Have you ever seen a commander with double barrels on? I have. Who needs COMBAs when you can kill the base in 30 seconds with a team of DB's.GashPrex said:I'm sorry thats just not true - the mp game involves a lot of different mechs. if you are talking deathmatch then of course not, but in the actual mp war there are a ton of options.
Taking combas, destroying bases, na's etc... all require more than a db.
GashPrex said:I'm sorry thats just not true - the mp game involves a lot of different mechs. if you are talking deathmatch then of course not, but in the actual mp war there are a ton of options.
Taking combas, destroying bases, na's etc... all require more than a db.
Trasher said:Have you ever seen a commander with double barrels on? I have. Who needs COMBAs when you can kill the base in 30 seconds with a team of DB's.
GashPrex said:do i like double barrels? no of course not, but they are beatable and have done it on plenty of occasions.
personally, i look at it as a challenge, and I have a new build that has been good so far against them
they should be limited to myriapods and be a little heavier
GashPrex said:sure i've made one just to see if its possible. i have yet to see a base go down in 30 seconds from a db, the rounds they use aren't really good for base killing - depending on how many mechs takes a couple of min from close range, and if you have a sniper keeping them away then you have a good chance to kill their base or win on combas. most matches i play don't end quickly and a lot of times go right to the end.
Why would you ever march right into a couple of DBs?
Treo360 said:Can't wait to have the T-Rex bak Silver, though you will prob want a different Mech now since the DDB pandemic.
GashPrex said:and silver, where you been? hopefully you'll get some games in soon
Treo360 said:Gash they killed our base in less than a minute (mortlake: cecil plains) and we were sniping at them.
I said a "team" of DB's. And their rounds are quite effective against bases.GashPrex said:i have yet to see a base go down in 30 seconds from a db, the rounds they use aren't really good for base killing.
Exactly. It changes the game.BamYouHaveAids said:I don't know they need to make DB guns heavier and less durable. It is boring fighting DB dickheads every match. It completely removes the uniqueness of the game, and in turn makes it extremely boring to play.
GashPrex said:i use a fleurt sniper/analece cannon mech that works better with db's
and by better i mean dosen't get completly owned all the time![]()
Treo360 said:Epee's are better as they are lighter and have the same range and damage.
I just hope they fix it on CH1.Treo360 said:I can only hope that CH2 will be better balanced.
Vagrant said:Well that sucks, hopefully you and the rest of the 13th are still playing by the time I get back on CH (I wouldn't hold my breath for From Software to patch this). Are entire teams of double barreled cannon users becoming that commonplace now? I know right before I left they were very common but we'd still see some teams mixing it up with their hound design. At least we still won the vast majority of our fights against them.
I've used a set of four linked falchions grouped together on all of my hounds for the vast majority of my time playing this game, very effective mid~close range. At a distance you only lightly pull the trigger so as to only fire around two shots to reduce recoil and increase your rate of fire (two firing shouldn't give you any recoil with the right parts), then when you get close you pull hard for a knockout blow. The light cockpits that double barreled cannon users are often forced to use due to weight can be destroyed in one well-placed shot.
This build is especially effective if you have a commander on your team, they make getting close much easier.
The towers can be severely damaged and hampered by shooting their legs or missle counters, I don't have trouble with those, they have actual weaknesses. The only weakness double barreled teams have is their arrogance that they can destroy anything without any trouble which sometimes leaves their base open. And then you have to be lucky they don't see you and kill you or your base in a couple shots before you kill their base in one grueling minute.Confidence Man said:I don't have much of a problem with the double barrel build. A quick sniper playing smart can take one or even two out from a distance. In a DM match it's tougher because they'll spawn near/behind you, but I'll take on a DB dude from a distance any day.
IMO the homing missle towers are the worst of all, especially the fast ones because their thin profile makes them tough to hit and you can't keep far enough away to avoid the missles locking on. And against 3-4 missles at once a counter is pretty much useless.
They may have been indestructible to you, but it had nothing to do with the shielding.DenogginizerOS said:Mechs with heavy shielding over their cockpits using cannons were indestructible last night by me (as a DDB). Combined with a fast mover with a triple shot battle rifle, the tandem EASILY took me out. Of course, this was after Trasher had one of his multiple disconnects...:lol
Assault rifles? I donno, I dont think theyll last very long at mid range, and the recoil from the DDBs knockback effect is going to take away the assault rifles greatest advantage rate of fire.tahrikmili said:Assault Rifle + Sniper Cannon cominations with strong cocpit shielding should be able to take out DDBs methinks?
I'm really sorry about my internet lately. Yesterday was by far the worst it has been. Ever since about 5:00pm yesterday, I have dropped from every single game I played. I don't even feel like playing anymore because of this crap. Hopefully my internet will be better today. I still have the need to kill DB's!chespace said:Well, looks like this is the beginning of the end!
Actually, I had some really good matches with the Brigade last night.
Trasher kept dropping out, but we pressed on DJ Brannan and others in 4v4 matches.
Had some really close wins and some really stupid losses, but overall, the magic was still there.
Every squad we played had at least 1 double double... but I found that as long as we had 1 double double on our team, it kind of neutralizes things. I would normally just go after heavy and let the others take care of the faster less threatening mechs.
We also played many squads who were very sniper heavy... which is a welcome change of pace. Getting into a sniper war is a tense game dynamic unique to Chromehounds.
Anyway, I'm not quite done with this game yet. 176 hours into it now... by the sound of things, looks like I will end up doing a lot more 2v2 or 1v1s now.![]()
I have been thinking about getting it. It comes out tomorrow right?DenogginizerOS said:I am far from done with CH. I just need to rethink how I approach the game when the disdain for the RT I have been playing since day one has gone pretty high. I may return to my four-legged mech that moves so slow blue-hairs honk at me as they pass. Or I may just try a whole new RT.
By the way Trasher, if you get your connection going better, you are invited to play in the Madden league I am setting up. That is, of course, if you are getting Madden.
Chichikov said:Snipers can be very effective against DDB, but they can be very effective against anything.
If you can hit a moving targets cockpit consistently from 700+, congratulations, you are uber hound personified.
Luckily (or unluckily, depending which side of the epee you are) most people cant do it.
Btw, I dont think DDBs are more vulnerable to snipers then other build of the same speed.
If anything they fare better than your average soldier hound, they can harass the sniper at long range, and the insanely high durability of the guns means they probably wont be taken out, plus they can also be used as shielding (by walking sideways).
Unless they are firing at you, then you GTFO!Confidence Man said:A sniper doesn't always need to hit a moving target. The nice thing about the DDBs is that they have to stop for a second after they fire. As long as you're quick everytime they fire you can get a couple rounds in exactly where you want them.
And thats the other thing that really sucks about this problem.DenogginizerOS said:I am far from done with CH. I just need to rethink how I approach the game when the disdain for the RT I have been playing since day one has gone pretty high. I may return to my four-legged mech that moves so slow blue-hairs honk at me as they pass. Or I may just try a whole new RT.
A DDB who stop to take shots at a sniper at long range is a stupid DDB.Confidence Man said:A sniper doesn't always need to hit a moving target. The nice thing about the DDBs is that they have to stop for a second after they fire. As long as you're quick everytime they fire you can get a couple rounds in exactly where you want them.
Kobold said:The thing is, it's becoming very boring to play only double barreleders. From the 10 or so matches we played last night, only 2 games had no double barreled on their team I think. Actually one that doesn't count because one team of spikers even had a double cannon on their fast dude. So one team without them. That's crazy and soooooooo boring!!
He is talking about when the DDB takes a shot the recoil stops them for a second. You can't fire those things on the run. If you could do that then they would be REALLY imbalanced.Chichikov said:A DDB who stop to take shots at a sniper at long range is a stupid DDB.
Trasher said:He is talking about when the DDB takes a shot the recoil stops them for a second. You can't fire those things on the run. If you could do that then they would be REALLY imbalanced.
Chichikov said:And thats the other thing that really sucks about this problem.
A person like you, who obviously isn't trying to cheese it way into victory now starting to feel bad about the way he choose to play the game.
DenogginizerOS said:I have no regrets how I play. It is the general disdain for DDB's that is what is changing my view. Even if I laid back and played strictly the HVG roll as a DDB, I still feel people would find a problem with it. I am pretty fed up with hearing people call DDB's cheap players and insinuating that it requires no skill to play the position. I just don't want to be associated with it right now. I'd rather become a regular commander or scout or anything else besides an HVG at this point. Which sucks, because up until this shitstorm started, I was really enjoying playing Chromehounds with the HVG RT the way it was meant to be played. Now, I am just put off by the whole experience.
The problem is if a DDB shoots at you, your cockpit will do ****ing 360s from the splash damage, thus giving them enough time to move and get another shot off.Trasher said:He is talking about when the DDB takes a shot the recoil stops them for a second. You can't fire those things on the run. If you could do that then they would be REALLY imbalanced.
DenogginizerOS said:I have no regrets how I play. It is the general disdain for DDB's that is what is changing my view. Even if I laid back and played strictly the HVG roll as a DDB, I still feel people would find a problem with it. I am pretty fed up with hearing people call DDB's cheap players and insinuating that it requires no skill to play the position. I just don't want to be associated with it right now. I'd rather become a regular commander or scout or anything else besides an HVG at this point. Which sucks, because up until this shitstorm started, I was really enjoying playing Chromehounds with the HVG RT the way it was meant to be played. Now, I am just put off by the whole experience.
chespace said:I really don't think you should be. I think most folks will actually judge based on how you play, not what build you have.
If you're a double double who plays like a typical double double n00b, then yeah, folks get pissed. If you're playing an HVG who plays the role like how it's intended to be played, I doubt very many people will get upset. In fact, I don't ever get upset when a quad-ped double double pwns me.
I understand.Trasher said:He is talking about when the DDB takes a shot the recoil stops them for a second. You can't fire those things on the run. If you could do that then they would be REALLY imbalanced.
Oh, hell no.-Rogue5- said:Just signed up for a UK passport and got the Chromehounds demo... I've heard it's pretty ass, but I'm actually digging it. It is pretty much exactly what I was expecting, so I'm pleased.
That said, what's the deal with you guys and online; is this DDB BS putting too much of a damper on the experience? I don't want to get the game and then everyone suddenly drops online or it ends up being a crap experience because of how everyone plays. Not only that but I'll be seriously pissed if I spend the cash too late, completely missing the boat on this game.
Kingpen said:I got the game last week and have put in 16 hours already (15 of those online with the squad). I really like it, and don't mind if there seems to be something overpowering in the game.... It is all about teamwork and if you work as a team, you will find ways to win...
This game appeared out of nowhere for me, as I had never played a mech game before or even considered dropping money on it this summer... It truely is a great game and is much more deserving then the ratings give it (gotta have LIVE though, cause it isn't the same game without it)
chespace said:Well as evidence that you can indeed beat a double double in a 1v1, I just got my ass handed to me by a fairly fast, pure sniper. When we actually got into a fight, I had to work my way up a hill to get to him since firing an arcing weapon towards the top of a hill makes it very difficult to land shots. By the time I got up there, he had stripped one of my doubles (which happened to be my gun camera). I was screwed.
I actually sent him a msg saying nice game.![]()