Nintendo is awesome! I have had no issues with my 3ds and the price did not bother me.
can't wait to get all these free DLC games.
can't wait to get all these free DLC games.
Sounds good to me.Fernando Rocker said:Guys... here is a great idea!
- Buy a 3DS a couple of days before the price drop and keep the receipt.
- Register the system that same day and access the eShop and do everything to get the free 20 games.
- Return to the store after the price drop with the receipt to get back the price difference.
Instant win!
Roto13 said:Every time there's a price drop, early adopters bitch and complain and demand free stuff. This is the first time free stuff has actually been offered to the early adopters. That's awesome.
Of course, there are still people who are bitching about it, but some people bitch about everything, so whatever. If they released two 3DS bundles, a $170 one with no games and a $250 one with 10 NES and 10 GBA games, I'd buy the second bundle anyway. (And yes, I know the first one isn't a bundle, shut up, it's early.)
Wichu said:Aww yeah. Bought my 3DS for £175 at launch, so I was disappointed when I heard about the price drop. But I think the free games will make it worthwhile (added to the fact that the main reason I bought it early was to replace my broken DS Lite).
I can't find my GBA cartridge of Yoshi's Island, so a 3DS port will help scratch that itch. I haven't played the original Super Mario Bros. yet (I'm too young; my first console was a N64), so that will be new to me (as well as the other NES games).
GBA wishlist:
Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
Golden Sun (either one)
Zelda LTTP (already have TMC)
Drill Dozer
Fire Emblem
Advance Wars
Mother 3Pokémon would be nice, but I already own Sapphire/LeafGreen/Emerald. Pokémon Pinball/Mystery Dungeon, on the other hand... My brother has Pinball, and it's actually pretty fun (he's ridiculously good at it; his on-going score is about 30 billion), and I want another go at MD (didn't get into it).
That's already one of the confirmed games.Tadale said:and maybe the SMB3 rerelease, if they include all the e-reader content.
Bulzeeb said:Metroid and Yoshi makes me want to buy a 3DS right now :S
Wrestlemania said:That's already one of the confirmed games.
Whoops, my mistake, SMBA3 was Yoshi's Island.Wrestlemania said:That's already one of the confirmed games.
Wrestlemania said:That's already one of the confirmed games.
Wrestlemania said:That's already one of the confirmed games.
GameE said:I get that the GBA game thing is a one time only thing for those games but will Nintendo abandon GBA VC completely once this ends? Or just those games?
Even better than the Wal*Mart $198 saleFernando Rocker said:Guys... here is a great idea!
- Buy a 3DS a couple of days before the price drop and keep the receipt.
- Register the system that same day and access the eShop and do everything to get the free 20 games.
- Return to the store after the price drop with the receipt to get back the price difference.
Instant win!
Roto13 said:Every time there's a price drop, early adopters bitch and complain and demand free stuff. This is the first time free stuff has actually been offered to the early adopters. That's awesome.
Stumpokapow said:This is the third time I can think of that free stuff has been offered to early adopters; the $100 iTunes card from the OG iPhone and the multiple free games for PSP GO early adopters.
Fernando Rocker said:Guys... here is a great idea!
- Buy a 3DS a couple of days before the price drop and keep the receipt.
- Register the system that same day and access the eShop and do everything to get the free 20 games.
- Return to the store after the price drop with the receipt to get back the price difference.
Those PSP games weren't the result of a price cut, though, were they? They were just free for early adopters like Excitebike on 3DS, right? (And I have no idea about the iTunes card.Stumpokapow said:This is the third time I can think of that free stuff has been offered to early adopters; the $100 iTunes card from the OG iPhone and the multiple free games for PSP GO early adopters.
ultron87 said:I know. I almost feel like the "no plans to release these games to non-early adopters" thing is there to just snare a few more people into paying 250 for it.
Damn you Nintendo! *shakes fist*
GameE said:I get that the GBA game thing is a one time only thing for those games but will Nintendo abandon GBA VC completely once this ends? Or just those games?
Stumpokapow said:This is the third time I can think of that free stuff has been offered to early adopters; the $100 iTunes card from the OG iPhone and the multiple free games for PSP GO early adopters.
GameE said:I get that the GBA game thing is a one time only thing for those games but will Nintendo abandon GBA VC completely once this ends? Or just those games?
most likely yesBeer Monkey said:So is there any guarantee that these games will be transferrable to a replacement system if yours dies? Transferrable to a new hardware revision if you trade up?
M.I.S. said:Don't forget Yoshi's Island will also be getting a remastered 3D version based on the SNES original.
Stores must know people will take advantage of this.Fernando Rocker said:Guys... here is a great idea!
- Buy a 3DS a couple of days before the price drop and keep the receipt.
- Register the system that same day and access the eShop and do everything to get the free 20 games.
- Return to the store after the price drop with the receipt to get back the price difference.
Instant win!
Some people are (most likely incorrectly) assuming that all of the 3D Classic demos they showed at E3 2010 are going to eventually be released as full 3D Classics on the eShop.Father_Brain said:Uh... what?
Best Buy does it.Crewnh said:Stores must know people will take advantage of this.
Even still, is there any particular store this will work best on?
Stumpokapow said:This is the third time I can think of that free stuff has been offered to early adopters; the $100 iTunes card from the OG iPhone and the multiple free games for PSP GO early adopters.
Beer Monkey said:So is there any guarantee that these games will be transferrable to a replacement system if yours dies? Transferrable to a new hardware revision if you trade up?