This thread actually seems, on the whole, quite reasonable to me.
Although I do wish these statements suggesting the 360 is "dominating" or "curb stomping" (ugh, what a term) the PS3 and Wii in software sales needs to be halted. It isn't true. In the PS3's case, one could argue that the lower install base isn't an excuse for lower software sales, and I would agree with that arguement; taking that out of the picture though, it's clear the PS3 sold approximately as much software as the 360 did, relative to install base, based on software revenue (for which the numbers yield relatively equivalent units, since both systems have similar software pricing structures).
In the Wii's case, we know that it sold more software than the 360 in December and January, despite having a notably lower install base (about 20% lower), and we can also assume reasonably that the Wii will sell more software in March too, thanks to Super Smash. This month, we know the Wii sold 2.9 million units of software, and the 360 sold less than 3.6 million (because that's the DS's total, which was the highest software total of the month). Even being generous and assuming the 360 sold the effective maximum of 3.5 million units, that puts the total software sales at approximately what they should be, relative to install base. In other words, that means the Wii sold about as much software as it "should," compared to the 360. The last couple of months (most notably the critical December month) where the Wii had a lower install base but still sold more software were the real abnormality; in those cases, the Wii has been flat out outperforming the 360 in software.
Any time someone raises these sorts of "wow 360 is dominating software!" remarks, I think it's important for people with more knowledge (such as Stump or Jokeropia, who did an admirable job in this thread) to put an end to such remarks as quickly as possible. It's clear these sorts of notions stay alive by viral methods, and everyone simply assumes they're still true because everyone says so.
The 360 DID sell more software than either of its competitors. That isn't in question. The point is that this is no longer the case.