Aww yeah. Bought my 3DS for £175 at launch, so I was disappointed when I heard about the price drop. But I think the free games will make it worthwhile (added to the fact that the main reason I bought it early was to replace my broken DS Lite).
I can't find my GBA cartridge of Yoshi's Island, so a 3DS port will help scratch that itch. I haven't played the original Super Mario Bros. yet (I'm too young; my first console was a N64), so that will be new to me (as well as the other NES games).
GBA wishlist:
Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
Golden Sun (either one)
Zelda LTTP (already have TMC)
Drill Dozer
Fire Emblem
Advance Wars
Mother 3
Pokémon would be nice, but I already own Sapphire/LeafGreen/Emerald. Pokémon Pinball/Mystery Dungeon, on the other hand... My brother has Pinball, and it's actually pretty fun (he's ridiculously good at it; his on-going score is about 30
billion), and I want another go at MD (didn't get into it).