JetBlackPanda said:
This is exactly it, why would anyone buy a launch console if the games are not interesting to them? wait until the games you want to play come out. I don't understand this idea of buying a console because games are coming later and then being pissed when there are no games to play right now.
Bizzaro World.
normally don't drop in price this fast or this much
my line of thinking was: "well I want Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart and maybe Kid Icarus. It won't drop before those come out, so I might as well get it now."
I've made a huge mistake. The poor performance of the 3DS and pressure from the Vita forced Nintendo's hand early, less than half a year after the launch release, and before any noteworthy software releases.
Somnid said:
But even if you weren't planning on buying them but still wind up playing them it is an added value and an exclusive one at that. You could look at it monetarily or content-wise and either way you'd be hard pressed to say early adopters got a raw deal.
early adopters got a raw deal
it's perceived value. like when Sony gave out free games for stolen data, or Microsoft for Xbox Live downtime. I would have never bought those games, and I haven't played them because I have games I bought and want to play. But it was a cheap and easy way for those companies to make amends.
A better value would be like half-off coupons for 3DS software. Wouldn't be so bad if I could get Mario Land 3D and Mario Kart each for $20. But something like that would affect Nintendo more than virtual console games. Because really, on their own, how many people would buy Balloon Fight or Ice Climbers? It's a cheap and easy way to make amends with its audience.