Hey, I would be pretty upset too if my team was DQ, but rules are rules.
Indeed they are.
Hey, I would be pretty upset too if my team was DQ, but rules are rules.
Indeed they are.
Hey, I would be pretty upset too if my team was DQ, but rules are rules.
Hey GAZ, when did our match get moved up 30 mins? Am I missing something? xD
Sorry, I changed the wrong one!
Sorry, I changed the wrong one!
lol. XD
Ravagers vs Best Friends Club has no logo nor a time.![]()
Is there any reason why Hometown was chosen? I think it's one of the weaker maps. I'd vote Coal Mine.
i started with a stream and immediately the game went to shit i was skipping around the map, and ultimately went down. tried again same result. if it's not a super strict tourney why should something like a stream nobody watches matter. youre right i didnt voice my opinion enough, its retrospect and its not direct blame but my teammates had 11 total loadout points vs. also dlc guns and skills were used straight up. to me that has far more of and effect on the game than a stream nobody will watch. ill admit that part is my fault, shouldve been more vocal nothing i can change about it.
My opinion is that its a crap rule that in the grand scheme makes no sense given how loose the rules were in this tournament.
Can anybody at least try to understand why an uneven number of loadout points seems more crucial than a stream?
What about University for supply raid for the 4th round?
Bills Town for Supply Raid in 4th Round. Pls?
I think we're going with University. I've had a few PMs suggesting that. Bill's Town will appear in the finals.
The Maps for Round 4 and the Semi Finals will be
Supply Raid - University
Survivors- Capitol
Interrogation - Checkpoint
The Maps for the Finals will be
Supply Raid - Bill's Town
Survivors - Bookstore
Interrogation - Coal Mine.
Hey man that sucks about the DQ. I understand where you are coming from but like graymatter said, rules are rules. I believe Gaz was pretty lenient if in fact he did give you a warning/pass for not streaming the first round. You also have to understand that he is juggling over forty players' schedules. For example, Gav on our team is overseas so we have scheduling problems as well and that's why I contacted you so quickly after our first match so we could get that straightened out.
As for the DLC Skills/Perks, there were lengthy discussions on the subject before the rules were put in place. I believe among the reasoning to allow them was that the standard loadouts available to all players already provided these perks/weapons to non-DLC players and that the DLC weapons didn't really provide an undisputed advantage, just another strategy. As for the DLC gestures, Unstable is guilty as charged for using the Naughty Dog Banderas gesture to all his might, even if it ends up distracting us more then it intimidates the competition.
And just for the record, before the DQ was fully known, we (The Left Behind) did win the Supply Raid round and our teams tied the Survivor round. Looking back, I wish I hadn't checked GAF during the break so we could have played the full thing out. But kudos to a well fought match, you guys had us on the edge in survivor!
I created this tournament first and foremost so that GAF and I could have fun and win some prizes. That meant GAF as a whole, including those who couldn't/didn't want to participate. In order to include as many people as possible in this tournament, I decided that streaming would be mandatory so that everyone could watch and have fun together. As far as I know it is the first GAF tournament that has been fully streamed, and with the ease of streaming on next gen consoles, I hope it starts a trend.
As for your loadout point/restrictions issue you keep bringing up-I'm pretty sure that if people are losing in this tourney it is due to skill, not the amount of loadout points they had. You are the only one who has complained about it as far as I remember, and I have had many that wanted zero restrictions.
Again, I'm sorry you got DQed. After I warned you already I was really hoping you would stream that match or stop the match until you could get streaming working. Because ultimately I just want people to have fun, not get disqualified. But I didn't want people to think that not following the rules was allowed.
I can feel it. I was trying to get some more DLC maps into the rotation but I'm down with Uni. Also, there will be one more map rotation for the finals.
I think we're going with University. I've had a few PMs suggesting that. Bill's Town will appear in the finals.
The Maps for Round 4 and the Semi Finals will be
Supply Raid - University
Survivors- Capitol
Interrogation - Checkpoint
The Maps for the Finals will be
Supply Raid - Bill's Town
Survivors - Bookstore
Interrogation - Coal Mine.
Can I get clarification on the maps for Sangre Por Sangre VS The Guardians tonight?
CheeseGAF VS Shivver Me Timbers
Please get this scheduled ASAP. Getting tired of twiddling thumbs waiting to even know who our opponent is.
CheeseGAF VS Shivver Me Timbers
Please get this scheduled ASAP. Getting tired of twiddling thumbs waiting to even know who our opponent is.
Macaroni Champions
Not Like This
TONIGHT @ 10:30 PM est. | 7:30 PM pdt
Streams will be posted closer to match time.
Sent you one a minute ago. The team's readyI don't think I have anyone on Bestfriends Club on my friendslist.
PSN: Korten12
Hey at least you understand. We were having a damn good match, I don't have any qualms with that. I don't even mind the loadout point thing the only reason I point to it now is that if we have these rules in place for a feature that breaks my connection, why not have other rules in place? Like I said that's my bad for not being vocal prior to the match.
ya that needs to happen badly
CheeseGAF VS Shivver Me Timbers
Please get this scheduled ASAP. Getting tired of twiddling thumbs waiting to even know who our opponent is.
Why not have someone else on your team stream?
Sorry guys, we're working on it and you'll have to be patient. Such is the nature of these things.
Im not mad about the scheduling Im pretty upset about the dq but is what it is. like i said all 4 of us have jobs. maybe you guys are part time? maybe you have better schedules, it was tough but im not complaining about that now, i take the blame for that.if
CheeseGAF VS Shivver Me Timbers
Please get this scheduled ASAP. Getting tired of twiddling thumbs waiting to even know who our opponent is.
Hey at least you understand. We were having a damn good match, I don't have any qualms with that. I don't even mind the loadout point thing the only reason I point to it now is that if we have these rules in place for a feature that breaks my connection, why not have other rules in place? Like I said that's my bad for not being vocal prior to the match. I'm not a "salty" guy, you're teammates took the asshole route instead of trying to understand, if we lost we lost fair and square, but when we left it you came back and tied it 3-3 on a best of 7 in which we had you 3-2 at one point, so it's not like we got rolled, so whose to say the interrogation couldn't go either way? Disappointing rule and a lousy way to find out after hanging on for a chance at the win.