll never use a regular background ever again.
Stop bitching and use it. Turn off UAC. You'll see that it is actually a better OS if you give it a chance.GHG said:And hog up more RAM than vista already does?
With Vista I was using 550mb of RAM without even having installed any programs. I'm now sitting here with XP on my new computer with antivirus installed, no driver fuckups, everything working smoothly using just 220mb of RAM. Go figure. And people wonder why gaming performence in XP still outpaces vista by a margin of 20fps in most cases? Microsoft you've got a long way to go.
GHG said:And hog up more RAM than vista already does?
With Vista I was using 550mb of RAM without even having installed any programs. I'm now sitting here with XP on my new computer with antivirus installed, no driver fuckups, everything working smoothly using just 220mb of RAM. Go figure. And people wonder why gaming performence in XP still outpaces vista by a margin of 20fps in most cases? Microsoft you've got a long way to go.
WhatRuOn said:Stop bitching and use it. Turn off UAC. You'll see that it is actually a better OS if you give it a chance.
You can strip everything out of Vista and get it as close to the raw kernel as humanely possible, and XP will still outperform it. It's not so much that Vista is bloated (it is), it's more that the drivers for it still aren't up to speed and that developers are still coding for the XP architecture.
It'll get better in about five years or so.![]()
Make no mistake---- I've said since Day 1 of Vista that it is ME 2nd Edition.Minsc said:With all the negative news I read about vista, and there's no shortage, I really am beginning to think MS has another ME on their hands.
I hope they get it right with Windows 7, and that comes out before Dawn of War 2, so I can skip Vista entirely.
aznpxdd said:1) Q6600 or E8400 with a P35 motherboard.
2) 9600GT or 8800GT, GTS if you want to step up a little more
3) Not sure, any brand with respectable rep works here
4) 2GB is "enough", but with Ram dirt cheap nowadays, might as well get 4Gb
Just about every modern game at decent detail and resolution is going to require much, much more than a 8600GT/S.
Not really...urk said:You can strip everything out of Vista and get it as close to the raw kernel as humanely possible, and XP will still outperform it. It's not so much that Vista is bloated (it is), it's more that the drivers for it still aren't up to speed and that developers are still coding for the XP architecture.
It'll get better in about five years or so.![]()
Great choice. I would've gotten one of those if I had a larger budget. Please tell some impressions once you start to use it.dejan said:Just ordered these components:
- cpu fan: Noctua NH-U12P
I'm sorry, but from this (and the rest of your post) I have to conclude that you're either deliberately spreading FUD or simply incompetent. Vista is actually easier to keep clean than XP, and my XP install worked perfectly (and fast) for 3 years without a reinstall, including daily game, entertainment, internet, work and development use. Also, I personally love the GUI improvements in vista. Not only is it a great technical achievement (I would go into details here but since it's close to my specialty I'd get carried away), but the new program launching and explorer paradigm are simply indispensible to me now.IronicallyTwisted said:Vista feels very corporate. Everything is cold and the OS itself is far too conservative. Windows obviously designed the OS to capture the Business market, but made no attempt to improve the interface on a personal level. It amazes me that Windows still has:
- A registry system that tangles itself and slows everything down after a few months
- A GUI so inferior to OSX its almost funny
- Inbuilt half assed security measures that only get in your way without offering any real protection
- An inconvenient, confusing startup configuration tool to stop all sorts of shit from loading on startup, and absolutely no protection against spyware or other programs working their way into the boot
- The inevitable need to reinstall after 4-6 months because of horrible performance
Needless to say I use Ubuntu/Sabayon Linux for all my general computing. Much safer, and much much prettier with Compiz-Fusion: to which Vista still has absolutely no answer. I dual boot with Vista which has a rock solid firewall and all my games installed. I do absolutely nothing on the Vista install other than play games, as thats the only way I can keep the OS from becoming cluttered and unusable.
Grifter said:Is PATA for old IDE drives?
I have 8GB. My computer eats 1.5GB on idle, nothing loaded but the OS. Seriously, even with 4GB, Dreamscenes is worth it.GHG said:And hog up more RAM than vista already does?
With Vista I was using 550mb of RAM without even having installed any programs. I'm now sitting here with XP on my new computer with antivirus installed, no driver fuckups, everything working smoothly using just 220mb of RAM. Go figure. And people wonder why gaming performence in XP still outpaces vista by a margin of 20fps in most cases? Microsoft you've got a long way to go.