30 mins to go! Time for our theme song to queue up!
Team Sangre Por Sangre
Good Lord, so much for a warmup. Can't get into a damn match to save our lives!
GGs to Cincinnati One Hitters earlier! Totally shit myself during the second round of survivors and was greeted with two of you immediately. The funny part was that I actually said "I'm willing to bet they're crouching straight over here, underneath us." Still got dropped like a scrublol
Good luck to Ravagers and SpS right now too!
I think they should move on to Survivors and Interrogation. if it is a tie the go back to Supply raid. what do you guys think?
I lagged out for some reason. This is total BS.
It froze on me, then it said "an error has occurred" and it kicked me out of the game.
Was it a crash to dashboard? Or just plain lagging out?
Macaroni Champions' team banner:
guardians, lets play
I don't want to wait another 3-4 days to play, we're not ready, you're not ready, lets play
None of my team is on. But hey 4 VS 1! LETS DO IT!!!!!!!!!!! AGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
not really
NOTE: Round 4 matches will have different maps
The Left Behind VS Team IFA
CheeseGAF VS Shivver Me Timbers
Simply Surreal Modern Warfare VS The Comeback Kids
Macaroni Champions VS Not Like This
Sangre Por Sangre VS The Guardians
Ravagers VS The Best Friends Club
CURRENT STANDINGS: http://challonge.com/TLOUGAF
Also if it's been more than two days since your last game, I'm gonna bring out my whip
Also if it's been more than two days since your last game, I'm gonna bring out my whip
Also if it's been more than two days since your last game, I'm gonna bring out my whip
None of my team is on. But hey 4 VS 1! LETS DO IT!!!!!!!!!!! AGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
not really
You going to whip yourself? It has been two days and an hour.
SSMV, only after 10PM ET works and one hasn't gotten back.
Gaz, film that and throw it in the prize pool.
tomorrow 8 pm PDT
why not stream it?
Get triplewreck to stream it for 60fps goodness.
Well to be fair, according to the bracket some of us gotta wait for others to play first.
Gaz, film that and throw it in the prize pool.
Unoffical: Ravagers vs The Bestfriends Club, MAY happen at 11:00 PM EST, but this isn't entirely determined yet.
i can do the 60 fps
cheesgaf and shiver really need to get their match done soon, otherwise we're gonna be waiting another 3 days again
GAZ here's an unconfirmed match schedule:
The Guardians vs Sangre Por Sangre @ 8 PM PDT Tuesday (subject to change)
Can you put our banners by the schedule as well?