this cool guy named: "Overconfident" posted his hound builder on and has allowed me to share it here as well.
Trasher said:Hey Madden and Poker players, GET ON CHROMEHOUNDS YOU SOB'S!!!!!
Meh, I'm getting up at 5:00am tomorrow, so I likely won't be on. =/chespace said:I'd play right now, but I'm trying to finish up the Friday Forza report and get outta here so I can go get drunk with Jane and Ryan from 1up Show.
'Me tooTrasher said:Meh, I'm getting up at 5:00am tomorrow, so I likely won't be on. =/
I'm game.DenogginizerOS said:'Me too
Maybe tomorrow afternoon?
Trasher said:I'm game.
Btw, we need to switch to Morskoj ASAP. I'm sick of constantly fighting at the Sal Kar capital, and I need the Morskoj parts badly.
/cheerchespace said:Alright, next war.
Trasher said:/cheer
chespace said:dude, f.uck your damn fishing trip.
wtrfff yo picketfudge and i wanted to playt but u were playing dead rising not ch dudem0dus said:Guys, I came on tonight and half of you were on the dashboard, half of you were playing Texas Holdem. Wafauck? :lol I wanted to BLOW SHIT UP DAMMIT.
Kingpen said:I am up for playing sometime today... most likely will be some time tonight I think...
I've missed playing with you guys the past few times.
I am also worried that with more games coming out this fall, that Chromehounds might be forgotten.
I'm hoping that some of you guys will keep Chromehounds and not trade it in, even with a bunch of new titles coming out this fall. It would be awesome if we could can maybe arrange impromtu gaming sessions for it, like MAF does for Dead or Alive, even well into next year..
I'm going to keep my copy until Chromehounds 2 comes out... Who is with me?
I think its time for GAF squads consolidation.Trasher said:No one is on tonight wtf. GET ON PEOPLE!
MERGERS!!!Chichikov said:I think its time for GAF squads consolidation.
Kingpen said:Where the hell was everybody this weekend?
Who stopped playing because the county was changed? That's a pretty shitty excuse.DarkAngelYuna said:Country changes killed alot of our players. I'll try to play a little CH tonight. SR is out so thats really gonna kill ch time for a bit.
Trasher said:Who stopped playing because the county was changed? That's a pretty shitty excuse.
Ya Che, I've been having lots of success with my current hound also. Won 13 of 14 games last night. The one I lost was against a spiker...
DOUCHE!DenogginizerOS said:I may be up for some CH tonight around 930EST. I may be on earlier. That is, of course, if I don't get hooked into a poker table or a Madden game.![]()
Pacific time confuses the shit outta me!chespace said:Yo Trasher, if you're reading this, tonight, 6:30pm PST... 2v2 for a while.
Looks like we both got pretty good builds to use tonight.
And Saints Row? ***** please!
Trasher said:Good games last night. Expecially the one with the DD that rose from the dead! Right Spooka?![]()