We have 3 slots open, although we probably only have about 10 people who are actually active.Chichikov said:the 13th seems to be almost dead.
I might be inclined to jump ship.
I'm still not done with this game.
I was so bored I went to free battles.btrboyev said:sorry man, must of missed you a bit ago.
ok, i'll be there in a second.chespace said:Join the Brigade.
We're Sal Kar.
DJ Brannan and I are playing 2v2s right now and on a winning streak.
Password is LB, RB, LT, RT.
BTW, I just surpassed the 200th hour mark in Chromehounds.![]()
chespace said:Join the "NeoGAF Brigade" ...
We're Sal Kar.
DJ Brannan and I are playing 2v2s right now and on a winning streak.
Password is LB, RB, LT, RT.
BTW, I just surpassed the 200th hour mark in Chromehounds.![]()
chespace said:Join the "NeoGAF Brigade" ...
We're Sal Kar.
Agreed. We should be either Tarakia or Morskoj because most of the time they have the best (and more) locations to play at. Whereas with Sal Kar, they are always the first to lose the war and so you only have the limited battle areas around their capital. It gets very boring defending that damn country in its stupid desert and city maps. I strongly urge us to stick with Tarakia or Morskoj. The game is more fun that way. They should implement a patch where Sal Kar is given more territories.Hitler Stole My Potato said:What? Did we switch again last night? I liked playing in Morskoj. There's a ton of maps that we never play over there.
Hitler Stole My Potato said:Yeah I loved that rain and fog map that we played last night. I don't mind fighting in the desert but we seem to run into the same damn areas time and time again. Like that freakin' oil field map.....*grumble*
BTW, I just checked and we're still in Morskoj.
I AM.Trasher said:WHO WANTS TO PLAY?!
Don't tell Che you play Saints Row. He might not let you in!Chichikov said:I AM.
You are also on Morskoj.chespace said:i'm on CH right now.
btrboyev said:****, I really wish people from the 13th would play..ugh
Im pretty sure you cant approve me from Texas Holdem.btrboyev said:can't come back to the 13th?
chespace said:Hi. I smoke crack.
Chichikov said:Im pretty sure you cant approve me from Texas Holdem.![]()
Seriously though, I think we need to join the other GAF squad, we dont have enough active members on the 13th anymore.
Unfortunately it wouldnt let me switch nations.chespace said:Come on over... we're not so bad.
Chichikov said:Unfortunately it wouldnt let me switch nations.
I have no clue when my two weeks is due, Ive never switched a nation on my own.
Well I wasn't all that thrilled about going up against 3 other guys, especially since two of them were DDB's. Like I said though, the match ended with me in flames and smoking like mad. They definitely came close to taking me out. By the time it was 1v3, my Morskoj sniper was out of ammo, my two Sabres had been blown off with a couple shots left, and my Falchions were sparking. The ridge I was on was pretty much the best vantage point I could have against DDB's. I just had to make sure my Falchions didn't take much damage. I still took a bit of splash damage everytime they fired a volley at me, but I was able to kill them before they could wear me down enough. Another reason I was successful was because they made the mistake of coming at me one at a time. Although, there was a time where all three of them had been shooting at me at once, but I just adjusted my position where only two could get at me. I seem to get put in these horrible positions all the time where I am the last one left. I guess that's what I get for being a sniper and sitting in the back.chespace said:Trasher, that is an amazing story.
The crazy part is that you make it sound like you took on those double doubles using only your Falchions without breaking a sweat... wish you would have gone into more detail about that part. I mean, I would have absolutely shit my pants if 2 double doubles were coming my way and all I had were a couple of Falchions.
btrboyev said:****, I really wish people from the 13th would play..ugh
Same here.Dekelia said:Add me to your friends list (this goes to anyone in the 13th). Gamertag: Dekelia
I've been on XBL Most nights this week. I always look but nobodies playing, so I just play something else.
BTW - to all 13th players, if I'm on and playing something else...if you send me a message or invite, I'll likely come play. Most of the time, I'm only playing something else because nobody else is on.