The Frankman said:Still waiting ...
Hell, sent League Invite Request.
well at least one of our invites was accepted. Works out for me, the longer it takes the later the league starts and maybe I can get back to NY and play on a non-SD screen.Corran Horn said::lol
I see turnbuckle an frankmans request but cant do anything myself about it.
He said he sent it days ago. You going to be like this all season?The Frankman said:I'm still waiting for the invite, KanZolo. Sanjuro must like to be having some fun here by sending it to me last, I turned it on yesterday and saw nothing.
Thank you for not answering my question and being a tool. I checked it last night and like I said, it was just mailed TODAY. Nevermind turnbuckle and I sent invites on 4/13 (confirmed by Corran Horn) yet he got his invite days ago and I just got mine 7-8 hours ago.eznark said:ok great, you've seen the invite. Accept it tonight. League starts tomorrow. If you weren't such a douche it could start tonight.
The Frankman said:Thank you for not answering my question and being a tool. I checked it last night and like I said, it was just mailed TODAY. Nevermind turnbuckle and I sent invites on 4/13 (confirmed by Corran Horn) yet he got his invite days ago and I just got mine 7-8 hours ago.
Second, as per your own post it was supposed to start Monday or Sunday.
Third, you're an ass. Seriously, I'm asking a question because I have to write an error report to the devs and you're not helping.
I'm gonna be lazing around all day today either playing demon souls or Katamari. If you see me on and wanna play the show just send me an invite. I'll be available tomorrow anytime after 6pm EST.eznark said:Turn, let me know when you can play. Might not be able to get one in today depending on your sched, tomorrow I can play a couple though.
Duane Cunningham said:Frankman, I sent you a friend request and in the message I made it sound like my first series was against you. I was reading it wrong, though, my first series is with LJ11. LJ11, I'm down any evening this week. I tend to be more of a nighttime player, but whenever, lemme know.
Bout an hour? Gotta eat dinner.turnbuckle said:I'm ready to get in a few whenever you are Ez. Just did the challenge of the week and scored under 1,000 so I'm feeling great!
LJ11 said:Yeah, I can play tonight dude. I'll be free from 6pm to 12am, on the east coast. Post the time that works best for you and I'll reply within a few minutes.
eznark said:Bout an hour? Gotta eat dinner.
Ready whe you areturnbuckle said:I'm here eating a bowl of chili myself. Ready whenever you are!
Duane Cunningham said:I could do it right now. Otherwise, after 11 Eastern.
LJ11 said:11 eastern it is, fell asleep on the couch watching TV.
Edit: Do you want to play the entire series, one game or two?
SephriJ said:Its official, I suck horribly, especially at bat.Good Game Corran. Hopefully I will get a little better so I can be a little bit of a challenge.
Duane Cunningham said:Ah, we can play it by ear. I'm willing to play the whole series, but if you decide to go to bed after one or two that's cool.