Price Match Guarantee
If you find a lower price on or in a Best Buy Retail Store for the same brand and model during the exchange and return period, we will match that price. For purchases made on, we will not match our competitors' store or website prices. Please call 1-888-BEST BUY (1-888-237-8289) for all Price Match Guarantee transactions.
The Price Match Guarantee does not apply to Best Buy Retail stores or for:
* Offers that include shipping charge discounts, gift with purchase, services, financing, bundling of items, free items, pricing errors, mail-in offers and online only offers.
* Items that are limited-quantity, out of stock, open-box, clearance, Outlet Center, refurbished/used, and items for sale Thanksgiving day through the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
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Best Buy Retail Store Price Match Guarantee
If you find a lower advertised price on the same available brand and model prior to your purchase or during the exchange and return period, we will match that price. Simply bring in the ad of the local retail competitor or Best Buy, while the lower price is in effect and receive your price match.
The guarantee does not apply to our competitors' website pricing and the guarantee does not apply to our or our competitors':
* Offers that include financing, bundling of items, free items, pricing errors and mail-in offers
* Items that are limited-quantity, out of stock, open-box, clearance, Outlet Center, refurbished/used items and items for sale Thanksgiving day through the Saturday after Thanksgiving
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